Category: French language

French language

  • Rugby : Un sport, une passion, une porte vers l’intégration

    Rugby : Un sport, une passion, une porte vers l’intégration

    Le rugby, avec ses valeurs de respect, de solidarité et de dépassement de soi, est bien plus qu’un simple sport. C’est un véritable mode de vie et un moyen unique de s’intégrer dans une nouvelle culture, de rester actif et de tisser des liens durables. En tant que membre d’une équipe de rugby, je peux témoigner de l’impact positif qu’il peut avoir sur la vie d’un expatrié.

    Le rugby : un langage universel

    Déménager dans un nouveau pays est une aventure excitante mais souvent déstabilisante. Trouver ses repères dans un environnement inconnu peut être difficile, mais le rugby offre une solution simple et efficace. Sur le terrain, il n’y a pas de barrières linguistiques ou culturelles. Le ballon ovale devient un langage universel qui réunit des personnes de tous horizons. Les règles du jeu sont les mêmes partout dans le monde, ce qui facilite l’intégration dans une équipe locale.

    Rugby scrum

    Un sport pour la santé et l’équilibre

    Le rugby est aussi un excellent moyen de rester en forme. Ce sport exigeant combine course, force et stratégie, sollicitant à la fois le corps et l’esprit. Les entraînements réguliers permettent non seulement de garder la forme physique, mais aussi de relâcher le stress accumulé au quotidien. En tant qu’expatrié, cela aide à maintenir un équilibre mental, essentiel pour s’adapter à un nouveau mode de vie.

    Des amitiés à vie

    Rejoindre une équipe de rugby, c’est aussi entrer dans une communauté chaleureuse et accueillante. Les moments partagés sur le terrain, mais aussi autour d’un verre ou d’un repas après les matchs, créent des souvenirs inoubliables. Pour un expatrié, ces amitiés sont précieuses. Elles offrent un réseau de soutien et rendent l’expérience dans le pays d’accueil encore plus enrichissante.

    Mon expérience personnelle

    Depuis que j’ai rejoint une équipe de rugby locale, ma vie d’expatrié a pris une nouvelle dimension. Chaque entraînement et chaque match sont une opportunité de m’immerger davantage dans la culture locale tout en pratiquant un sport que j’aime. J’ai découvert des traditions, partagé des moments de complicité avec mes coéquipiers et appris à mieux comprendre les subtilités de mon pays d’accueil.

    Pourquoi ne pas essayer ?

    Si vous cherchez un moyen de vous intégrer, de rester actif et de rencontrer des personnes formidables, pourquoi ne pas essayer le rugby ? Que vous soyez débutant ou joueur confirmé, les équipes accueillent toujours avec plaisir de nouveaux membres. Alors, enfilez vos crampons, attrapez un ballon ovale et rejoignez-nous sur le terrain !

    Le rugby n’est pas seulement un sport, c’est une façon de vivre et de s’ouvrir au monde. Et vous, êtes-vous prêts à tenter l’aventure ?



    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!


    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • Networking for Expats

    Social Networking for Expats: How to Build Friendships and Connections in France


    Moving to a new country can be both exciting and challenging, especially when it comes to building a social network. For expats in France, integrating into local life while maintaining a sense of community is crucial. Here are some effective ways to build friendships and connections as an expat in France, through networking

    1. Join Expat Groups

    Expat groups are a fantastic starting point for anyone new to France. Whether you’re in Paris, Lyon, or a smaller city, you’ll find a variety of online communities on platforms like Facebook, Meetup, and InterNations. These groups often host events that allow expats to meet like-minded people, exchange tips, and create long-lasting friendships.

    Expats networking and making friends

    2. Attend Local Events

    France is known for its vibrant cultural scene, with countless festivals, markets, and social gatherings. Many cities host expat-friendly meetups, language exchanges, and professional networking events. Participating in these events is an excellent way to connect with locals and fellow expats, helping you expand your social circle.

    Check out this website which has lots of fantastic events!

    3. Explore Family-Friendly Activities

    For expat families, engaging in family-friendly activities such as sports clubs, playgrounds, and community centres can be a great way to meet other families. Many towns and cities in France offer a variety of activities for children and parents alike, fostering opportunities for new friendships to form.

