Tag: expat

  • Rugby : Un sport, une passion, une porte vers l’intégration

    Rugby : Un sport, une passion, une porte vers l’intégration

    Le rugby, avec ses valeurs de respect, de solidarité et de dépassement de soi, est bien plus qu’un simple sport. C’est un véritable mode de vie et un moyen unique de s’intégrer dans une nouvelle culture, de rester actif et de tisser des liens durables. En tant que membre d’une équipe de rugby, je peux témoigner de l’impact positif qu’il peut avoir sur la vie d’un expatrié.

    Le rugby : un langage universel

    Déménager dans un nouveau pays est une aventure excitante mais souvent déstabilisante. Trouver ses repères dans un environnement inconnu peut être difficile, mais le rugby offre une solution simple et efficace. Sur le terrain, il n’y a pas de barrières linguistiques ou culturelles. Le ballon ovale devient un langage universel qui réunit des personnes de tous horizons. Les règles du jeu sont les mêmes partout dans le monde, ce qui facilite l’intégration dans une équipe locale.

    Rugby scrum

    Un sport pour la santé et l’équilibre

    Le rugby est aussi un excellent moyen de rester en forme. Ce sport exigeant combine course, force et stratégie, sollicitant à la fois le corps et l’esprit. Les entraînements réguliers permettent non seulement de garder la forme physique, mais aussi de relâcher le stress accumulé au quotidien. En tant qu’expatrié, cela aide à maintenir un équilibre mental, essentiel pour s’adapter à un nouveau mode de vie.

    Des amitiés à vie

    Rejoindre une équipe de rugby, c’est aussi entrer dans une communauté chaleureuse et accueillante. Les moments partagés sur le terrain, mais aussi autour d’un verre ou d’un repas après les matchs, créent des souvenirs inoubliables. Pour un expatrié, ces amitiés sont précieuses. Elles offrent un réseau de soutien et rendent l’expérience dans le pays d’accueil encore plus enrichissante.

    Mon expérience personnelle

    Depuis que j’ai rejoint une équipe de rugby locale, ma vie d’expatrié a pris une nouvelle dimension. Chaque entraînement et chaque match sont une opportunité de m’immerger davantage dans la culture locale tout en pratiquant un sport que j’aime. J’ai découvert des traditions, partagé des moments de complicité avec mes coéquipiers et appris à mieux comprendre les subtilités de mon pays d’accueil.

    Pourquoi ne pas essayer ?

    Si vous cherchez un moyen de vous intégrer, de rester actif et de rencontrer des personnes formidables, pourquoi ne pas essayer le rugby ? Que vous soyez débutant ou joueur confirmé, les équipes accueillent toujours avec plaisir de nouveaux membres. Alors, enfilez vos crampons, attrapez un ballon ovale et rejoignez-nous sur le terrain !

    Le rugby n’est pas seulement un sport, c’est une façon de vivre et de s’ouvrir au monde. Et vous, êtes-vous prêts à tenter l’aventure ?



    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Essential Emergency Numbers and Contacts for Daily Assistance in Paris

    Essential Emergency Numbers and Contacts for Daily Assistance in Paris

    When you move to a new country, especially a bustling city like Paris, having access to emergency numbers and daily assistance contacts can provide peace of mind. From health emergencies to daily needs, knowing who to call can make all the difference. This guide highlights the essential numbers and resources every expat in Paris should know, along with real-life examples to show how these services can come to your aid.

    Meet Tom: A First-Time Emergency in Paris
    Tom, an expat from Canada, had been living in Paris for only two weeks when he found himself in an unexpected situation. “I was cooking dinner when I accidentally cut my hand pretty badly,” he recalls. Unsure of who to call or where to go, Tom panicked. Fortunately, his French neighbour stepped in and gave him the emergency number for medical assistance. “They connected me to an English-speaking operator, and within 20 minutes, help arrived,” Tom shares. Tom’s story is a reminder of how crucial it is to have a list of reliable contacts, whether for emergencies or everyday needs.
    1. Emergency Numbers Everyone Should Know
    France has a well-organized emergency response system with dedicated numbers for various situations. Make sure to save these numbers in your phone:
    Medical Emergencies: 15 (SAMU)
    For life-threatening situations or urgent medical assistance. Operators can guide you to the nearest hospital or dispatch an ambulance.
    Police: 17
 – For reporting crimes or situations requiring immediate police intervention.
    Fire Brigade: 18 (Pompiers)
 – Not just for fires – firefighters in France also respond to medical emergencies, accidents, and rescue situations.
    European Emergency Number: 112
- A universal number across Europe for all types of emergencies. Operators speak multiple languages, including English.
    Poison Control Center: +33 (0)1 40 05 48 48
- For immediate advice in case of poisoning or chemical exposure.
    Emergency van emergency phone numbers

    2. Medical Assistance and Pharmacies
    When to Call SOS Médecins
    If your situation isn’t life-threatening but you need urgent medical care outside regular hours, SOS Médecins is a great option. They can send a doctor to your home or direct you to the nearest clinic.
    Contact SOS Médecins: +33 (0)1 47 07 77 77
    Website: www.sosmedecins.fr

    Finding 24/7 Pharmacies
    Pharmacies in Paris operate on a rotation system for night and weekend services. The website Pharmacie de Garde helps you locate the nearest open pharmacy.
    3. Everyday Assistance Numbers
    Public Transport Assistance (RATP): 
    For help with metro, bus, or RER issues:
    Phone: +33 (0)1 58 78 20 20
    Website: www.ratp.fr
    Utility Emergencies (Gas, Electricity, Water):
    Gas Leaks: GRDF at 0 800 47 33 33 (toll-free)
    Power Outages: Enedis at 09 72 67 50 XX (replace XX with your
    arrondissement number).
    Water Issues: Eau de Paris at +33 (0)1 85 98 78 78.

    4. Safety and Support for Expat Families
    English-Speaking Helplines
    SOS Help: +33 (0)1 46 21 46 46
    A confidential, English-speaking helpline for emotional support.
    The Paris Expat Network:
    A resource for connecting with other expats and finding advice on
    everything from childcare to housing.
    Women’s Safety and Domestic Violence:
    Violence Against Women Helpline: 3919
    For advice and support in cases of domestic violence or abuse. Available in
    multiple languages.
    emergency numbers emergency first aid kit
    5. Practical Tips for Staying Prepared
    Save Numbers in Advance:
    Add these contacts to your phone and share them with your family or roommates.
    2. Learn Key French Phrases:
    While many operators speak English, it’s helpful to know phrases like “J’ai besoin d’aide” (I need help) or “Il y a une urgence” (There is an emergency).
    3. Emergency Kit:
    Keep a small kit at home with bandages, a flashlight, a power bank, and a list of emergency numbers.
    4. Get to Know Your Neighborhood:
    Locate your nearest pharmacy, hospital, and police station shortly after moving in.
    Having a reliable list of emergency and assistance contacts can transform a stressful situation into something manageable. Tom’s story is just one example of how preparedness can make a huge difference in a foreign country. Whether it’s a medical issue, a lost item, or simply needing help with public transport, Paris has a robust support system in place for residents and visitors alike. Save these numbers, familiarize yourself with the resources, and you’ll feel much more at ease navigating daily life in your new home. As Tom says, “Knowing who to call gave me peace of mind. Now, I feel much more
    confident living in Paris.”
  • How to Enrol Your Children in School in Paris

    How to Enrol Your Children in School in Paris: Public vs Private Options

    Moving to Paris with children? One of the most important—and sometimes daunting—tasks for expat parents is finding the right school for their kids. The French education system offers a range of options, from public schools to private institutions and international programs. Each choice comes with its own set of advantages and challenges, depending on your family’s priorities.
    Here’s a closer look at what you need to know to get started, along with insights from Sara, an expat mother who recently navigated the process.
    Meet Sara: A Journey Through the French School System Sara, a British expat, moved to Paris with her husband and their two children, aged 6 and 10. While her husband focused on settling into his new job, Sara took charge of finding the right schools. “I was overwhelmed at first,” she admits. “I didn’t know whether to choose a local public school, a private French school, or an international one.” After weeks of research and a few site visits, Sara enrolled her children in a bilingual private school. “It was the perfect compromise—affordable compared to fully international schools and with a strong focus on French language integration,” she says.
    paris school classroom scene
    Step 1: Understanding Your Options

    The French education system offers three main types of schools:

    1. Public Schools (Écoles Publiques)
    2. Private French Schools (Écoles Privées)
    3. International Schools
    Public schools
    They are free and open to all children living in France. They are ideal if you want your child to integrate quickly into the local culture and become fluent in French. However, lessons are taught entirely in French, which might be challenging for non-French-speaking children initially.
    Pros: Free tuition, local integration, and strong academic structure.
    Cons: Limited support for non-French-speaking children (although some schools have language assistance programs).

