Tag: learn

  • 5 free apps to learn French

    5 free apps to learn French

    5 free apps to learn French quickly and easily

    Quizlet :
    Games, games, games, we love it ! 

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily          free apps to learn French quickly and easily

    App which allows to practice and help to memorize the language. Possibility to create your own lists according to your needs among billions already existing. Possibility to listen texts with a perfect pronunciation into 18 languages5 free apps to learn French

    – We love : listen to words pronunciation
    – We don’t like : lack of liberty for formatting sheets


    Duolingo :
    Make sentences quickly

    app study listen language learn useful playful          free apps to learn French quickly and easily


    Short and fun lessons adapted to the majority of us. Rapid progress. Basic vocabulary, immediate correction. Many languages available. Adapted to children.

    – We love : intensive mode
    – We don’t like : basic vocabulary only


    Flashcards :
    You manage your own apprentiship

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily          free apps to learn French quickly and easily


    Make your own vocabulary sheet according to your needs, put your own pictures if you want to illustrate your sheets. You can also work with some of them already done. Reminder of past lessons. 22 languages available.

    – We love : possibility to personalize your sheets
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app

    Orthographe avec DigiSchool :
    Progress at your own rhythm with 4 different levels

    exercise language learn spelling          oral writing French exercise learning


    They offer entertaining and interactive exercises adapted to each one. Review with sheets with which you can test your knowledge. 

    – We love : large choice of exercises
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app


    We love ! 

    Memrise :
    Work on your vocabulary according to your level in order to be autonomous quickly

     App learn French quickly sentence app french prononciation German speakApp world language quick easy

    Work on your vocabulary according to your level in order to be autonomous quickly. Their mission ? Learning by doing. Indeed, a huge choice of games is available even if you do not have Internet. You can fix your own goals and progress with your own rhythm. Mainly useful vocabulary that you can daily use. The app’s goal is to make you able to have a conversation with someone else in an easy way. International team available to advice you.

    22 languages available.

    – We love : useful words for all day life
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app



    Do you have other suggestions? Other apps that you use to learn French?

    We also love Rosetta Stone (Armelle said, it’s the best!).

    What is the best one for you?


    You will love also these articles ?

    Why learning by doing is better ?

    How to be friends with your French neighbours ?



    Absolutely French is the first French language school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses and expatriates.

    Our main mission is to promote dual careers for expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French courses, we guarantee a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us !

    E-mail : contact@absolutely-french.eu

    Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

    Address : 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris
    To discover : July 14th

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily

  • The expatriation of Elenice, an opportunity to learn!

    The expatriation of Elenice, an opportunity to learn!

    The expatriation of Elenice, an opportunity to learn!


    Elenice is an expat partner in France.

    She made her expatriation an opportunity to learn,
    develop new skills for her future life!

    Let’s discover her!


    Elenice, an expat partner

    How was Elenice’s life before her expatriation ? 

    She comes from São Paulo in Brazil. She was a financial manager.


    expatriation opportunity

    What about her expatriation ?

    It is her first expatriation. When we ask her if she was happy to go abroad,
    she tells us she was happy.

    « I think that this experience will bring me a lot of new skills
    and help me to improve my career and also my personal life. »


    Her life in France as an expat partner

    How were your feelings when you’ve arrived in France?

    What is difficult? If yes, what was the most difficult for you?

    « It was a mix of happiness with excitement. My husband was already here and he went to pick me up
    at the airport because unfortunately I’ve arrived in the fist day of the strike in December 2019.

    The most difficult for me was that I was away from my friends and family in a different country
    with a different culture and without a job. I’ve never being without a job since I was 15 years old. »


    And now? How do you feel in Paris?

    « Now we are in the middle of the COVID-19 crises and in a certain way I’m getting used to the new routine.
    My husband work home office until the end of May and I keep doing household chores and studying French and technology. »

    The expatriation : an opportunity as an expat partner

    During her expatriation, she starts to study technology (programming language).
    She still don’t have a new job because first she has to change her visa
    and because of the lock-down this had to be postponed. 

    Visa and residence permit to go to France


    Expatriation brought new skills, useful in the professional world ?

