Meet Talent of the Month, Ijeoma: An Expat Spouse in Paris

We are thrilled to announce Ijeoma Emeghara as our Talent of the Month for April at Absolutely French! Originally hailing from Nigeria, Ijeoma has relocated to Paris as an expat spouse, due to her husband’s work. Her journey embodies the spirit of adaptation and resilience and in our new interview, she graciously shares her experiences, challenges, and triumphs as she navigates her new life in a different cultural landscape.

From adjusting to the nuances of French lifestyle to embracing new opportunities, Ijeoma’s story is both compelling and enlightening. Her perspective offers a unique glimpse into the fusion of cultures and the beauty of diversity.

Be sure to catch the full interview with Ijeoma on our YouTube channel here!


Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your expatriation journey to Paris?

Hello everyone, my name is Ijeoma Emeghara and I moved to Paris due to my husband’s expatriation.  I am an entrepreneur but I had to close down my business and move down to Paris with my husband for him to be able to work comfortably in France. I have 3 kids and have now been here for about 7 months and right now I am trying to settle down and figure out what is next for me. Before coming  to France, I had my business and so I travelled to countries like China to buy all different types of fabrics to make dresses. In my country, we have this material we especially like a lot. They call it lace material and we use it for our traditional outfits and attire. So that’s what I was into before my expatriation.


How would you describe your time at Absolutely French?

I got to know about Absolutely French from my husband but before coming here, I had zero knowledge of French. The move was a bit unexpected and I didn’t have much time to prepare. Therefore, when I got to France, I found that it was quite difficult to mix and to get along so I just said ‘Ok, I have to start learning French’. So, my husband told me about it and said his office made arrangments for expat spouses to learn French. That’s how I got to learn about Absolutely French. I have been here now for about 3 weeks and would say that it has been pretty good. I have been learning well and everyone here is so friendly. They tend to make you feel relaxed which makes the learning atmosphere conducive to helping you say what you want to [in French].


Talent of the month

What is your favourite French Word you have learned at Absolutely French?

Ha ha ha. Probably ‘Désolé’. You know in Englsh you always say ‘Sorry, Sorry, Sorry’, almost every other word, so ‘Désolé’ is just the word that I would say I use most frequently. So I would say that is the word I like the most.

Read about Anglicisims in French here!


Where are your favourite places to go in Paris?

This is not actually my first time in France. I have come before for vacation and all that so I would say the Eiffel Tower, which is the obvious one. I have also visited Versailles, where they have the palace.

Talent of the Month

How would you describe Paris in three words?

I see the people here and they work a lot, so I would say Paris has a lot of hard-working people. It’s about work, home, work. Then… so far I would say Paris is peaceful and Paris can also be fun, if you know how to [have fun]!

Read our Brit’s introduction to Paris here!


Would you say Absolutely French has helped you settle in here?

Yes, it has. Some of our classes involve Stroll and Learn, which has really helped me be able to navigate the city and also to know more about the history of France and of Paris.


Do you have a plan for what you will do in future here in Paris?

Yes, I do actually have a plan. When I am done with all my classes, I intend to start applying for jobs and hopefully I am able to secure myself one and kick on from there!

Expat spouse in Paris

How would you describe Absolutely French?

I love it here, it’s like a family here. Like I said earlier, everyone is lovely and fun to be with, and the fact that all the workers are patient enough to listen to you and give you a listening ear is amazing.


Do you have a mantra you live you life by?

Well because I am a spiritual person, I would say I live by hoping that everyday when you pray, God helps organise your life. Whatever it is you want, when you speak to God, understand, it comes true.


Thank you Ijeoma for taking the time to speak to us, your insight and perspective on expatriation, and congratultions again on being our Talent of the Month!

Be sure to check out some of our previous Talents of the Month below!

Cheney from Macau

Puneet from India




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Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

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