    What You Need: Proof of residence, vaccination records, and the child’s birth certificate.
    Private French Schools (Écoles Privées)

    Private schools in France often follow the same curriculum as public schools but offer smaller class sizes, additional support, and extracurricular activities. Some private schools have a bilingual program, which can ease the transition for expat children.
    Pros: Smaller class sizes, potential for bilingual programs, more
    individualized attention.
    Cons: Tuition fees vary widely but are generally lower than international

    What You Need: The same documents as for public schools, plus an enrollment fee.
    International Schools
    International schools offer curricula from other countries, such as the British or American systems, and classes are usually taught in English. They’re a popular choice for expat families looking for continuity with their home country’s education system.
    Pros: English-speaking environment, globally recognized curricula, culturalfamiliarity.
    Cons: High tuition costs, potentially less integration into French society.
    What You Need: Enrollment requirements vary, but early application is essential due to limited spots.
    Recommended International Schools in Paris
    1. International School of Paris (ISP)
    Offers the International Baccalaureate (IB) program.
    Website: www.isparis.edu

    2. The British School of Paris
    Follows the British curriculum with a global outlook.
    Website: www.britishschool.fr

    3. American School of Paris (ASP)
    Provides the American curriculum and Advanced Placement (AP) courses.
    Website: www.asparis.org

    4. EIB – École Internationale Bilingue
    Offers bilingual French-English education with several campuses in Paris.
    Website: www.eibparis.com

    5. Marymount International School
    A Catholic school offering the American curriculum.
    Website: www.marymount.fr

    6. Lycée International de Saint-Germain-en-Laye
    Offers the French curriculum with international sections.
    Website: www.lycee-international.ac-versailles.fr
    paris school photo classroom children running
    Useful Resources for Parents
    Expat Parent Forums:
    Platforms like Internations and Facebook groups such as “Expats in Paris” provide recommendations and first-hand experiences.
    Government Resources:
    Visit Service-Public.fr for information on public school enrollment and zoning rules.
    International Education Network:
    The International Schools Database is a comprehensive directory for finding schools globally, including Paris.
    City of Paris Website:
    Check Paris.fr for local education resources and guides to school districts.
    Absolutely French logo

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • The Essential Documents for Expats

    Starting Your New Life in France: The Essential Documents for Expats

    Moving to France is an exciting experience. From picturesque cafés to strolls along the Seine, starting fresh in a new country holds endless promise. But when it comes to dealing with bureaucracy, enthusiasm can quickly turn into stress and frustration. Don’t worry – with the right preparation and guidance, even administrative hurdles can be tackled with ease.
    Here’s a straightforward guide to the essential documents you need when settling in France, with real-life examples from two expats: Luca, an EU citizen, and Beatriz, who moved from Brazil with her family.
    Two Different Stories: Luca and Beatriz. Luca, an Italian software developer, thought moving to Paris would be a breeze: “Great, I don’t need any special paperwork; I’m from the EU!” But he soon realized that even EU citizens need to complete a few steps, like obtaining the Carte Vitale to access the healthcare system and registering for housing subsidies through the CAF.
    Beatriz, on the other hand, moved to France from Brazil with her husband and their two children. While the move was exciting, it wasn’t simple. She had to apply for residency permits, enrol her children in school, and find an apartment. “At first, I felt overwhelmed,” she admits. “But I learned that taking it step by step makes everything manageable.”
    1. Residency Permit: Do You Need One?

    If You’re an EU Citizen (Like Luca) Good news: as an EU citizen, you don’t need a residency permit to live and work in France. However, you will need to register for a social security number, which is essential for accessing healthcare and other services. “I didn’t realize that my Italian health card wasn’t enough in the long run,” Luca shares. “Fortunately, the process to get the Carte Vitale was pretty straightforward.” If You’re a Non-EU Citizen (Like Beatriz) For non-EU citizens, a residency permit is mandatory. It’s the first document you’ll need to live legally in France.

    What’s the process?
    Schedule an appointment at your local prefecture or start your application online. Once issued, the residency permit unlocks access to work, housing, and other essential services. “My advice? Start as soon as possible because it can take weeks to process,” Beatriz says. “And make sure to have all your documents translated, especially for the children.”
    2. CAF: Financial Support for Housing and Families
    Almost everyone in France has heard of CAF (Caisse d’Allocations Familiales). This organisation provides financial assistance for housing, and for families, additional support for children. “When we moved, I thought the rent would be a big challenge,” Beatriz says. “Then I discovered APL, a housing subsidy that made everything more manageable.”
    • How to apply: Register on the CAF website, upload proof of residence, and provide details about your lease agreement. Once approved, the subsidy is paid directly into your bank account or deducted from your rent. Even Luca, who lives alone, qualified for CAF assistance. “I didn’t think it was for me, but they explained that single people can also apply for housing subsidies.”
    3. Carte Vitale: Your Key to French Healthcare

    France is renowned for its healthcare system, but to access it, you’ll need to get a Carte Vitale. This health card allows you to receive medical care at reduced costs and get reimbursements quickly. Why it’s essential: Without it, you’ll pay full price for doctor visits, which can be expensive. To register, visit the Ameli website and submit the required documents, such as proof of residence and a birth certificate. “It takes a little time to receive, but it’s worth it,” Luca says. “Once you have it, you feel fully integrated into the system.”

    4. Don’t Forget the Kids: School Enrollments and Vaccinations
    If you’re moving with children, like Beatriz, one of your priorities will be enrolling them in school. France offers a wide range of options, from public schools to private and international institutions. Documents needed: Birth certificates, vaccination records, and proof of residence.
    • Practical tip: If your children don’t speak French yet, many public schools offer integration programs to help them adapt. “The teachers were amazing,” Beatriz says. “They helped my kids feel at home right away.”

    school scene in a classroom to help know essential documents

    Navigating French bureaucracy is a necessary step for expats, but it doesn’t have to be stressful. As Luca and Beatriz’s stories show, each document you secure is one step closer to a smooth, organized life in France. Luca managed to complete his paperwork and now enjoys focusing on his job and exploring Paris: “Being prepared saved me so much hassle.” Beatriz, on the other hand, is thrilled to see her children adjusting to their new school: “Now we can truly feel at home.” Don’t hesitate to ask questions, use the resources available, and rely on advice from fellow expats. Every completed task is a victory that brings you closer to your new life. Once the administrative work is done, you’ll be free to enjoy everything France has to offer.
    Absolutely French logo

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Blog: Essential documents
    Blog: Essential documents
  • Ce qui surprend le plus les étrangers en arrivant en France; mode de vie français

    La France fascine par son charme, sa gastronomie et son histoire. Mais pour les expatriés qui s’installent dans l’Hexagone, certaines particularités françaises peuvent réserver des surprises ! Voici un tour d’horizon des aspects les plus inattendus du mode de vie français.

    1. Les horaires des repas : une institution

    En France, les repas ne sont pas seulement des moments pour se nourrir, mais de véritables rituels.

    • Déjeuner : Il se prend généralement entre 12h et 14h. Les restaurants et cantines s’alignent sur ces horaires, ce qui peut être frustrant si vous cherchez à manger avant ou après.
    • Dîner : Les Français mangent souvent à partir de 19h30, voire 20h, ce qui peut sembler tardif pour certains étrangers.

    👉 Conseil : Prenez votre temps. En France, manger est une expérience sociale qui ne se fait pas dans la précipitation. 

    Mode de vie français

    2. Les salutations : un art français

    Les Français attachent une grande importance à la politesse. Dire “bonjour” en entrant dans un magasin, un bureau ou même un ascenseur est incontournable.

    Les bises : combien en faut-il ?

    Les célèbres bises peuvent dérouter :

    • Le nombre varie selon les régions (2, 3, voire 4 !).
    • Les bises ne se font pas toujours entre collègues ou personnes formelles, mais sont très courantes entre amis.

    👉 Astuce : Observez les autres et laissez votre interlocuteur initier la bise.

    Mode de vie français

    3. La boulangerie : une tentation quotidienne

    La boulangerie est un symbole du quotidien français.

    • Les Français adorent acheter leur pain frais chaque jour, en particulier la baguette traditionnelle.
    • Mais attention, les boulangeries ferment souvent après 19h et certaines ne sont pas ouvertes le dimanche après-midi.

    Un luxe abordable :

    Une baguette de qualité coûte en moyenne 1 euro, une véritable aubaine pour un produit artisanal.

    pain experience france nourriture. Mode de vie français

    4. La bureaucratie : une expérience mémorable

    Le système administratif français est réputé pour sa complexité.

    • Ouvrir un compte bancaire, obtenir une carte vitale ou encore s’inscrire à l’université peut nécessiter beaucoup de patience.
    • Il faut souvent fournir une longue liste de documents, parfois en plusieurs exemplaires.

    👉 Conseil : Préparez un dossier complet avec tous les papiers possibles (factures, passeport, photos, justificatifs) pour éviter les allers-retours inutiles. 

    Mode de vie français

    5. Le dimanche, tout est calme

    En France, le dimanche est réservé au repos.

    • La majorité des magasins, supermarchés et même certains restaurants sont fermés.
    • Heureusement, les boulangeries restent souvent ouvertes le matin, car un dimanche sans pain est inconcevable pour les Français.

    👉 Pensez à faire vos courses à l’avance pour éviter les surprises. 

    6. Le café et les pourboires : petites différences culturelles

    • Le café : En France, un café est un expresso. Si vous voulez une grande tasse, demandez un “café allongé”.
    • Les pourboires : Ils ne sont pas obligatoires, car le service est inclus dans l’addition. Cependant, arrondir au chiffre supérieur est toujours apprécié.

    7. Les conversations : directes et passionnées

    Les Français adorent débattre sur tout, de la politique à la gastronomie. Leur honnêteté et leur ton direct peuvent surprendre.
    👉 Rappelez-vous : ce n’est pas de l’impolitesse, mais une façon naturelle de s’exprimer.

    Conclusion : Une adaptation qui en vaut la peine

    Malgré ces surprises, la vie en France est une expérience enrichissante. Entre la beauté des paysages, la richesse culturelle et la qualité de vie, chaque découverte devient un souvenir précieux.

    Mode de vie français

    💬 Et vous, qu’est-ce qui vous a le plus surpris en arrivant en France ? Partagez vos expériences en commentaire !


    Absolutely French logo

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Blog: mode de vie français

  • Discovering the Galette des Rois: A Sweet Slice of French Tradition

    Discovering the Galette des Rois: A Sweet Slice of French Tradition

    Start the New Year in France with the delightful tradition of the Galette des Rois, or King’s Cake. This iconic dessert, enjoyed in early January, is more than just a treat. It’s a joyful celebration of community, history, and a dash of royal charm. If you’re new to French culture, this tradition offers a flavorful and fun way to connect with your host country.

