Our Contact Information

Location One


4 rue Faraday 75017 Paris

                              Absolutely French - 4 rue Faraday 75017 Paris

Faraday - Services et prestations

Location Two

15 rue du Colonel Moll 75017 Paris


Colonel Moll - Services et prestations

If you, your expat or expat spouse have a disability and would like to take one of our courses, please contact us,
We’ll do everything we can to find a suitable solution for you.

Do you think that:

👉Favouring dual careers in expatriation is essential,

for successful expatriations.

👉That expatriate spouses are also talents,

👉That these spouses are the key to successful expatriation,

👉That your expatriate talents are more effective if their spouses are well integrated.

And so are we!

And that’s why Absolutely French campaigns every day, so that every spouse is also an expatriation project during their life abroad, and to make it easier for expatriate couples to enjoy a dual career.

The first step?

It’s integrating into your new country. And that’s our job!

So contact us !

                                                                                                                    Armelle image

Armelle Perben

Founder and CEO

Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

                                                                                                 logo absolutely french best french school to integrate expat spouses

email : contact@absolutely-french.eu

You want to make an appointment,
register one of your impatriate spouses for the next training course,
one of your impatriates,
find out more about our training courses, find out more,
contact us by

e-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu,
telephone: 01 83 73 98 49
or via the form below.
We’ll call you back the same day