Our Story – Absolutely French
Our Story
Why Absolutely French? Read our story!
“It all started with a particular frustration and anger.
It was in 2012, I had just returned from a trip to India where I had followed my husband. I had graduated in International Business, speaking several languages including Chinese, and having made contacts in different countries, I could only think of one thing: finding a job in Purchasing.
On paper, it was a no-brainer. I was qualified and I wanted to commit myself.
But the reality was quite different. My application letters had gone unanswered and I hadn’t even gotten an interview. I had to come to terms with the reality. No one wanted me.
I was unsettled, but I was an expatriate spouse who was used to overcoming obstacles. So I looked for a way to remedy the situation.
I turned to the food industry. Before my first expatriation to China, I was a chef de rang in Michelin-starred restaurants and immediately found a job in the industry.
I was happy at the time, but my joy didn’t last long. After living abroad for a long time, I could no longer be satisfied with what had been my life before. I had moved on, I had trained for prestigious degrees, I no longer wanted to be under a maître d’hôtel. The position I had found did not correspond to my new aspirations. So I quit.
And the anger rose. A huge anger.
I had followed my spouse abroad for years to find myself with nothing. No one wanted me. I was financially dependent. My degrees – never put to good use because of all our
« Of all the books, the one I prefer is my passport » Alain Borer (poet and travel writer)
13 moves – seemed useless.
I was furious. Why had my husband’s employer never met me and informed me of the consequences of an expatriation for the spouse?
No one had explained to me that I was sacrificing my career by following my husband.
No one told me how difficult it would be to return, or warned me that a resume with several years of “gaps” would scare off employers.
I had sacrificed myself for years and I was paying the price.
Once again, I asked myself what I could do.
I decided to offer the services I would have dreamed of in all the countries I had lived in. I wanted to offer expatriates what they needed to integrate quickly in France. Created in 2012, Absolutely French started to develop thanks to contracts signed with large corporations.
When seven years later my husband was given an assignment to Mozambique, I refused to leave everything. I had four children at the time, but I had become a businesswoman. This time, I decided to manage my company by going back and forth between Maputo and Paris, where I spent ten days a month.
During this period, I had decided to help expat spouses and had to live between two countries and manage the career I had built while taking care of my family and children.
A difficult but useful experience.
I remember seeing myself accompanying my youngest daughter to the French school for her first day of class.
It was a shock. It was hot, all the mothers were wearing summer clothes and chatting with each other. I hear English, French, Portuguese and other languages being spoken. It is a joyful hubbub, the expatriates are delighted to be back together after the vacations. They laugh. Not me. I don’t know anyone, they don’t talk to me, the welcome for new students is non-existent and I don’t even know where my daughter’s class is. I am ALONE. And this feeling of loneliness is all the more important because it brings me back to situations I experienced each time we moved abroad. It’s like a huge flashback, like a pain that is revived. I feel like the abyss is opening up when I think of the energy it will take to start all over again.
This unpleasant and intense moment came as a reminder of what expatriates accompanied by Absolutely French feel. Even if you have experienced this feeling of loneliness many times, you forget how strong it is !
So, I decided to write a book for them. So that companies would become aware of their situation and accompany them better than the way I was.
Today, the majority of expatriate spouses want to work. They no longer accept to sacrifice themselves like the previous generation. The subject of employment is very important to me and touches me deeply. As you can see, I am 100% committed to helping them in this process.
Companies must understand that it is in their interest to get involved as well. To attract foreign talent, we must also encourage the careers of their spouses by offering them specific support. This is the only way to enable them to find a job in their sector of origin, at the same level of responsibility and remuneration.”
Absolutely French is now an amazing team of 14 persons, dedicated to revolutionising the way expatriates and their families integrate into new cultures.
Through innovative methods, Absolutely French provides your expat spouses and expatriates with the support they need to integrate comfortably into Parisian life. Expatriates build both social and professional networks, ensuring they feel at home in their new environment.
By focusing on the well-being of the entire family, you make every expatriation a success, benefiting both the individuals and the organisations you work for.
Our story – How do we do?
We teach the spouses of expats in French, because language is the primary tool for integrating and understanding the culture of a new country.
The complete French language training programme, using the ‘Absolutely’ method, has been built around a single goal: to help spouses integrate quickly, to have more time to build their expatriation plans (professional or personal).
Absolutely French has been welcoming and training expatriate spouses and/or expatriates for more than 10 years to promote the careers of expatriate couples from :
Absolutely French: French language school?
We’re so much more than that and like to think of Absolutely French as an integration centre. The French language opens doors to discoveries about the history of France and the French people.
The Absolutely team teaches this in an innovative way using games (all kinds of games: theatre, board, role-playing, cards, magnets, etc.) through French culture and real-life situations.
We offer tours of Paris to help you better understand the places that are important for adapting to life in France, cookery classes, etc.
These face-to-face French courses are designed to help you speak and understand French as quickly as possible. These courses are complemented by an e-learning platform for an in-depth approach to reading and writing. And Absolutely French is much more than a school, it’s an integration centre!
With a community of old and new Absolus (= Absolutely French learners) who help each other via an internal social network and meet up at Absolutely soirées.
From Absolutely French to Absolutely Talented
From Absolutely French to Absolutely Talented
And to go one step further, and promote the magnificent talents in our training courses,
the Absolutely team has launched Absolutely Talented : an event to bring together Talent Managers and expatriate spouses, because they are International Talents with the skills of tomorrow.
Come and meet us, come and meet them!
Our job and internship offers are here
Our job and internship offers are here