    What Is the Galette des Rois?

    The Galette des Rois is a special cake enjoyed on January 6th, the Epiphany. This day marks the visit of the Magi to baby Jesus. Though its origins are Christian, the celebration has become a cultural festivity embraced by people of all backgrounds. The cake, usually a golden puff pastry filled with almond cream (frangipane), has regional variations. In the south of France, for example, a brioche version adorned with candied fruits is popular.

    Inside the galette, you’ll find a tiny treasure: the fève. This small charm can be a simple ceramic figure or a collectable design. Whoever finds the fève in their slice becomes king or queen for the day. A paper crown, included with the cake, completes the fun. This playful ritual makes the celebration enjoyable for both kids and adults.

    What Makes Galette Des Rois Different From King Cake? picture of a Galette des Rois

    A Brief History of the Galette des Rois

    This tradition dates back to Roman times. During Saturnalia, a winter festival, people hid a bean inside a cake. The lucky person who found the bean became “king” for the day. As Christianity spread, the custom adapted to align with Epiphany celebrations.

    In the Middle Ages, the tradition became widespread in France. It was a way to bring communities together during the winter. French royalty embraced the Galette des Rois in the 17th century, solidifying its cultural significance. During the French Revolution, the cake’s royal association caused its temporary renaming. However, it quickly returned to its traditional roots.

    Today, the Galette des Rois remains a cherished part of French culture. People celebrate it not only on January 6th but throughout the entire month.

    Celebrating the Tradition Today

    In modern France, the Galette des Rois has become a culinary art form. The classic frangipane-filled version is the most common. However, creative variations with chocolate, pistachio, apple, or savory fillings are also popular. The cakes often include a decorative crown and a booklet about the year’s fève collection. In fact, some people enjoy collecting these charms as a hobby!

    The youngest person in the room typically hides under the table to assign the slices. This ensures impartiality in the search for the fève. Known as “tirer les rois” (drawing the kings), this ritual brings laughter and suspense as everyone examines their slice.

    How to Join the Fun as an Expat

    1. Where to Buy a Galette des Rois

    Visit local bakeries (“boulangeries”) for freshly made galettes. January is the best time to find them. While supermarkets also sell affordable versions, artisanal bakeries provide higher quality. Some bakeries even offer themed fèves, adding a charming twist.

    2. Hosting or Attending an Epiphany Gathering

    Invite friends or neighbours for an Epiphany party. Serve the galette warm with cider, champagne, or tea. If you’re attending a gathering, consider bringing wine or a dessert to share.

    3. Adding a Personal Touch

    Why not bake your own Galette des Rois? Many recipes are available online. Baking allows you to choose a unique fève and involve children in the process.


    Making It Special for Families with Kids

    Children love the Galette des Rois for its surprise element. To make it magical:

    • Create crowns: Let kids decorate paper crowns with glitter and stickers.
    • Host a “fève” hunt: Turn the search for the fève into a treasure hunt.
    • Share stories: Tell the history of the Epiphany or the tale of the Magi.

    How Absolutely French Can Help

    At Absolutely French, we help expats and their families embrace French culture. From hosting workshops to sharing insights, we ensure your transition is smooth and enriching. Interested in the Galette des Rois tradition? Join one of our events to enjoy this experience with a welcoming community. Let us help you feel at home while exploring the sweet sides of French life!

    Embrace the Tradition

    The Galette des Rois is more than a dessert. It’s a chance to connect with French culture and share joy with others. This January, visit a local bakery or try baking one yourself. Let the magic of the Epiphany bring sweetness to your life.

    Bon appétit and “Long live the King (or Queen)!


    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Facing Change: Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris

    Facing Change: Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris

    Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris

    Moving to a new country can be both exciting and challenging. For expats in Paris, a vibrant yet demanding city, adjusting to cultural differences, language barriers, and family dynamics can affect mental and emotional well-being. This article explores the unique challenges expats face and offers strategies and resources to help manage the transition to life in Paris with confidence.

    David’s Story: A Journey of Adjustment

    David, a father from Singapore, moved to Paris with his wife and two young children for her new job. Initially thrilled about living in the City of Lights, David soon found himself overwhelmed by the challenges of adapting to life in a foreign country. The language barrier, the distance from family and friends, and the responsibility of helping his children adjust to a new school system left him feeling anxious and inadequate.
    However, with the support of a psychologist at Paris Psychologist and by participating in an expat support group, David learned to navigate these difficulties. Through professional guidance and connecting with others in similar situations, David regained his balance and embraced his new life in Paris.
    David’s experience demonstrates how important it is for expats to acknowledge their struggles and seek help when needed.

    mental wellbeing photo holding hands. Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris
    Common Challenges Faced by Expats

    Adjusting to life in a new country comes with a unique set of challenges, including:

    • Language Barriers: Difficulty in communication can lead to isolation and frustration.
    • Distance from Loved Ones: Being far from family and friends can cause feelings of loneliness.
    • Family Dynamics: If one spouse is unemployed, it can create emotional and financial imbalances within the family.
    • Child Adjustment: Helping children adapt to a new educational system and make new friends can be complicated.
    These factors, combined with the stress of moving, can affect mental health and lead to anxiety, depression, or emotional exhaustion.
    Mental Well-being in the Context of Relocation

    According to a Eurobarometer survey conducted in June 2023, almost one in two people (46% of the EU population) faced emotional or psychosocial issues such as depression or anxiety in the past year. Furthermore, a 2021 article on Expat.com highlighted that 37% of expats felt isolated in their host country, while 29% struggled with adapting to a new culture. These statistics underscore the mental health challenges expats face when moving abroad.
    David’s story shows that recognizing and addressing these issues is crucial for improving the quality of life for expats and their families.

    Useful Resources for Expats

    Regardless of the destination, there are several resources that can help expats manage the challenges of relocation. In Paris, for example, the following services are available:

    • SOS Help: An anonymous and free helpline for English speakers. The line offers support for those experiencing difficult emotions like anxiety or depression and is staffed by qualified volunteers.
    • Paris Psychologist: A group of professional psychologists offering counselling in both English and French. They address topics such as cultural adaptation, supporting children, and the couple’s well-being. Sessions can be in-person or online, providing flexibility.
    • Evolusens Coaching: This coaching centre specializes in helping individuals and families navigate change. They offer personalized sessions to improve stress management, resilience, and balance in everyday life.
    Practical Tips for Managing Change
    In addition to seeking professional support, there are practical strategies that can help expats manage the transition more smoothly:
    • Learn the Language: Investing time in learning the local language helps with integration and simplifies daily life. Here at Absolutely French, we strive to help expat partners learn French, to aid in their integration
    • Build a Support Network: Joining local events or expat groups allows for connections with people who share similar experiences.
    • Take Care of Yourself: Practices like yoga, meditation, and physical exercise help reduce stress and improve overall well-being.
    • Explore the City: Discovering Paris and participating in local cultural activities can help expats feel more connected to the community.

    Paris landscape at night time. Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris


    Relocating to a new country offers an incredible opportunity to grow and experience new cultures. However, the transition can be challenging, no matter the destination. Whether in Paris, Singapore, or any other city, facing a new beginning away from home involves uncertainty and difficulties.
    Recognizing these challenges doesn’t mean failure; it’s the first step towards navigating them with awareness. Seeking support, building a network, and prioritizing mental well-being are acts of strength and love for oneself and one’s family.
    You are not alone in this journey: resources, professionals, and communities are ready to support you and turn your adaptation experience into a success story of personal growth.

    Well-being and Adjustment of Expats in Paris

    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Finding Doctors and Specialists in Paris

    Finding Doctors and Specialists in Paris: A Guide for Expats

    Finding Doctors and Specialists in Paris
    Moving to Paris was a dream come true for Sarah, an art curator from the United States. But when a recurring knee issue began bothering her shortly after she arrived, the reality of finding a specialist in a foreign country quickly set in. Without a network of friends or colleagues to guide her, Sarah felt overwhelmed. Should she start with a general practitioner? Could she go directly to a specialist? And, most importantly, would the doctor speak English? Unsure where to turn, Sarah stopped by her local pharmacy to ask for advice. To her surprise, the pharmacist was incredibly helpful. Not only did they recommend a nearby orthopaedic specialist, but they also called ahead to confirm availability. “That pharmacist saved me so much time and stress,” Sarah recalls. “I realized how valuable local pharmacies are when you don’t know where to start.”
    Sarah’s experience highlights a key resource that many expats overlook: pharmacists. Along with digital platforms and expat-friendly communities, they can be your best allies in navigating healthcare in Paris. Let’s explore how to find the right doctors and specialists for your needs.

    doctor in doctor surgery

    Step 1: Start with a General Practitioner (GP)

    In France, the healthcare system is designed around general practitioners (médecins généralistes), who act as gatekeepers to specialists. Here’s why starting with a GP is often the best approach:
    • Referrals for Specialists: Many specialists require a referral from a GP for you to get the best reimbursement rate through the French healthcare system.
    • Holistic Care: A GP can assess your overall health, recommend the right specialist, and even coordinate your care if you have multiple medical needs.
    • Building a Relationship: Having a regular GP ensures continuity of care, which is especially valuable for expats adjusting to a new system.
    • Tip: Use platforms like Ameli.fr or ask for recommendations from other expats to find a GP who speaks English.

    Step 2: Use Digital Platforms to Search for Specialists

    Once you have a referral (or if your issue doesn’t require one), digital tools can help you find the right specialist.
    1. Ameli.fr

    • What it offers: The official directory of healthcare providers in France, including GPs and specialists.
    • Why it’s useful: You can filter by location, speciality, and whether the doctor is conventionné (affiliated with the public health system).

