3 best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche in Paris

Ready to discover the best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche?

Nuit Blanche asks the question: what will happen after the COP 21?

The theme was the climate and its evolution.

We loved the crowded streets, the delicious street food and these amazing exhibitions.

Just for you, our top 3 :

1 – Boat in a church : “Présage”
Eglise St Merri

Artists :Djeff and Mr Mo (French)

There’s something extra surreal seeing the inside of church transformed. In addition to the boat and broken glass installed in the choir and apse of the church, the lighting changed as if to reflect the state of the world.

3 best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche in Paris
3 best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche in Paris

2 – “Ice monument”

Hotel de ville de Paris

Fragile, coloured tablets symbolising different countries of the world, and 270 ice blocks melting as the night progresses evoke the twilight beauty of a world which is disappearing.
From Zhenchen Liu, chinese artist

3 best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche in Paris

3 – “Shelters of resistance”

Mairie du 4ème

Transforming USELESS into USEFUL, Kacey Wong (from Hong Kong) works from recycled and burned wood to build shelters in different size and shapes.

Wong will also perform the Celestial Fortune Telling during the ‘Nuit Blanche’, aiming at creating a peculiar and deep dialogue with the audience: within one of his shelters he will install a temporary Chinese style temple and will predict the future to the public.

3 best exhibitions during the Nuit Blanche in Paris


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