    « Yes, I think the most important is the resilience. You get used to face new challenges and learn
    to adapt to any situation, it helps inside the professional wold too. »


    Her future as an expat partner

    How do you see your life after? What do you want? Go back home? Go somewhere else?

    « For now I don’t have plans to go back to Brazil I plan
    to find a job here and  
    than see what to plan in the future. »


    To end Elenice’s interview

    What is your favorite quote? Why?


    I like Lao Tzu’s quote:

    « The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step. »

    Because I think it represents the moment I’m living now as I had to change radically my lifestyle
    I’m re-planning a lot of things in my life now and it has to be done step-by-step.




    Elenice speaks Portuguese, English, Spanish and starts to be good in French, too!

    She is looking for a job as financial manager.

    To know more about her, please watch her linkedin profile


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration ❤️ !

    You want to learn with us?

    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    E-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    Read also :

    Culture difference when you travel abroad

    How to find a job as an expat partner : 5 keys points

  • “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    This question related to the way of teaching language has been asked many time, so I would like to respond to it more clearly here.

    It’s a real and wide subject, related to the way we teach and learn languages in France and that makes us not good at languages! 

    These are the lots of preconceived ideas I’m trying to fight : 


    1 – We learn a new language better with someone who speaks our language: No

    To learn French, we need a French trainer who speaks French, that’s all!

    Of course, if he has learnt at least one other language, it is an advantage: he has been in a learning situation and therefore, he will understand better the way of teaching language (although this is not enough, I will come back to this in another article). 

    Language courses must be taught only in the language to learn. 

    Why ?

    – First of all, because every student will take the easy way out (yes, even me). When they knows that the teacher speaks their language, they will systematically use words from this language when they don’t know, to go as simply as possible, instead of trying to find another way to explain themselves with a vocabulary they know : and then familiarize their brain with the language to learn.

    – Furthermore, the learner has to hear new sounds over and over again to be able to remember.

    – Finally, we have to keep in mind that our adult brains can only do one thing at a time. 


    way of teaching language
    Integration center – French training – expat partners

    2. I see you coming:
    “It’s not possible to set this up when students are beginners.”

    Well, how did we learn our mother language? No one was here to translate us. However, we all succeeded (ok, more or less quickly depending on each one). 

    People showed us pictures, made us repeat words, played with objects, explained that they matched this or that word….

    So we can do it, we just have to go step by step, and re-use a lot of the words we’ve already learnt.

    Naturally, the first few days are harder: you have to repeat, pronounce, listen a lot, but in a long term period, the efficiency is really better.

    Cooking women fun learn languages - way of teaching language


    There are many positive effects of speaking only the language of instruction to learn:

    – This increases the learning process 

    – The student finally understands through context

    – Learners’ pronunciation is better

    – They improve their oral and comprehension skills 

    – With the immersion way : The brain creates a new space for this language and then connects to it each time it is used

    Many studies of neurosciences have shown that a language that is only taught in this language can be retained better and the brain develops a new space for it, in the Broca area, which is the part of the mind that is dedicated to languages.

    And softwares such as Rosetta Stone, which use images and signs to explain and teach languages, also prove it.


    3 – We can still translate just some words into their language to help them: NO

    Contrary to what we might think, “translating” does not help learners,

    but facilitates the work of teachers: no need to explain again.

    If we explain the rules of the game at the beginning, that there will be no translation or explanation in their language, the learners fully understand and adapt. 

    – When we remove the translation from our learning system, we are learning to think in this language directly and this way of teaching language is much more efficient.

    That’s why, you can ban all applications to learn a language, which translate, all videos with the subtitle in your language…

    – Moreover,  translation has its limits, it never goes as fast as thinking directly in the desired language (even if it takes a little time, and patience to get there). 

    – It’s called immersion, and nothing better has been done to teach foreign languages. 

    You may have lived abroad and experienced this way of teaching language ? If so, you have surely seen the difference in your learning, haven’t you?


    apprendre une langue - way of teaching language

    4 – And to explain the grammar, can we still use another language? NO

    Well, there’s no point in learning grammar until you’ve practiced at least 100 hours of speaking, listening…

    Grammar can reassure (many) students, but it is mainly by talking that we memorize,

    by learning and using complete sentences.

    Once you’ve practiced 100 hours, you have all the vocabulary you need to explain grammar. 

