Why register for social security?
What is social security?
Created in 1945, Social security is one of the fundamental rights of all people living on French territory.
It is open to all provided that they work or reside in France on a stable and regular basis.
Social security covers everyone, including foreign nationals.
We call social security with several names so not easy to find…
Sécurité sociale = Sécu = CPAM = Caisse Primaire d’Assurance maladie = Assurance Maladie = Ameli (website)
The vital card (carte vitale) depends on social security.
It’s the card they give you with your social security number.
Why would you sign up?
- To find a job : Because, if you are looking for a job, they will ask your social security number.
- To register to Pôle Emploi and/or APEC (“Pôle Emploi” for managers), it’s also necessary.
It guarantees better social justice.
Social security protects everyone and brings social justice to the most disadvantaged for whom medical expenses can be too high a burden to bear. Each person has his or her Social Security number, also called a registration number, which allows the various social security schemes, bodies and medical providers to identify him or her.
- To become “auto-entrepreneur” , they will ask your social security number.
All the informations to register yourself for social security are on AMELI.
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What are the advantages?
It finances a part of the fees of doctors and specialists of French residents. Health insurance reimburses insured persons for part of their health expenses such as: medical and paramedical care, pharmaceutical expenses, hospital expenses, medical transport, equipment, etc.
In some cases, it also allows workers to receive daily compensation in the event of an accident at work or sickness to compensate for a loss of pay.
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Why does that reassure the recruiters?
Knowing that one of its employees is protected by the social security reassures an employer because the social security allows to receive compensation in the event of an accident at work for example to compensate for a loss of salary.
This means that the company will not have to bear all the costs. In addition, an employer or employee who refuses to contribute to social security may be fined.
Read also: How to get your security social number?
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