    4. Learn the Language

    Mastering or improving your French can open many doors socially and professionally. Joining language exchange groups or enrolling in French classes, such as Absolutely French, will not only enhance your communication skills but also introduce you to a network of both locals and expats eager to learn. At Absolutely French, we do more than just teach French. With Stroll and Learns, Cook and Leans, Soirées and Workshops, you will feel settled in France in no time at all!

    Check out our other blog about some key French phrases that will help you day to day!

    Building a Social Network in France

    Building connections as an expat in France takes time, but with the right approach, you can create a fulfilling social life. Whether through expat groups, local events, or family activities, making friends and forming meaningful relationships will help you feel more at home in your new country.


    Best Websites for Expats

    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!


    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.


  • Sounding Absolutely French: 10 Essential Phrases

    Sounding Absolutely French: 10 Essential Phrases

    Integrating into a new country involves more than just learning the language; it’s about embracing the culture and making the language your own. As a student from England living in France, I’ve discovered that while it’s challenging to completely drop my native accent, using colloquial French phrases has significantly boosted my confidence and helped me feel more integrated into French society.

    French Phrases to help integrate

    Learning French? Check out our tips for using social media to help here!

    Incorporating local phrases and expressions into everyday conversations not only enriches your vocabulary but also helps you sound more like a local. Here are ten essential French phrases and words that can help you navigate conversations with ease and make you feel more at home:

    1. Ça marche?

    Translation: “Does that work?”
    Usage: This phrase is used to ask if something is acceptable or if a plan is feasible. It’s a handy expression to use when confirming arrangements or seeking agreement.

    2. C’est top !

    Translation: “It’s great!”
    Usage: Use this phrase to express that something is excellent or superb. It’s a relaxed and enthusiastic way to convey approval, more casual than “c’est génial.”

    3. Pas de souci !

    Translation: “No worries!”
    Usage: A casual way to say that everything is fine and there’s no problem. It’s useful in both social and professional settings to reassure someone.

    4. Je me casse !

    Translation: “I’m leaving!”
    Usage: This informal phrase is used when you’re heading out or leaving a place. It’s a more laid-back alternative to “je pars” and is commonly used among friends.

    5. C’est chiant !

    Translation: “It’s boring/annoying!”
    Usage: The French often use this to express that something is tedious or irritating. It’s a more casual and emphatic way to say something is a hassle

    6. Je suis crevé(e) !

    Translation: “I’m exhausted!”
    Usage: Use this French phrase to indicate that you’re very tired. It’s an informal way to let others know that you’re worn out.

    7. Trop bien !

    Translation: “So good!”
    Usage: This casual phrase is used to express that something is fantastic or really good. It’s a way to show enthusiasm and approval.

    8. ‘On’ over ‘Nous’

    For example: On va au cinéma ce soir ?

    Translation: “Are we going to the cinema tonight?”
    Usage: It is common in conversational French to use the pronoum ‘on’ in place of ‘nous’ to say ‘we’. However, this is quite informal, so take that into consideration when using it!

    9. C’est pas grave.

    Translation: “It’s not a big deal.”
    Usage: This phrase is used to downplay a mistake or problem, similar to saying “no worries” or “it’s okay.”

    10. C’est hyper- / C’est super-

    Translation: “It’s super-”
    Usage: Adding “hyper” or “super” before an adjective is a way to exaggerate and emphasize how great something is. It’s an effective way to express strong feelings about something. For example, if you wanted to say something was very interesting, you could say “c’est super interessant”!


    Incorporating phrases like these into your conversations can make you sound more like a local and help you feel more confident in your everyday interactions. As someone who’s been navigating life in France, I’ve found that using these expressions not only makes communicating with French people easier and seem more natural, but also makes me feel more like a local myself! Confidence is so key to language learning, and feeling that little bit less like an outsider really does help!

    So, embrace colloquial expressions as a way to enhance your language skills and enjoy the process of integrating into your new French-speaking environment. Bon courage et amusez-vous bien ! (Good luck and have fun!)


    Best Websites for Expats


    Absolutely French is the leading French language school uniquely tailored for expatriates.

    Through our engaging, friendly, and innovative French courses, we not only promise a seamless integration into French society but also an immersive cultural experience.

    Are you an expatriate looking to master the French language and embrace the local culture?

    Become Absolutely French!

    Contact us!


    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

    Checkout our Absolutely Talented Job Fair!

