Expat spouse, how to integrate well in France?


Expat spouse


Do you feel well integrated in this new country and you are thinking of other projects for your future in France?Expat spouse

Know that there are several choices available to you. Here are some examples:


Fulfilled housewife:


Expat spouse

Being a housewife is a way to flourish on a daily basis.

It allows you to live at your own pace, to spend more time educating your children or doing other things, not to mention thinking about yourself!


Expat spouse



 Volunteer in an association (s):

If you have the sense of contact and you want to commit to a cause, you can become a volunteer for one or more associations.


The benefits of being a volunteer:


Do a lot of interpersonal encounters

Defend a cause that is important to you

Feeling useful to society

To be more fulfilled personally


Some examples of French associations:

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Join an association: Click here for more information

Receive training:

If you want to find a job faster or just learn new skills, many trainings are possible.

There are formations of different durations (several days, months, years).

Some are also done by correspondence (you study from home).

Some names of training organizations: IFOCOP, IGS, Afpa, Cegos, CNED …

Expat spouse

Part-time or full-time employee:

Want to be part of a team and use your skills? You can become an employee of a company!

There are 2 types of contracts:

Part time: work less than 35 hours a week. This allows to have more time to devote to another activity (children, sport, studies, leisure …).

Full time: work 35 hours a week.

Some examples of platforms to help you find a job:

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You can read our article: How to find a job in France as an expat partner


Become a teacher:

Do you like to transmit your knowledge? In this case you can become a teacher.

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For example by giving private lessons or intervening in schools to teach students your mother tongue.

Many international schools in France are looking for teachers, contact us directly if you are interested.


Become a self-entrepreneur:

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If you have a taste for adventure and a soul of leadership, you can start your own business, or take over a company that already exists, becoming a self-entrepreneur or entrepreneur.

Example: An expatriate decided to open her own business to sell fancy jewelery that she creates herself.
A good idea is enough to start! Make your expatriation an opportunity for your career.


Exercise a « passion job »:

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Writer, designer, painter, blogger … Our passions are what motivate us and make us happy, so why not do our job?

It is essential to be well informed before embarking, but doing what you love is essential if you want to flourish in your life.

As you can see many choices are available to you in France, the simple fact of having an activity allows a more fulfilling life, so do not hesitate and do what you want!


Absolutely French is the first French language school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses and expatriates.

Our main mission is to promote dual careers for expatriate couples.

With our fun, friendly and innovative French courses, we guarantee a successful integration!

Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

Contact us !

E-mail : contact@absolutely-french.eu

Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

Address : 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris
To discover : July 14th

Absolutely French - School to integrate expat partners
Absolutely French – School to integrate expat partners
Read also:
How to find a job in France as an expat partner 

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