    2. Expat-Friendly Platforms

    • Examples: Angloinfo, International SOS, or Facebook groups like “Expats in Paris.”
    • Why they’re helpful: These platforms often include English-speaking doctors and personal
      recommendations from other expats.

    3. Hospital Directories

    • Many hospitals, like the American Hospital of Paris, have English-speaking specialists on staff.
    • Why they’re great: They cater to international patients and often provide streamlined services for expats.

    Step 3: Don’t Overlook Local Pharmacies

    As Sarah discovered, local pharmacies are more than just places to fill prescriptions – they’re community hubs for healthcare advice. Pharmacists in France are highly trained and can:

    • Recommend nearby doctors or specialists.
    • Provide over-the-counter treatments for minor ailments.
    • Help you understand prescriptions and guide you on how to take your medication.
    • Tip: Many pharmacists in Paris speak basic English, making them an excellent resource for expats unsure of where to begin.
    • Find your local doctor here: https://www.doctolib.fr/

    Step 4: Explore Teleconsultation Options

    If finding an in-person specialist proves challenging, teleconsultation platforms like Qare and Livi can connect you with licensed professionals quickly.
    • When to use teleconsultations: For minor issues, follow-ups, or when you can’t find an appointment nearby.
    • Why it’s helpful: Many platforms offer services in English and provide prescriptions that can be filled at your local pharmacy.

    Key Tips for Expats Navigating Healthcare in Paris

    1. Be Prepared for Payments
    2. Even with a Carte Vitale, many appointments require upfront payments. Keep a receipt for reimbursement through public or private insurance.
    3. Bring Your Documents
    4. Always have your ID, Carte Vitale, and any private insurance details with you when visiting a doctor.
    5. Ask for English-Speaking Providers
    6. Don’t hesitate to confirm language preferences when booking an appointment, whether in person or online.
    7. Network with Other Expats
    8. Communities like Facebook groups or Meetup events can provide invaluable recommendations for trusted healthcare providers.
    9. Plan for Emergencies
    10. Save the contact details for emergency services and nearby hospitals that cater to international patients, like the American Hospital of Paris.
    doctors helping people

    Sarah’s journey is a reminder that finding doctors and specialists in Paris doesn’t have to be a stressful experience. With resources like local pharmacists, digital platforms, and expat-friendly communities, you have plenty of tools to help you navigate the system and find the care you need.

    Whether you’re new to the city or simply trying to adjust to the French way of doing things, these tips and tools will ensure you feel supported and confident in managing your health in Paris.
    Check out more of our blogs here:

    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Navigating Healthcare in Paris: How Digital Tools Like Doctolib Can Help

    Navigating Healthcare in Paris: How Digital Tools Like Doctolib Can Help

    For expats in Paris, accessing healthcare in a foreign system can be a daunting task.
    The language barrier, the unfamiliarity with how to find a doctor, and the sheer complexity of the French system often leave newcomers feeling overwhelmed.
    Thankfully, digital tools are making it easier than ever to manage healthcare. Platforms likeDoctolib, Livi, andAmeliprovide solutions tailored to the needs of modern patients, including expats navigating life in Paris.

    This article explores how these tools work, why they’re essential, and how to make the most of them.

    Mark, a software engineer from Canada, had been in Paris for only a few weeks when a persistent cold refused to go away. With his limited French and busy work schedule, finding a doctor felt almost impossible. After trying to call local clinics and failing to navigate their booking systems, Mark turned to Google for help.
    Fortunately, that’s when he discovered Doctolib.
    “I didn’t know what to expect, but the platform was intuitive, even for someone new to France,” Mark recalls. “Within minutes, I found an English-speaking GP in my neighbourhood, checked their availability, and easily booked an appointment for the same afternoon.During his visit, Mark was able to discuss his symptoms with a doctor who spoke fluent English, received his prescription, and learned about how to access teleconsultations for future follow-ups. “It was such a relief to find a tool that could bridge the gap between me and the French healthcare system,” he says. Mark’s experience highlights how tools like Doctolib are transforming healthcare for expats in Paris.

    doctor stock photo

    How Doctolib Works and Why It’s Essential

    Doctolib is a widely used platform in France that simplifies the process of finding and booking medical appointments. Here’s what makes it indispensable:

    • Comprehensive Search Options: Filter by speciality, location, availability, and even language preferences. For expats, being able to select “English-speaking” doctors is a game-changer.
    • Instant Booking and Notifications: Appointments can be booked online in seconds, with confirmations and reminders sent via email or SMS.
    • Teleconsultation Options: Consultations can be held virtually, which is perfect for minor illnesses, follow-ups, or when you can’t find a nearby appointment.
    • Personalized Profiles: Doctors’ profiles include their specialities, education, languages spoken, and patient reviews, allowing you to make informed choices.

    Pro Tip: When using Doctolib, be sure to look for the “Languages Spoken” section in the doctor’s profile to find a provider fluent in English.

    Beyond Doctolib: Other Digital Tools to Manage Your Healthcare.

    While Doctolib is an essential tool, there are other platforms that complement it and address different needs:
    1. Livi
    • What it offers: Livi is a telemedicine app that allows you to consult with licensed doctors via video.
    • Why it’s great: Available 7 days a week, it’s ideal for quick consultations without leaving your home.
    • Bonus: Doctors can provide prescriptions digitally, which you can fill at your nearest pharmacy.
    • https://www.livi.fr/

    2. Ameli.fr

    • What it offers: The official platform of the French healthcare system provides access to
      reimbursements, health records, and a directory of conventionné (state-affiliated) doctors.
    • Why it’s great: Essential for managing your Carte Vitale and understanding your coverage.
    • https://www.ameli.fr/

    3. Qare

    • What it offers: Qare specializes in connecting expats with English-speaking doctors and therapists.
    • Why it’s great: Offers a mix of teleconsultations and in-person appointments tailored to international residents.
    • https://www.qare.fr
    4. Pharmao
    • What it offers: This app allows you to order medications from local pharmacies with delivery options.
    • Why it’s great: Convenient for filling prescriptions without leaving your home.
    • https://www.pharmao.fr/

    Making the Most of Digital Healthcare Tools

    Digital tools are incredibly useful, but knowing how to use them effectively can make all the difference. Here are some tips to help you get started:
    1. Set Up Profiles Early
    2. Create accounts on platforms like Doctolib, Livi, and Ameli as soon as you arrive in France. This ensures you’re ready to book appointments when you need them.
    3. Check Compatibility with Insurance
    4. Before booking, confirm that the provider accepts your Carte Vitale or private insurance.
    5. Leverage Filters for Language Preferences
    6. Avoid miscommunication by using filters to find English-speaking doctors and specialists.
    7. Use Teleconsultations Wisely
    8. For minor illnesses or follow-ups, teleconsultations save time and offer flexibility.
    9. Stay Organized
    10. Use these platforms to store appointment confirmations, medical notes, and prescription details digitally for easy access.
    47,900+ Handsome Doctor Stock Photos, Pictures & Royalty-Free Images - iStock | Handsome doctor serious

    Mark’s story shows how tools like Doctolib can bridge the gap between expats and the French healthcare system. By combining platforms like Doctolib with other resources such as Livi and Ameli, you can simplify your healthcare journey, save time, and feel more confident navigating medical care in Paris.
    Whether you need an in-person appointment, a quick teleconsultation, or a way to manage your medical records, these tools are here to help. Embrace the convenience of digital healthcare and take control of your health with ease

    Read more of our blogs here!

    Absolutely French logo

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.


    Navigating Healthcare in Paris
  • How to Obtain the Carte Vitale: A Practical Guide for Expats: The Challenge of Navigating French Healthcare

    How to Obtain the Carte Vitale: A Practical Guide for Expats: The Challenge of Navigating French Healthcare

    How to Obtain the Carte Vitale
    Relocating to Paris can feel like stepping into a dream—the Eiffel Tower glistening in the distance, charming cafés on every corner, and the promise of a new adventure. But when it comes to integrating into the French healthcare system, many expats find themselves grappling with a less glamorous reality: paperwork, language barriers, and unclear procedures.

    Take Emma’s story, for example. Emma, a marketing professional from Australia, had been living in Paris for two months when she experienced a severe sinus infection. Used to booking a doctor’s appointment with ease back home, she was surprised to learn that without a Carte Vitale, she’d have to pay upfront and manually request reimbursements. Emma’s experience underscores a critical lesson for expats in France: obtaining the Carte Vitale isn’t just a formality—it’s essential for accessing affordable and efficient healthcare. If you’re new to Paris and feeling daunted by the process, don’t worry. This guide will walk you through the steps to obtain your Carte Vitale and provide tips to make the journey smoother.

    Step 1: Understand the Importance of the Carte Vitale

    The Carte Vitale is your key to the French healthcare system. It links you to the national health insurance program, ensuring that most of your medical expenses are reimbursed directly. Without it, you’ll have to navigate time-consuming reimbursement processes or risk paying out of pocket for medical care.
    For expats, having a Carte Vitale means:

    • Easier access to healthcare: Streamlined appointments and billing.
    • Lower costs: Automatic reimbursements for eligible treatments.
    • Peace of mind: Simplified paperwork in an unfamiliar system.
    Photo of Carte Vitale

    Step 2: Register with the French Healthcare System

    To obtain a Carte Vitale, you must first register with the French healthcare system (CPAM – Caisse Primaire d’Assurance Maladie).
    Here’s how:
    1. Determine Your Eligibility
    • If you’re employed in France, your employer will typically handle your registration.
    • If you’re self-employed, unemployed, or a student, you’ll need to register yourself through the PUMA system(Protection Universelle Maladie).
    2. Prepare the Required Documents
    • A valid passport or national ID.
    • Proof of residence (e.g., utility bill or rental contract).
    • Your birth certificate, translated into French if necessary.
    • Evidence of employment or enrollment in a French institution.
    3. Submit Your Application
    • Applications can be submitted online via Ameli.fr or sent by mail to your local CPAM office. Ensure all your documents are complete to avoid delays.