  • The Rise of Anglicism’s in French

    The Rise of Anglicism’s in French

    The Rise of Anglicism’s in French: Cultural Erosion or Linguistic Evolution? – A Brit’s Perspective

    As a Brit who has found themselves living in the heart of France, I cannot help but notice the subtle yet significant shifts occurring in the French language. While strolling through the bustling streets of Paris or sitting in a quaint bistro, one might catch snippets of conversations peppered with English words and phrases, or simply see ‘Iced Latte’ on a menu in place of what ten years ago, would have read ‘Latte Glacé’.



    The New Normal in French Discourse?

    This phenomenon, known as Anglomania or the increasing use of Anglicism’s in French, has sparked much debate among linguists, purists, and language enthusiasts alike. It’s fascinating to consider the historical context of language exchange between English and French.

    The linguistic interplay between these two languages ​​dates back centuries. It can be traced back to the Norman invasion of 1066. Estimates suggest that around 30 percent of English vocabulary has French origins.


    Anglicisms in French

    10 Tips to Master French Quickly!

    However, in today’s era of continued globalization and technological advancement, the flow of linguistic influence seems to be shifting. Modern English is making its way into the French lexicon more than ever before. Whether it’s in the realms of technology, business, or pop culture, English words and phrases are becoming increasingly integrated into everyday French discourse. As someone who straddles both cultures, I must admit to feeling a certain fondness for this linguistic crossover.

    Living in France, I’ve observed firsthand how the infusion of English vocabulary adds a dynamic flair to the French language. It’s not uncommon to hear phrases like “fast food,” “brainstorming,” or “streaming” seamlessly woven into conversations. Yet, amidst my appreciation for this linguistic fusion, I find myself grappling with a fundamental question:

    Are Anglicism’s a boon or a bane for French culture?


    The French Language:

    Tradition vs. Innovation

    On one hand, proponents argue that the adoption of English words reflects France’s openness to global influences and its ability to adapt to the ever-changing landscape of communication. In an era where English serves as the lingua franca of international business, science, and technology, embracing Anglicism’s can be seen as a pragmatic response to the demands of an interconnected world. Moreover, some argue that the incorporation of English words into French enriches the language. It adds nuance and precision where traditional French vocabulary may fall short. For instance, terms like “le marketing” or “le brainstorming” convey specific concepts that may not have direct equivalents in French. This therefore allows for clearer communication in certain contexts.

    On the other hand, critics warn against the dilution of French identity and the erosion of linguistic purity. French, with its rich history and cultural significance, holds a special place in the hearts of its speakers. The Académie Française , tasked with preserving the integrity of the French language, has long been vigilant against the encroachment of foreign influences. Some fear that the widespread use of Anglicism’s could lead to a loss of linguistic diversity and homogenization of global communication. They argue that by defaulting to English terms, speakers may inadvertently diminish the ‘je ne sais quoi’ that makes French uniquely beautiful and expressive.


    Anglicisms in French

    Embracing the Hybrid:

    Finding Harmony in Language

    Reflecting on these arguments, I can’t help but feel torn. I appreciate the convenience and pragmatism of incorporating English words into French, especially as someone navigating life in a bilingual environment. Yet, I also recognize the importance of preserving the essence of French culture and language. Ultimately, I believe there’s room for a balanced approach. Embracing Anglicism’s doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning French traditions or neglecting the rich tapestry of the language. Rather, it’s about finding a harmonious coexistence between tradition and innovation, heritage and globalization. As long as French remains a vibrant and evolving language, enriched by its interactions with other languages, it will continue to embody the essence of French culture and identity.

    As I continue my journey of  exploration in France, I remain hopeful that the French language will continue to evolve. Through this, is can draw on strength from its past while embracing the opportunities of the future. After all, language, like other elements of culture, is an ever-evolving entity. And perhaps, in this evolving landscape, there’s a place for both “le croissant” and “le muffin,” “la baguette” and “le sandwich.”


    Anglicisms in French


    To Round Up:

    Whether Anglicism’s are a good or bad thing for French culture may depend on one’s perspective. As for me, I’ll continue to savor the delightful interplay between English and French, finding joy in the fusion of two worlds and celebrating the richness of linguistic diversity.

    In closing, Victor Hugo’s words in the preface to his play Cromwell ring true: “La langue française n’est pas fixée, et ne se fixera point. Une langue ne se fixe pas. L’esprit humain est toujours en marche, ou, si l’on veut, en mouvement, et les langues avec lui.”