    So let’s forget the grammar hours and practice!

    And to practice, let us never forget that there is one thing that is essential for learners to dare : kindness!




    Armelle Perben

    Founder, Expatriate’s Spouse and Executive Director of Absolutely French


    armelle perben-absolutely french- fondatrice


    Armelle defends the double career in expatriation,

    for the happiness of the expatriate,

    and the career of the expatriates’ partners,

    because they are also talents !


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    E-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    Read other articles :

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French!

    Why learning by doing ?

    10 key points to learn French and improve quickly


    Find us there :


  • Top 5 french grammar books

    Top 5 french grammar books

    5 grammar books we recommend to learn french


    Whether you are beginners, intermediate or experienced, here are 5 books of French grammar to learn or improve your grammar, recommended by our FLE teachers.

    livre grammaire orthographe français apprendre cours exercice

    Grammaire essentielle du FLE with Didier


    Various books of different levels  (A1, A2, B1, B2)

    To work with personalised content, adapted to your level,

    For teenagers and adults.

     I found this book very complete, with a large choice of written and oral exercises 


    We love : each theme relies on 3 different steps :

    observation, reflection and memorisation


     Key advantage : numerous distributors in France and abroad, ideal to prepare yourself well before your arrival!

    Digital resources are also available as well as a comparative grammar.


    You can consult the book on their website : Voir le livre

    Prix : 20.90€

    livre grammaire français recommandé exercice cours



    Progressive grammar of the FLE with Clé International

    For beginners : A1 book

    For intermediate learners: A2 to B2 books

    Progressive learning


    We love : being able to practice exercices while having the book in front of you to acknowledge all the grammar rules


    The avantage : adapted to take language certificates


    To have a look at the book : Click here

    Price : 23.90€

    grammaire progressive débutant A1 cours français apprendre livre- French grammar books



    Classic grammar learning with PUG

    2 books, 2 levels : beginner (A1,A2) and advanced (B1, B2)

    Work on your oral and written skills


    We love : the summary sheets to remember what you have learned

    The avantage : uses analytical skills and develops your perceptions to learn


    To have a look at the book : Click here

    Price : 20.50€

    La grammaire des premiers temps -French grammar books


    The exerciser with PUG

    600 exercices of grammar, 24 chapters.

    For advanced learners.


    We love : the information is synthetic : we are not lost in loads of data


    The avantage : relies on numerous documents

    (articles, publicity, photographies, drawings, statistics)

     to become familiar with a wide variety of resources.


    An index for exercices which allows you to spot de difficulty of each grammar rule.


    To have a look at the books : click here

    Price : 21.60€

    Possibility to buy another chapter.

    exercisier grammaire français française cours exercice b1 b2 confirmé - French grammar books


    Bled grammar with hachette

    80 lessons, more than 350 exercices with correction.

    An easy format which is adapted for children and adults.

    Offers a great amount of grammar rules and verbs

    To be capable of speaking and writing in any situation.


    We love : The very detailed exercises and lessons


    The advantage : very useful book


    Price : 12.90€ (less expensive than other grammar books)

    To have a look at the book : click here

    bled grammaire livre recommandé français France apprendre - French grammar books


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    E-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


     Did you like this article? You can also read :

    Bien se tenir à table : 10 règles de savoir-vivre indispensables 

    10 points clés pour bien apprendre le français et progresser plus vite


    Follow Absolutely French on :


  • 5 free applications to learn french

    5 free applications to learn french

    5 applications to learn french

    We tested several applications to learn french, here is our top 5 !

    Quizlet :

    Games, games, games, we love it !


    applications learn french          applications learn french


    Application that allows you to train and helps you to memorize the language. Possibility to create your own lists according to your desires and needs among millions already created.

    Possibility to listen to texts with perfect pronunciation in 18 languages.

    – We like : listening to the pronunciation of words

    – We don’t like : lack of freedom to edit the cards

    To discover Quizlet, it’s there !


    Duolingo :

    Form sentences quickly

    applications learn french           applications learn french


    Short and fun lessons, adapted to a larger number. Fast progression. Basic vocabulary, instant correction. Several languages available. Good for children.

    – We like : the possibility to switch to an “intensive” mode

    – We don’t like : quite basic vocabulary, the use of two languages, only the language taught should be used.



