Meet Talent of the Month Puneet: From Consulting in India to Trading in Paris

We’re delighted to announce Puneet as our  Talent of the Month!

Make sure to check out the full interview on Youtube here!

 We had the opportunity to sit down with him and ask him  about his professional and personal journey to Paris and his time at Absolutely French! Here is a little snippet of what he had to say:


Please can you tell us a bit about you and let us know why you expatriated to Paris?

Hi my name is Puneet, I came to Paris in September 2021 with my wife who received an internal transfer from L’Oréal India to L’Oréal Paris. Before this point, I had been working in Business Consulting with Comms and Technologies, but was starting to think about a career change completely outside of consulting.

I came to the conclusion that trading was what I wanted to pursue. So, in January 2021, I quit my job and started trading. The advantage to trading was that I could work from anywhere and independently, so when the opportunity to move to Paris came up, it was a no brainer and we took it! 

Puneet’s old Company – Cognizant

Talent of the Month

Can you tell us a bit more about your career change to Trading? 

First of all, trading is a very difficult profession and it takes a lot of time to build the skill. I’m currently still building the skill and trading in the Indian markets only. In the next 3 or 4 months, I’m anticipating that I should start day trading in the US and European markets. 

The Wonders of India

 Talent of the Month

How long have you been with Absolutely French and how would you describe your time here?

I’ve been at Absolutely French for roughly 1 year and 2 or 3 months. I think the way they teach is very different from other French classes, at other places there is a kind of ‘classroom’ environment, but here it’s an experience based kind of learning. 

I’ve had a great time at Absolutely French, an absolutely amazing time! You have the opportunity to do a lot of fun activities, so learning French doesn’t become a chore. You look forward to coming to class because you have fun and have really nice mates you get to spend time with. 

 Talent of the Month

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What was your favourite part of the lessons?

I especially liked the strolls; there are so many areas in Paris you don’t know about, and even if you went there yourself you wouldn’t know what to look for. It’s an interactive tour of Paris with your friends, teacher and a script in hand. You get to know in detail about the different things in that area while practising your French.

I also really liked the way the French is delivered here; I loved it, I don’t think I would have had as much fun anywhere else learning French. 


What’s your favourite area of Paris?

I think I like Place D’Italie the most, I didn’t know there was so much to see in Place D’Italie and there is so much street art that I loved as well.

I must also add that I loved Montmartre.

How would you describe Paris in 3 words?

Cosmopolitan, Freedom and Beauty. 

A Brit’s Experience in Paris


How has the social and networking aspect of Absolutely French helped you settle into Paris? 

I’m still connected with the students I did my class with and we have formed a really good bond, we meet quite often. Of course you meet one person in the Absolutely French network, then you meet another and so on, it definitely helps.

There is so much diversity, you meet and connect with people from different parts of the world. The bonds I’ve formed have definitely helped me to socialise and gel. 

Talent of the Month

The Key to creating a social network as an expatriate!


Do you have a quote or a mantra that you like or try to live by? 

Giving everything that I’ve got in whatever I’m pursuing, I cannot live any other way. So that’s my mantra, if you’re doing something, you better put in everything. 

Talent of the Month

Do you have anything else you’d like to end on about Paris or your time at Absolutely French? 

I’ve spent approximately two and a half years here in Paris and I’ve loved every bit of it. The longer I’ve been here, the more and more Paris has grown on me, I’ve started to love it more and more. I’m sure I’m going to get even more absorbed and integrated into the city.

In relation to Absolutely French, I think it’s a very unique model that has a way of teaching I haven’t seen anywhere else. I do not know if I would have developed interest in learning French If i had learnt it somewhere else.  If I had gone to a formal class, I may have just left. I now have a real interest in learning French because of the way it was taught here.


Thank you Puneet for this fantastic insight and for sharing your expatriation journey. A massive congratulations on being the Expatriation Talent of the Month as well!

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Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

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Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.