    As we witness the introduction of anglicisms into French, it’s imperative to remember that while preserving the essence of the French language is crucial, linguistic evolution is inevitable. Just as Hugo suggests, language is fluid, adapting alongside the ever-changing human intellect. Therefore, while embracing the rich heritage of French, we must also acknowledge the dynamic nature of language, welcoming new expressions and influences that contribute to its vibrant evolution.




    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses.

    Our main mission is to encourage dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee you a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us!


    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49

    Address: 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris.

  • 5 free apps to learn French

    5 free apps to learn French

    5 free apps to learn French quickly and easily

    Quizlet :
    Games, games, games, we love it ! 

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily          free apps to learn French quickly and easily

    App which allows to practice and help to memorize the language. Possibility to create your own lists according to your needs among billions already existing. Possibility to listen texts with a perfect pronunciation into 18 languages5 free apps to learn French

    – We love : listen to words pronunciation
    – We don’t like : lack of liberty for formatting sheets 

    Duolingo :
    Make sentences quickly

    app study listen language learn useful playful          free apps to learn French quickly and easily


    Short and fun lessons adapted to the majority of us. Rapid progress. Basic vocabulary, immediate correction. Many languages available. Adapted to children.

    – We love : intensive mode
    – We don’t like : basic vocabulary only

    Flashcards :
    You manage your own apprentiship

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily          free apps to learn French quickly and easily


    Make your own vocabulary sheet according to your needs, put your own pictures if you want to illustrate your sheets. You can also work with some of them already done. Reminder of past lessons. 22 languages available.

    – We love : possibility to personalize your sheets
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app

    Orthographe avec DigiSchool :
    Progress at your own rhythm with 4 different levels

    exercise language learn spelling          oral writing French exercise learning


    They offer entertaining and interactive exercises adapted to each one. Review with sheets with which you can test your knowledge. 

    – We love : large choice of exercises
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app

    We love ! 

    Memrise :
    Work on your vocabulary according to your level in order to be autonomous quickly

     App learn French quickly sentence app french prononciation German speakApp world language quick easy

    Work on your vocabulary according to your level in order to be autonomous quickly. Their mission ? Learning by doing. Indeed, a huge choice of games is available even if you do not have Internet. You can fix your own goals and progress with your own rhythm. Mainly useful vocabulary that you can daily use. The app’s goal is to make you able to have a conversation with someone else in an easy way. International team available to advice you.

    22 languages available.

    – We love : useful words for all day life
    – We don’t like : extra fee to have access to the entire app


    Do you have other suggestions? Other apps that you use to learn French?

    We also love Rosetta Stone (Armelle said, it’s the best!).

    What is the best one for you?


    You will love also these articles ?

    Why learning by doing is better ?

    How to be friends with your French neighbours ?



    Absolutely French is the first French language school dedicated solely to expatriate spouses and expatriates.

    Our main mission is to promote dual careers for expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French courses, we guarantee a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us !

    E-mail :

    Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

    Address : 15 rue du Colonel Moll, 75017, Paris
    To discover : July 14th

    free apps to learn French quickly and easily

  • Combien de temps faut-il pour apprendre une langue ?

    Combien de temps faut-il pour apprendre une langue ?

    Combien de temps faut il pour apprendre une langue ?  il faut en moyenne 120 heures de formation pour atteindre le niveau A1.

    L’apprentissage d’une langue : un nouveau défi!

    Vous le savez déjà sûrement : Apprendre une langue est propre à chacun. Mais combien de temps faut-il pour apprendre une langue?

    Il y a votre voisin, qui est parti au Vietnam et qui a appris la langue en 6 mois, et vous qui essayez de maîtriser l’anglais depuis 10 ans!

    Mais alors pourquoi ces écarts dans l’apprentissage d’une langue ?

    Tout d’abord la sonorité de la langue. Suivant la/les langue.s que vous parlez déjà, vous aurez plus ou moins de facilité à apprendre la nouvelle. Exemple : un espagnol apprendra plus facilement le français, en effet ses deux langues latines ont des sons communs très facilement reconnaissables.

    Et pour certains ses nouveaux sons peuvent représenter un obstacle majeur. En effet, notre cerveau lors de l’apprentissage de la nouvelle langue, découvre des sons qu’il doit appréhender et comprendre. Ce qui peut créer un blocage ou une frustration chez certains.

    Le nombre de langues parlées

    C’est aussi un indicateur précieux sur le nombre d’heures dont vous aurez besoin pour apprendre une nouvelle langue.