    Flashcards avec CRAM:

    Being the main player in your learning process

    applications learn french           applications learn french

    Make your own vocabulary sheets according to your needs, illustrate your vocabulary as you wish.

    Possibility to take already done cards.

    Possibility to share your cards with other people.

    Learning via new cards but also revisions via old ones already learned so as not to forget what you are learning.


    22 languages available.

    – We like : visuals helping you to memorize, being able to listen to what you write in the language chooses!

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application

    Cram is a great tool  to develop your vocabulary, using what already exists, or

    by creating their own maps with their definition: in French, of course ?!



    Orthographe avec DigiSchool :

    Progress at your pace with 4 levels of difficulty

    applications learn french            applications learn french

    Spelling with DigiSchool offers fun and interactive exercises, adapted to the level of the learner. Reviews with intuitive and easy cards and the possibility to test your knowledge to evaluate yourself

    – We like : large amount of exercises

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application



    Memrise : 

    Work on your vocabulary according to your level and become autonomous quickly

    applications learn french        applications learn french        applications learn french

    Their mission? Make learning fun.

    A wide choice of interactive games available even without Internet connection.

    Works by setting goals to evolve at everyone’s pace. Focused on useful vocabulary on a daily basis.

    Their goal is to make you learn the language and to make students able to conduct a conversation quickly. International team for accompaniment.

    22 languages available.

    – We like : mots practical and useful words for your everyday life

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application

    Try our application !

    Absolutely French : 

    Learn every single day with great visuals and interactive games ! 

    Learn a new French word every day.

    Play : watch, listen, contextualize, pronounce, use it in à sentence and write this new word to memorize better.

    Review all words at the end of the week, one week, one theme.

    Beginners level.

    Improve your vocabulary faster with Absolutely French !

    Our application allows you to test yourself and learn differently ! 

    The very positive aspect of our app : you have a free access to all the content we offer. 


    Absolutely French IOS

    Absolutely French Android

    You liked this article ? You can also read :

    Bien se tenir à table : 10 règles de savoir-vivre indispensables 

    10 points clés pour bien apprendre le français et progresser plus vite


    Find Absolutely French on :


  • 5 (excellent) reasons to learn French

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French!

    French, a romantic language

    Why learn french ?

    The first reason to learn French : It’s THE language of love and “Je t’aime”.

    Many sang it:

    L’hymne à l’amour – Edith Piaf

    Quand on a que l’amour – Jacques Brel

    Aimer à perdre la raison – de Jean Ferrat

    And if you learn the language, you will also discover the romantic culture of French people.

    kiss couple French learn love romantic view reasons

    Why learn French? Because French is the language of culture

    The second reason to learn French : French culture is recognized worldwide

    Cuisine, fashion, theater, literature, architecture …

    French is the language of Molière, Victor Hugo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edith Piaf
    Speak French is being able to read, listen to music, watch movies, all that, in original version!

    15 French movies you must watch

    Learn French, a language to travel

    France is the most visited country in the world!
    With 89 millions tourists in 2017.
    Knowing French allows a better understanding of French culture

    and lifestyle and will really helps you in Paris and in the French countryside.

    To enjoy France, you will need to know how to ask for :

    “Une baguette bien blanche, s’il vous plait.” or “Un croissant, s’il vous plait”, of course!


    paris Eiffel tour view reasons

    French, a working language

    In the professional field, speaking French is a real asset!
    French is spoken in Canada, in Belgium, in Switzerland, and in many African countries.
    France is the 5th largest economy in the world.

    French is a real “Plus” if you want to work in a French firm as L’Oréal, Total, Renault…

    And if you want to work for European Union,

    it’s the language where 3 big headquarters are : Bruxelles, Strasbourg and Luxembourg.

    French, a world language

    Another reason to learn French : 220 million people speak French in the world. French is in 6th place!

    77 states and governments have French as their official language :
    Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Canada, Switzerland …
    It is also an official language of the major international organizations (European Union, NATO, UNESCO …)

    meeting reasons people learn French

    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    E-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    A lire aussi :

    Learning French by doing

    Parler une langue suffit-il à l’intégration dans un nouveau pays ?

    Gestion des Expatriés : 4 Points Clés

    Retrouvez Absolutely French sur :