    Step 3: Wait for Your Temporary Social Security Number

    Once your application is processed, you’ll receive a temporary social security number.
    This allows you to access healthcare services while waiting for your Carte Vitale. Processing times can vary, so it’s important to be patient and check the status of your application on Ameli.fr.

    Step 4: Receive and Activate Your Carte Vitale

    After your application is approved, you’ll receive your Carte Vitale in the mail. Once it arrives:

    • Check the information for accuracy.
    • Create an account on Ameli.fr to manage your healthcare details online.
    • Bring your Carte Vitale to all medical appointments to ensure direct billing.

    French Healthcare – Improving healthcare for all


    Tips for a Smooth Process

    1. Start Early: The process can take several months, so begin as soon as you’re eligible.
    2. Use a Temporary Certificate: Request a temporary healthcare certificate from CPAM to bridge the gap while waiting for your Carte Vitale.
    3. Get Help with Translations: Services like FranceConnect can assist with administrative tasks.
    4. Stay Organized: Keep digital and physical copies of all submitted documents.


    For Emma, the journey to obtaining her Carte Vitale was a lesson in patience and preparation. After three months of navigating the process, she finally held the small green card that made accessing French healthcare far easier. “It’s worth the effort,” she reflects. “Now I can focus on enjoying Paris without worrying about unexpected medical bills.

    If you’re an expat in Paris, follow this guide to simplify your own experience. The Carte Vitale isn’t just a card—it’s your gateway to healthcare peace of mind.

    Absolutely French logo

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • The Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

    The Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris: Navigo, Velib’, and More

    Arriving in a new city can feel daunting and overwhelming, let alone if you don’t understand how to get around so here is the ultimate guide to help you get around Paris.

    Paris is a city built for exploration, and its diverse transportation options make navigating the City of Light both convenient and exciting. Whether you’re a newcomer or a seasoned Parisian, understanding the city’s transit systems will save you time, money, and hassle.

    Here’s a comprehensive guide to the major transportation options in Paris, from the famous Navigo pass to cycling with Velib’ and beyond.

    1. The Navigo Pass: Your Gateway to Parisian Public Transit

    The Navigo pass is a must-have for anyone planning to use public transportation in Paris frequently. This rechargeable card grants unlimited access to the city’s extensive network of buses, metros, RER trains, and trams within specified zones.

    Key Features:

    Unlimited Travel: Choose from weekly, monthly, or annual plans.

    Affordable Pricing: The monthly pass (Navigo Mensuel) costs €84.10 for all zones, making it a cost-effective option for commuters. Unlike in some other cities, the Navigo pass isn’t measured by the station stops, it’s measured by journeys made. So if you take the metro for one stop or 10, it’s the same price!

    Zones Covered: While Paris itself is Zone 1, the pass extends to Zones 2-5, covering destinations like Versailles and Charles de Gaulle Airport. 

    How to Get It:

    Visit a metro or RER station and request a “Navigo Découverte” card.

    Provide a passport-sized photo and pay a one-time fee of €5 for the card.

    Recharge the pass at ticket machines or online.

    Or download the Île-de-France Mobilités app to purchase tickets and passes, manage your Navigo account and avoid long queues.

    navigo pass for getting around Paris. Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

    Here is their website with lots more information → https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/titres-et-tarifs/supports/passe-navigo

    2. Velib’: Explore Paris on Two Wheels

    For a greener, healthier way to get around, Velib’ is Paris’ bike-sharing service that lets you pedal through the city at your own pace. With thousands of docking stations across Paris and its suburbs, Velib’ makes cycling convenient and fun.

    How It Works:

    Sign Up: Choose a short-term pass (1 or 7 days) or a long-term subscription (monthly or annual).

    Docking Stations: Bikes can be picked up and returned at any station.

    Types of Bikes: Regular (green) and electric (blue) bikes are available.


    Mechanical bikes start at €3.10 for a 24-hour pass, with the first 30 minutes free.

    Electric bikes cost slightly more but are perfect for uphill routes.

    Pro Tip: Use the Velib’ app to find available bikes and docking stations in real-time. Don’t forget to check the bike for any issues before riding!

    Velib bikes lined up to help getting around Paris. Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

    See here for more information → https://www.velib-metropole.fr/

    3. Metro and RER: Fast and Efficient

    Paris’ metro and RER (Réseau Express Régional) trains form the backbone of the city’s public transport. With over 300 stations, the metro is ideal for short trips within the city, while the RER is perfect for reaching outlying areas.

    Navigating the System:

    Metro Lines: Numbered 1 to 14, colour-coded, and covering most of Paris.

    RER Lines: Labeled A to E, these trains connect central Paris to suburbs and landmarks like Disneyland Paris and Orly Airport.


    Single-use tickets (“Ticket t+”) cost €2.10 and allow transfers between metro and buses within 90 minutes.

    For frequent travel, opt for a Navigo pass or a “Carnet” (10 tickets for €19.10).

    Pro Tip: Avoid rush hours (8:30-9:30 AM and 5:30-7 PM) for a more comfortable journey.

    RER train to help getting around Paris. Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

    4. Buses: Scenic and Practical

    Buses are an excellent way to see Paris above ground. With over 60 routes crisscrossing the city, they’re ideal for reaching places the metro doesn’t.


    Routes are numbered, with detailed maps available at stops.

    Night buses (“Noctilien”) run from 12:30 AM to 5:30 AM if you are travelling late. 

    Pro Tip: Sit by the window to enjoy stunning views of Paris’ streets and landmarks. Buses also accept Ticket t+ and Navigo passes.


    bus in Paris to help expats get around. Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

    5. Taxis and Ride-Sharing: When Convenience Matters

    While public transport is efficient, there are times when you might prefer a private ride. Paris offers a range of ride-sharing apps and taxis for door-to-door service.


    Uber, Bolt, and Free Now: Popular apps for on-demand rides. Just download the app to get started!

    Traditional Taxis: Hail one at a taxi stand or call ahead.

    Pro Tip: Ensure taxis use their meters. For rides to and from airports, fixed rates apply (e.g., €53 to Charles de Gaulle from central Paris).

    6. Walking: The Best Way to Discover Paris

    With its compact size and picturesque streets, Paris is a walker’s paradise. Many of the city’s iconic landmarks, like the Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame, and the Louvre, are within walking distance of each other.

    Pro Tip: Wear comfortable shoes and carry a reusable water bottle. Use walking tours or apps to uncover hidden gems.

    Seine with the Louvre as a photo to help guide expats in navigating Paris


    Navigating Paris is part of the adventure, and with so many options – from the reliable Navigo pass to the charming Velib’ bikes – there’s something for everyone.

    Whether you’re commuting to work, exploring neighbourhoods, or heading out for a day trip, this guide has you covered.

    Bon voyage et bon courage!


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    Absolutely French, absolutely talented

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

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    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

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    Ultimate Guide to Getting Around Paris

  • Where to Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

    Where to Buy Stamps and Send Letters in Paris: A Practical Guide for Expats

    Where to Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

    If you’re an expat in Paris and need to send a letter, you might be wondering: where can I buy stamps, and how does the postal system work in France? Well here is a practical guide to help you better understand the French postal system!

    While it may seem daunting at first, sending mail in Paris is simple once you know where to go and what to do.

    Here’s your ultimate guide to navigating the French postal system.

    Where to Buy Stamps in Paris

    At the Post Office (La Poste)

    La Poste is the primary provider of postal services in France. You can purchase stamps (“timbres”) directly at any post office. Look for their signature yellow-and-blue logo.

    Use their self-service machines for quick access to stamps. These machines have an English language option. You can also ask the staff for assistance at the counter if you’re unsure.

    La Poste, France post office


    At Tabac Shops

    Many tobacco shops (“tabacs”) sell stamps. These shops are easily recognizable by their red diamond-shaped signs. Simply ask for “un timbre, s’il vous plaît” (a stamp, please).

    Tabac shops are often more convenient than post offices since they have longer opening hours, including weekends.

    Tabac in France close up. Where to Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

    Online via La Poste’s Website

    If you prefer the digital route, you can order stamps online at laposte.fr. They’ll deliver the stamps directly to your address in France.

    You can also print your own stamps using the “Mon Timbre en Ligne” service. Choose your stamp’s design, pay online, and print it at home.

    In Supermarkets

    Some larger supermarkets like Carrefour or Leclerc offer stamps at their customer service counters. If you’re doing your grocery shopping, it’s worth asking.

    photo of Carrefour supermarket in France

    Sending Your Letter

    Find a Mailbox

    Once you have your stamp, look for one of the iconic yellow mailboxes (“boîtes aux lettres”) scattered around Paris. They’re often located near post offices, metro stations, or on busy streets.

    Each mailbox has two slots: one for local mail (“Paris et département”) and one for national or international mail (“Autres destinations”). Double-check before dropping your letter.

    Check Pickup Times

    Mailboxes display a schedule indicating when the mail is collected. If you’re in a hurry, try to post your letter before the last collection time of the day.

    Sending International Mail

    Ensure you use the correct amount of postage for international destinations. Ask for “un timbre pour l’international” at the post office or tabac. The staff can advise you based on the weight and size of your letter.

    Tips for Expats

    Understand Weight Limits: Stamps in France are priced by weight categories. For standard letters (20 grams or less), a regular stamp usually suffices. For heavier items, consider using a postal scale or asking at the counter.

    Track Your Mail: For important letters, La Poste offers tracking services. Request a tracking number (“un suivi”) to monitor your mail’s journey.

    Learn the Vocabulary: Familiarize yourself with key French postal terms like “boîte aux lettres” (mailbox), “envoi” (shipment), and “Colissimo” (for packages).