    En effet, plus vous connaissez de langues, plus vous apprendrez vite une nouvelle.

    Votre âge

    Votre âge sera aussi un indicateur sur le nombre d’heures nécessaires. Plus on est jeune, plus vite on apprend. En effet l’oreille est encore malléable et notre cerveau a plus de plasticité pour s’adapter et apprendre. Mais (et j’insiste), on peut apprendre une nouvelle langue, à n’importe quel âge.

    Dernier point très important : la motivation !

    En effet, si vous devez apprendre une nouvelle langue pour communiquer avec votre nouvel amoureux ou avec votre collègue de travail, vous n’aurez pas la même motivation (encore que ça dépend du/de la collègue pour certains!).

    En résumé, plus votre motivation est importante, plus vous apprendrez vite!

    combien d'heures pour apprendre un e langue
    Nos Absolus au travail au restaurant.

    Combien de temps faut-il pour apprendre une langue ? Combien de temps me faut-il pour devenir autonome ?

    Nombres d’heures nécessaire à l’autonomie dans la vie de tous les jours

    Un niveau d’autonomie correspond à un niveau A2.1. On est capable de comprendre des expressions et des phrases isolées dans une conversation sur des sujets quotidiens. On est capable d’aller faire ses courses, communiquer avec le médecin, régler les problèmes du quotidien.

    Pour un grand débutant : A0, et c’est une moyenne (qui dépendra de tout ce qu’on a indiqué avant), on compte 60 heures par niveau passé.

    Donc 60 heures pour passer du niveau A0 au niveau A1.1, puis 60 heures pour arriver au niveau A1.2.

    Puis 60 heures pour arriver au niveau d’autonomie : A2.1. Il faudra donc 180 heures à un nouvel apprenant pour être autonome dans son nouveau pays.

    Pour y arriver le plus vite possible : le plus important est de garder une régularité dans l’apprentissage de la langue et d’être motivé.

    Combien de temps faut-il pour devenir autonome ?

    Et ensuite?

    Et lorsque l’on a atteint ce niveau A2.1, on a suffisamment de bases pour continuer à apprendre en autonomie, avec des livres/films/podcasts…

    La meilleure façon d’apprendre une langue est de la vivre. C’est lorsque l’on passe par des émotions que l’on retient les choses. J’ai toujours rencontré des difficultés à apprendre les langues, rester sur une chaise, à écouter le prof parler m’ennuyais et j’avais l’impression de ne pas progresser, j’allais au cours de langue à reculons.  C’est quand je suis allée en Angleterre en immersion totale que j’ai appris que l’apprentissage d’une langue devait se vivre pour mieux l’apprendre. 

    C’est pourquoi, il est vraiment important pour moi que les cours soient ludiques et immersifs, car cela est plus motivant d’une part, mais surtout le mémorisation est bien meilleure sur le long terme.

    Découvrez 5 excellentes raisons d’apprendre le français

    Absolutely French is the first French school dedicated to integrate expat spouses and expats.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration !

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris

    Parler une langue suffit-il à l’intégration dans son nouveau pays?

  • Expat spouse : step by step how to integrate in your new country?

    Expatriate spouse, how to integrate in France?

    Step by step

    spouse expatriate housewife housewife, education, expat, expats, expatriates, expat wife, integration, free time, spouse

    Expatriate spouse, how to integrate in France?

    Expat partner, which step to integrate in France?  What voice to choose to blossom? Which step to integrate easily?

    Having an activity in the country is a real plus, and this can be done even if you do not completely master the language.

    Here are some examples of possible options : part-time job, full-time job, teacher, volunteer in one or several associations, learn new competencies , become an auto-entrepreneur…

    Being a homemaker is a way to thrive on a daily basis. It allows you to live at your own place, to devote more time to the education of your children or to other activities, without forgetting to think about yourself and learn new things!


    First step to integrate : Learn the language

    Language is the first tool to integrate. Because through language you will learn a lot about the culture, and this will help you understand people in your new country. Language is also a new comptencie that you could use, when you will go back in your country.

    Try to find a school dedicated to expats so you could share tips with them, and help each others about job, kids, activities…

    You don’t have same things to share with students which didn’t begin their professional life, or people who will stay all their life here. This is not the same situation.