    Sending mail in Paris doesn’t have to be complicated. With numerous options for buying stamps and an efficient postal system, you can confidently send your letters and parcels without hassle.

    Whether you opt for the convenience of a tabac shop, the reliability of La Poste, or the ease of online services, Paris has you covered.

    Bon courage and happy mailing!


    Check out some of our other blogs here:




    Absolutely French, absolutely talented

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

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    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

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    Where to Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

    to Where Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

    stamps Where to Buy A Practical Guide for Expats

    practical Where to Buy Stamps Guide for Expats

    Where to Buy Stamps A Practical Guide for Expats

  • 10 Tips for a Successful Expatriation to France

    10 Tips for a Successful Expatriation to France

    10 Tips for a Successful Expatriation to France.

    Moving to France is an exciting adventure, but it does require preparation. Whether you’re relocating for work, family, or a personal journey, making the transition smooth involves understanding the country’s unique culture and systems.

    Here are 10 essential tips to help you settle in and thrive in your new French life.

    1. Learn the French Language

    While many French people speak English, learning French will greatly enhance your experience and integration. Start with the basics before you move—apps like Duolingo can help—and practice as much as possible once you arrive. Even small efforts like greeting people in French will open doors and create opportunities for meaningful connections.

    2. Organize Your Administrative Documents

    French bureaucracy is known for its complexity, so being organized is key. Ensure you have essential documents like your passport, visa (if applicable), proof of residence, and translated birth certificate. Once in France, register for healthcare (Sécurité Sociale) if you’re working and set up a local bank account to manage daily transactions and bills.

    3. Understand the French Healthcare System

    France has one of the world’s best healthcare systems, but it can be tricky to navigate as an expat. If you’re employed, you’ll gain access to Sécurité Sociale, which covers most medical costs. However, it’s wise to get a mutuelle (private health insurance) to cover additional expenses. Find a local doctor who accepts the carte Vitale to streamline your medical visits.

    4. Secure Suitable Housing

    Finding housing in France, especially in cities like Paris, can be competitive. Start your search early using sites like Le Bon Coin or SeLoger. Be prepared to provide paperwork such as pay checks, a guarantor, or proof of income. If securing housing alone is difficult, consider shared housing (colocation), which can also help you build connections and reduce costs.

    5. Adapt to French Culture

    France places high value on traditions and social etiquette. Always say bonjour when entering a shop or starting a conversation – it’s seen as polite and expected. Meal times are also important: lunch is typically from 12 to 2 PM, and dinner starts after 7:30 PM. Embrace the slower pace and savour the moments, especially around food, which is central to French culture.

    6. Build a Social Network

    Building relationships is key to feeling at home in a new country. Join local clubs, attend community events, or take classes to meet people. Platforms like Meetup or language exchange groups are great for finding social opportunities. The French love to discuss culture, food, and wine, so engaging in these topics can be a great icebreaker.

    7. Explore the Country

    France is far more than just Paris. Use your weekends and holidays to discover the diversity of the country, from the lavender fields of Provence to the rugged coastline of Brittany or the majestic Alps. Each region has its own unique culture, cuisine, and charm. Exploring will help you appreciate the richness of your new home.

    8. Prepare for Weather Variations

    France’s climate varies widely depending on the region. The north tends to be cooler and wetter, while the south enjoys a Mediterranean climate with hot summers and mild winters. Research the weather in your area and pack accordingly, ensuring you have clothes for all four seasons, especially if you plan to travel across the country.

    9. Embrace the French Lifestyle

    The French take their time to enjoy life’s simple pleasures, whether it’s a leisurely coffee at a café, a stroll in the park, or a long meal with friends and family. Adopt this slower pace and savour these moments. Weekends are often spent connecting with loved ones, which is a great way to immerse yourself in the culture.

    10. Be Patient and Persistent

    Adjusting to life in a new country takes time. You may encounter challenges, from understanding the administrative processes to overcoming cultural differences. Don’t get discouraged; allow yourself time to adapt and learn. After a few months, you’ll likely feel more confident, comfortable, and integrated into your new environment.

    Final Thought: Enjoy the Experience!

    Moving to France is an enriching experience that requires preparation, flexibility, and an open mind. By following these tips and immersing yourself in the French way of life, you’ll set yourself up for a successful and fulfilling expatriation. Take time to discover, enjoy, and appreciate every step of this unique adventure.

    Good luck with your new chapter in France! We hope you enjoyed this blog and found it useful! 


    Make sure to check out our other blogs here!



    Absolutely French, absolutely talented

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates. Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Check out our Absolutely Talented Job Fair!

    10 Tips for a Successful Expatriation to France

  • French Traditions All Expats Should Know

    French Traditions You Should Know: Holidays, Customs, and Etiquette


    Hello everyone! Welcome back to the blog. Today we are diving into some classic French holidays, celebrations, customs and etiquette that will help you feel more at home in France!

    Moving to France can be exciting and at the same time nerve-wracking, but understanding French traditions is key to settling in. From holidays to daily social etiquette, here are some essential aspects of French culture that will help you integrate smoothly.

    Key French Holidays

    France is known for its lively national celebrations. Bastille Day, for example, is celebrated on July 14th and marks a key event in French history: the storming of the Bastille prison in 1789. This act signalled the start of the French Revolution and the fight for liberty, equality, and fraternity, which are the founding values of the French Republic.

    The day is celebrated nationwide, with the biggest event being the military parade down the Champs-Élysées in Paris. This is followed by fireworks, often with the Eiffel Tower as the backdrop. Festivities include street parties, concerts, and picnics, where the French gather to celebrate their national pride.

    Another important holiday is La Fête de la Musique, which takes place every June 21st. Cities across France host outdoor concerts to celebrate music.

    Christmas and New Year’s are also significant in France. Christmas Day is a quiet family time, while New Year’s Eve, or La Saint-Sylvestre, is a lively celebration. People gather for a festive meal, known as le Réveillon, and toast with Champagne at midnight

    bastille day 2017 fly over french
    Bastille Day fly over at L’Arc de Triomphe 2017

    French Customs and Etiquette

    France values politeness and proper etiquette. To greet someone, always say “bonjour” or “bonsoir,” depending on the time of day. Forgetting this simple greeting can be considered rude. Among friends, the bise, or cheek kiss, is common. The number of kisses can vary by region.

    When dining, there are a few unwritten rules to follow. French meals are an important part of life. Avoid discussing work during dinner. Wait for the host to say “Bon appétit” before starting your meal. Also, keep your hands on the table, not in your lap, while eating.

    Embracing the French Lifestyle

    Adapting to French customs will make your experience richer. Understanding local traditions, like the importance of work-life balance, will help you feel more at home. Socializing in cafés is also a big part of daily life.

    By embracing these traditions, you’ll avoid social faux pas and blend into the French way of life faster. Living like the locals will make your time in France even more enjoyable.


    We hope you found this article useful. Be sure to check out some of our other blogs here!:





    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Check out our Absolutely Talented Job Fair!

  • Navigating French Bureaucracy: Essential Documents and Permits for Expats

    Navigating French Bureaucracy: Essential Documents and Permits for Expats

    Welcome back! Today, we’re diving into the ins and outs of French bureaucracy.

    For many, moving to France is a dream come true, but let’s be real—navigating French bureaucracy often feels like a full-time job! From securing visas to enrolling in school, the paperwork can quickly become overwhelming. At Absolutely French, we’ve crafted this practical guide to help you tackle each step confidently and settle in with ease.

    Read on to learn essential steps, tips, and resources for navigating the French administrative system smoothly.

    Step 1: Secure Your Visa

    If you’re moving to France from outside the EU, start by applying for the correct visa. For most expats, the long-stay visa (visa de long séjour) is the go-to choice. However, the visa type depends on your situation—work, study, or family reunification. Check with the French Embassy in your home country for specific document requirements, as they often vary. Generally, you’ll need to show proof of income, housing, health insurance, and sometimes a police clearance certificate. Apply early, as processing can take several weeks or even months.

    visa photo

    Step 2: Apply for a Residency Permit (Titre de Séjour)

    After arriving in France, apply for a titre de séjour (residency permit) if you’ll stay beyond three months. This permit allows you to reside in France legally and is processed at your local préfecture. Gather documents like proof of residence, a valid visa, passport photos, and additional paperwork depending on your visa type. Prepare for multiple appointments and bring copies of all documents—France thrives on paperwork!

    For details on requirements and types of residency permits, visit Service-Public.fr, the official site for French administrative procedures.

    Step 3: Enroll Your Kids in School

    If you’re moving with children, enrolling them in school should be a top priority. The French school system has a strong reputation for quality education, but enrolment processes vary. For public schools, go to your local town hall (mairie) with required documents like proof of residence, birth certificates, and vaccination records. Private schools handle enrolment directly. You may also need translated copies of previous school records, so plan ahead.


    Extra Tips for Navigating French Bureaucracy Like a Pro

    1. Keep Multiple Copies of Everything: Create both digital and physical copies of each document you submit, as you’ll likely need them for renewals or permits.

    2. Set Up a French Bank Account: A French bank account makes it easy to pay bills, set up services, and is often required for paperwork. It’s also useful for unexpected fees.

    3. Brush Up on Basic French: Knowing key French phrases can make a big difference, especially when talking to local officials. Absolutely French offers specialized courses that include vocabulary for French administration, helping you feel prepared and confident.

    4. Embrace Patience and Persistence: French bureaucracy has its own rhythm—progress may feel slow, but persistence pays off.

    By staying organized and planning ahead, you can handle French bureaucracy with less hassle. We hope you find this guide helpful.


    Check out some of our other blogs here!

    Halloween in France: How Expats Can Celebrate This Day


    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates. Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Halloween in France: How Expats Can Celebrate This Day

    Halloween in France: How Expats Can Celebrate This Day

    Hi everyone!

    Today, we’re going to talk about a holiday that’s becoming increasingly popular in France: Halloween. Even though this holiday has deeper roots in Anglo-Saxon culture, it’s gradually finding its place in French traditions.

    For expats, it’s the perfect opportunity to bring a bit of home into your life while discovering how the French celebrate Halloween. I’m going to give you some ideas for activities, costumes, and places where you can really enjoy this day in France.

    Let’s dive in!

    How to Celebrate Halloween in France?

    So, unlike in the United States or the United Kingdom, Halloween in France isn’t celebrated on a massive scale. But that doesn’t mean there’s nothing to do!

    You can organise a party at home with friends, especially if you have kids.

    It’s the perfect chance to get together, dress up, and have fun with games and horror movies.

    Halloween in France

    More and more French families are getting into Halloween, especially in big cities. In some neighbourhoods, children dress up and go door-to-door for sweets, shouting “Des bonbons ou un sort!” (the French version of “Trick or Treat”). If you live in a family-friendly area, be sure to have some sweets ready!

    Costume Ideas for Halloween

    Choosing a costume for Halloween is one of the most fun parts! In France, you’ll see everything from classic witch, vampire, and zombie costumes to outfits inspired by pop culture.

    Halloween in France

    If you want to add a French twist to your costume, why not go for a look inspired by historical French figures like a zombie Marie-Antoinette or a ghostly Napoleon? Or, play on French clichés by dressing up as a “French vampire” complete with a beret and a blood-stained baguette!

     Activities to Do for Halloween in France

    Halloween in France

    If you’re looking for ideas to go out and celebrate Halloween away from home, here are some suggestions:

    Haunted Castle Visits: Many castles in France host special Halloween events, with nighttime tours and spooky shows. It’s a unique experience, especially in a country with so much history!

    Theme Nights in Bars and Clubs: In big cities like Paris, Lyon, or Marseille, you’ll find many bars and clubs hosting Halloween-themed parties. Costumes are, of course, a must!

    Theme Parks: Parks like Disneyland Paris or Parc Astérix organise special Halloween events, with spooky decorations and special shows. Perfect for a fun day out with family or friends.

    Outdoor Horror Movie Screenings: Some cities offer outdoor horror movie screenings for Halloween. Bring a blanket, and some popcorn, and get ready to jump!

    Top Places to Celebrate Halloween in France

    Halloween in France

    Here are some places in France where Halloween is particularly well celebrated:


    The capital offers a multitude of events for Halloween, from club nights to guided tours in neighbourhoods known for their ghost stories.


    The city hosts a large Halloween parade every year that attracts many costumed participants. It’s one of the biggest events of its kind in France.


    With numerous events, including the “Night of Horror” at the Parc des Chantiers, Nantes is an excellent choice for celebrating Halloween.


    The city hosts several events, including workshops for children, bar parties, and even haunted boat rides.

    A Few Tips for a Successful Halloween Night

    Halloween in France

    Plan Ahead:

    Popular events can fill up quickly, so make sure to book your tickets or spots in advance.

    Don’t Forget the Sweets:

    If you’re hosting a party or expecting trick-or-treaters, be sure to have plenty of candy on hand.

    Have Fun: The most important thing is to have fun!

    Halloween is a chance to let loose and enjoy a night that’s a little different.


    Voilà, I hope these ideas help you have a memorable Halloween in France. Whether you decide to stay in or go out and explore what the country has to offer, this holiday can be a great time to have fun and discover new traditions. So, ready to get spooky? Happy Halloween everyone, and see you soon for a new topic!

    Feel free to explore more of our posts!

    Must-See Christmas Events in Paris 

    The History of the Paris Olympics: 100 Years After 1924 

    Five Inspiring Women: Leading the Way!   

    Additional Resources:  

    Buy Costumes Online 

    The Halloween Festival at Disney

    Absolutely French, absolutely talented

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates. Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Check out our Absolutely Talented Job Fair!

  • Networking for Expats

    Social Networking for Expats: How to Build Friendships and Connections in France


    Moving to a new country can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to building a social network. For expats in France, integrating into local life while maintaining a sense of community is crucial. Here are some effective ways to build friendships and connections as an expat in France, through networking

    1. Join Expat Groups

    Expat groups are a fantastic starting point for anyone new to France. Whether you’re in Paris, Lyon, or a smaller city, you’ll find a variety of online communities on platforms like Facebook, Meetup, and InterNations. These groups often host events that allow expats to meet like-minded people, exchange tips, and create long-lasting friendships.

    Expats networking and making friends

    2. Attend Local Events

    France is known for its vibrant cultural scene, with countless festivals, markets, and social gatherings. Many cities host expat-friendly meetups, language exchanges, and professional networking events. Participating in these events is an excellent way to connect with locals and fellow expats, helping you expand your social circle.

    Check out this website which has lots of fantastic events! 


    3. Explore Family-Friendly Activities

    For expat families, engaging in family-friendly activities such as sports clubs, playgrounds, and community centres can be a great way to meet other families. Many towns and cities in France offer a variety of activities for children and parents alike, fostering opportunities for new friendships to form.

    4. Learn the Language

    Mastering or improving your French can open many doors socially and professionally. Joining language exchange groups or enrolling in French classes, such as Absolutely French, will not only enhance your communication skills but also introduce you to a network of both locals and expats eager to learn. At Absolutely French, we do more than just teach French. With Stroll and Learns, Cook and Leans, Soirées and Workshops, you will feel settled in France in no time at all!

    Check out our other blog about some key French phrases that will help you day to day!


    Building a Social Network in France

    Building connections as an expat in France takes time, but with the right approach, you can create a fulfilling social life. Whether through expat groups, local events, or family activities, making friends and forming meaningful relationships will help you feel more at home in your new country.


    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.


  • Meet Talent of the Month Cheney: A New Expat Venture in Paris

    Meet Talent of the Month Cheney: A New Expat Venture in Paris

    Meet Talent of the Month Cheney:

    A New Expat Venture in Paris

    Make sure to check out the full interview on Youtube here!

    We are thrilled to introduce Cheney as our Expat Talent of the Month. It was a pleasure to connect with him and delve into discussions about his professional journey, his relocation to Paris, and his experience with Absolutely French, among other topics! Here’s a glimpse of his insights:


    Please can you tell us a bit about you and let us know

    why you expatriated to Paris?

    My name is Cheney. I come from Macao, which is next to Hong Kong and known as the “Gambling Capital of the World” 🎲.

    I came to Paris in September 2022 right after COVID with my wife as she got an internal transfer to L’Oréal Paris. 💼

    For my wife and I, it has always been a dream of ours to work in Paris, so we pounced at the opportunity when it arrived! 🌟

    Cheney’s Company – RIMOWA

    Expat Talent of the Month


    Can you tell us a bit more about your career move to Paris? 

    I am currently working as a Global Retail Excellence Coordinator at RIMOWA, under the LVMH Group. 💼

    My professional journey to Paris was a bit of a bumpy road. 🛣️ I was notified that there was a job visa issue after arriving in France in 2022. Living in a foreign country with limited communication skills and not knowing what to do in the future. It was fairly depressing. 😞 I barely stepped out of my apartment but sitting in front of my laptop, browsing through LinkedIn, applying to any available jobs and connecting to any HRs I could find. 💻

    Nonetheless, it all turned around and at the end of February 2023, I received 2 interview invitations, one from RIMOWA and one from another company! 📅

    I ended up choosing to go back to my old company to continue my career. Et voilà, here I am enjoying both my work and personal life in a beautiful country!

    The Wonders of China


    How long have you been with Absolutely French and how would you describe your time here?

    I’ve been with Absolutely French for about 1 year. Absolutely French truly helped me a lot, especially during my lowest moment in Paris.

    Everyone was super nice, friendly, and welcoming. I felt really depressed and lost during the jobless period. Joining Absolutely French really got me out of all those unpleasant feelings. I met a lot of different people and friends from all around the world, while learning the French language and culture in multiple ways. 🌍📚

    I extremely appreciate all the support and help from the Absolutely French team and community! 🙌🏼

    Expat Talent of the Month

    The 5 Best Websites for Expats


    What is your favourite French word?

    My number 1 favourite French word is not really appropriate (Starts with an “M” 😅).

    My “under 18” favourite French word is “voilà” – simple, easy to use and it explains a lot. ✨


    What’s your favourite area of Paris?

    I’m a massive foodie, so here are some food places I can really recommend: 🍽️

    Fabula Cafe in Musée Carnavalet in Le Marais

    Mamiche Boulangerie 🥖 (they do amazing sandwiches)

    Sanukiya (Japanese Udon) – It’s amazing but don’t share it with your friends, the queue is already long enough! 🍜


    How would you describe Paris in 3 words?

    My first two words are magical and charming, and then my final word would be ‘marmite’.

    If you like it you really love it, but if you don’t it’s very hard to fit in. Having Absolutely French definitely allowed me to love it whereas beforehand I didn’t really feel the charm of the city and found it busy and noisy. With Absolutely French, you kind of get addicted to the French way. 💼🥖🥐

    A Brit’s Experience in Paris


    Has the social and networking aspect of Absolutely French helped you settle into Paris? 

    Absolutely, I actually met two friends that I still hang out with even after they finished their course. 🤝

    In the class I was in, everyone was super nice. It was really helpful for me to meet a lot of different people in similar situations as myself as an expat or expat spouse. It was great for me to start building a network. 🌐

    The Key to creating a social network as an expatriate!

    Expat Talent of the Month


    As our Expat Talent of the Month:

    Do you have a quote or a mantra that you like or try to live by? 

    “The best is yet to come” – I strongly believe that everything will turn out well as long as you stay positive, just as it has done in my case here in Paris. 🌟😊


    Do you have anything else you’d like to end on about Paris or your time at Absolutely French? 

    I have a few small tips or tricks that I found useful and that I hope will be helpful for others who are looking for a job in Paris:

    Try to connect with the HRs in your targeted companies and reach out to them with your CV and Cover Letter. Ask for their advice and try to get your profile in their database first. 💼🔍


    Many thanks to Cheney for providing such invaluable insight and for generously sharing his expatriation journey. A huge congratulations on being recognized as the Expat Talent of the Month!



    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Meet Talent of the Month Puneet: From Consulting in India to Trading in Paris

    Meet Talent of the Month Puneet: From Consulting in India to Trading in Paris

    Meet Talent of the Month Puneet: From Consulting in India to Trading in Paris

    We’re delighted to announce Puneet as our  Talent of the Month!

    Make sure to check out the full interview on Youtube here!

     We had the opportunity to sit down with him and ask him  about his professional and personal journey to Paris and his time at Absolutely French! Here is a little snippet of what he had to say:


    Please can you tell us a bit about you and let us know why you expatriated to Paris?

    Hi my name is Puneet, I came to Paris in September 2021 with my wife who received an internal transfer from L’Oréal India to L’Oréal Paris. Before this point, I had been working in Business Consulting with Comms and Technologies, but was starting to think about a career change completely outside of consulting.

    I came to the conclusion that trading was what I wanted to pursue. So, in January 2021, I quit my job and started trading. The advantage to trading was that I could work from anywhere and independently, so when the opportunity to move to Paris came up, it was a no brainer and we took it! 

    Puneet’s old Company – Cognizant

    Talent of the Month

    Can you tell us a bit more about your career change to Trading? 

    First of all, trading is a very difficult profession and it takes a lot of time to build the skill. I’m currently still building the skill and trading in the Indian markets only. In the next 3 or 4 months, I’m anticipating that I should start day trading in the US and European markets. 

    The Wonders of India

     Talent of the Month

    How long have you been with Absolutely French and how would you describe your time here?

    I’ve been at Absolutely French for roughly 1 year and 2 or 3 months. I think the way they teach is very different from other French classes, at other places there is a kind of ‘classroom’ environment, but here it’s an experience based kind of learning. 

    I’ve had a great time at Absolutely French, an absolutely amazing time! You have the opportunity to do a lot of fun activities, so learning French doesn’t become a chore. You look forward to coming to class because you have fun and have really nice mates you get to spend time with. 

     Talent of the Month

    The 5 Best Websites for Expats


    What was your favourite part of the lessons?

    I especially liked the strolls; there are so many areas in Paris you don’t know about, and even if you went there yourself you wouldn’t know what to look for. It’s an interactive tour of Paris with your friends, teacher and a script in hand. You get to know in detail about the different things in that area while practising your French.

    I also really liked the way the French is delivered here; I loved it, I don’t think I would have had as much fun anywhere else learning French. 


    What’s your favourite area of Paris?

    I think I like Place D’Italie the most, I didn’t know there was so much to see in Place D’Italie and there is so much street art that I loved as well.

    I must also add that I loved Montmartre.

    How would you describe Paris in 3 words?

    Cosmopolitan, Freedom and Beauty. 

    A Brit’s Experience in Paris


    How has the social and networking aspect of Absolutely French helped you settle into Paris? 

    I’m still connected with the students I did my class with and we have formed a really good bond, we meet quite often. Of course you meet one person in the Absolutely French network, then you meet another and so on, it definitely helps.

    There is so much diversity, you meet and connect with people from different parts of the world. The bonds I’ve formed have definitely helped me to socialise and gel. 

    Talent of the Month

    The Key to creating a social network as an expatriate!


    Do you have a quote or a mantra that you like or try to live by? 

    Giving everything that I’ve got in whatever I’m pursuing, I cannot live any other way. So that’s my mantra, if you’re doing something, you better put in everything. 

    Talent of the Month

    Do you have anything else you’d like to end on about Paris or your time at Absolutely French? 

    I’ve spent approximately two and a half years here in Paris and I’ve loved every bit of it. The longer I’ve been here, the more and more Paris has grown on me, I’ve started to love it more and more. I’m sure I’m going to get even more absorbed and integrated into the city.

    In relation to Absolutely French, I think it’s a very unique model that has a way of teaching I haven’t seen anywhere else. I do not know if I would have developed interest in learning French If i had learnt it somewhere else.  If I had gone to a formal class, I may have just left. I now have a real interest in learning French because of the way it was taught here.


    Thank you Puneet for this fantastic insight and for sharing your expatriation journey. A massive congratulations on being the Expatriation Talent of the Month as well!

    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!

    Email: contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Joyeux Noël: Christmas Traditions across France🎄

    Joyeux Noël: Christmas Traditions across France🎄

    Joyeux Noël: Christmas Traditions across France 🎄

    As winter blankets the French countryside, the air is tinged with the sweet scent of spiced wine, and the streets shimmer with the warm glow of festive lights. Today I will walk you through my experiences of a magical holiday full of traditions with a distinctive French flair. Let’s have a look at some unique examples so that you can celebrate Christmas traditions across France like a French person. ✨🕯️

    Christmas Traditions across FranceLe gros souper: A Culinary feast:

    Le gros souper is not just a meal; it’s a colossal buffet that is set out on 24th December and often lasts until 27th December. It’s a real feast I’m looking forward to enjoying! In the Provence region this meal often ends with the tradition of “les treize desserts” .These 13 deserts symbolise Christ and his apostles. Picture a table adorned with candied fruits, nougat, and local delicacies, —it’s a journey into Provençal and Christian heritage. 🍇🍰

    Le gros souper- Everything you need to know to create your own

    Christmas Traditions across FranceMidnight Mass and the Silent Beauty of Notre-Dame:

    Before the tragic fire in 2019, Parisiens would stand before the iconic Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on Christmas Eve. As the clock strikes midnight, the cathedral opened its doors for an awe-inspiring display of lights, casting a glow over the Seine. Inside the historic cathedral, Midnight Mass and beautiful carols are enjoyed; making it a moment of quiet reflection amid the grandeur of French Gothic architecture. 🌌🎶

    Christmas Traditions across FranceJoyeux Noël, Joyeux Déballage!: Presents by the Fire and Communal Celebrations:

    The tradition of hanging stockings isn’t really seen in France. Most children leave their shoes by the fireplace or under the tree weighting to see what Father Christmas may bring them (what are you wishing for this Christmas?) . This usually consists of sweets, small gifts or sometimes even money. In regions like Alsace, communities gather for “La Ronde de Noël,” a festive procession where carolers, dressed in traditional costumes, visit homes, spreading cheer and gathering everyone for shared moments of joy. 🧦🏡

    Christmas Traditions across FranceLe Père Noël’s Grotto : A Journey into Enchantment:

    There are many Christmas markets across France but Colmar’s Christmas market, nestled in the heart of Alsace, really stands out. Père Noël’s enchanting grotto, adorned with twinkling lights and nestled among half-timbered houses, is a testament to the town’s commitment to preserving the magic of Christmas. Children embark on a journey into enchantment as they visit Père Noël, sharing their wishes in a setting that feels straight out of a storybook. 🏰🎅

    Christmas Traditions across France

    Find out about more Christmas events in Paris

    Crèches and Santons in Les Baux-de-Provence: A Nativity Set in Stone:

    Venture into the rocky landscapes of Les Baux-de-Provence, where the traditional nativity scene takes on a unique form. In the heart of a limestone quarry, visitors are greeted by life-sized figurines carved into the natural rock formations. This living nativity is a testament to the creativity that flows through the region, offering a truly immersive experience that breathes life into the age-old story. 🏞️🤲

    Christmas Traditions across FranceStrasbourg’s Christkindelsmärik: A Christmas Capital Beyond Markets:

    Strasbourg’s Christkindelsmärik, dating back to 1570, is not just a market—it’s an institution. Beyond the stalls selling crafts and treats, Strasbourg becomes a living Christmas tale. The city’s mediaeval streets serve as a stage for street performers, living statues, and interactive displays, creating an ambiance that goes beyond commerce—it’s a collective celebration of the spirit of Christmas. 🎭🏰

    Christmas Traditions across FranceRegional Gastronomic Wonders on Christmas Day: 

    On Christmas Day, the festive meal varies from household to household, and regional specialties sometimes take centre stage. As a general rule, the standard many enjoy is a roast Turkey with a chestnut filling, roast potatoes and other popular side dishes such as Gratin Dauphinois. Nonetheless,  In the southwest, you may see a Christmas “cassoulet,” a hearty dish filled with slow-cooked beans, sausages, and duck or goose—a warm embrace for the chilly season. Meanwhile, in the Alsace region, you may see a “choucroute garnie” grace the table, bringing together sauerkraut, sausages, and an array of succulent meats. 🍲🍖

    Christmas Traditions across France

    Find out more about the French and their Christmas food!

    Lourmarin’s Epiphany Procession: A Quaint Celebration of Kings:

    As the Twelve Days of Christmas culminate in Epiphany, the village of Lourmarin comes alive with a charming Epiphany procession. Imagine horse-drawn carriages winding through cobbled streets, locals adorned in traditional attire, and the aroma of Galette des Rois filling the air. This quaint celebration captures the essence of Epiphany—a joyous mingling of tradition and community. 🎉👑

    Christmas Traditions across France

    To celebrate Christmas in France is to embark on a nuanced journey, where every dish, tradition, and event tells a story deeply rooted in regional history and cultural richness. From the enchanting grotto in Colmar to the living nativity in Les Baux-de-Provence, each example reveals a facet of French Christmas magic that goes beyond the common narrative. We’d love to hear about how you celebrate Christmas in the comments, let us know! Joyeux Noël! 🎅🍾🎁

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