    You are going to stay in this country 2 or 3 years, so you need to integrate quickly to make this expatriation an opportunity.

    step to integrate - learn the language
    Learn French with the learning by doing method with other expatriates

    Second step to integrate : Be Volunteer

    If you have the sense of contact and you want to commit yourself to a cause you can become a volunteer for one or more associations. The advantages of being a volunteer :

    •  Meet a lot of people
    • Defend a cause that is important to you
    • Feel useful to society
    • Be more fulfilled personally
    • Developp new skills
    • Practice the language
    • Developp your network

    Some websites where you could find offers as volunteers in Paris and in France,

    and don’t worry, they have offers for people who don’t speak fluently ? :


    second step to integrate - become volunteer
    Absolutely Talented

    Third step to integrate : Find a job

    Would you like to be part of a team and put your skills to good use?

    You can become an employee of a company!

    There are 2 types of contracts:

    – Part-time: working less than 35 hours per week.

    This allows you to have more time to devote to another activity (children, sports, studies, leisure…).

    – Full time: work 35 hours per week.

    Some examples of platforms to help you find a job: pôle emploi, indeed, apec, monster, job search site, job search, dual career, expat, expats, integration

    You can read our article: How to find a job in France as an expat partner

    Other options to integrate as an expat partner?

    Become a teacher

    Do you like to pass on your knowledge? Then you can become a teacher.

    For example, by giving private lessons or by intervening in schools to teach students your native language. Many international schools in France are looking for teachers, contact us directly if you are interested.

    Find the listing of theses international schools here.

    You could also proposed your services to help young students to do their homework or give private courses.

    Become auto-entrepreneur

    If you have a taste for adventure and the soul of a leader, you can create your own business

    or take over an existing business by becoming an auto-entrepreneur or entrepreneur.

    Example: an expatriate that we follow has decided to open her own business to sell costume jewelry that she creates herself.An other one is a marketing manager and to get a job offer, she proposed to be an auto-entrepreneur (less risky for the company, and less taxes also), and she get the job!

    A good idea is enough to get started!  Make your expatriation an opportunity for your career.


    To know more about this statut and to create your account as auto-entrepreneur : tips here


    Expatriate Spouse :  Working in a “passion job”

    Writer, artist, painter, blogger… Our passions are what motivate us and make us happy.

    and make us happy, so why not make it our profession?

    It is nevertheless essential to be well informed before launching out, but doing what you love is essential if you want to blossom in your life.

    As you can see, there are many choices available to you in France, the simple fact of having an activity allows a more fulfilled life, So don’t hesitate and do what you want to do!



    femme au foyer, éducation, expat, expats, expatriés, femme d'expat, intégration, temps libre, conjoint
    Photo credit: Getty images


    Developp new skills that will be useful in your country


    Find a training to developp new skills, you have different options to make it : courses online, courses in training center, in a school.

    We are writing an article about it, it will be online, very soon. Stay tuned!


    You are expat partner, you’ve created your own job?

    We will be happy to make an interview of you! Tell us here!


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated solely to expat spouses.

    Our main mission is to promote dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Want to register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us !

    E-mail :

    Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

    Address : 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris

  • How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?

    How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?

    How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?

    Done with the books ! Long live action ! 

    Why does “learning a language” must be done through action?

    How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?

    b“I hear and I forget, 

    jI see and I remember,

    I do and I understand”, Confucius 


    What is the “learning by doing”, also known as the new action oriented method?

    Have you ever wondered how you can learn a new language in the easiest and fastest way as possible ?

    Virtual classes, e-learning platforms, applications in any kind, the approaches to learn a new language keep developing. 

    But are they actually helpful in the learning process ?

    In order to learn how to speak a new language, you need to immerse yourself in it, in its culture, their is a necessity in keeping contact with the natives, you need to live the language. 

    The “experimental cone” of Edgar Dale* shows that learning thought action is more effective : we only remember 10% of what we read and 75% of what we practise.

    Experiencing the language is the best way to rapidly assimilate and to retain everything in memory for the long term. 

    Here are some keys that will help you switch to an action oriented apprenticeship.


    What language do your teacher speak ?


    Participate in a discussion, exchange with the speakers. 

    play and learn methode actionnelle
    Our absolute in “play and learn”: we make them play to learn better and quicker !


    Studying a new language is very intuitive, being totally immersed in the culture and hanging out with native speakers allows you to become familiar with the way it sounds and it gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with it. 


    Moreover it is needed to hear and “see” in order to talk, in order to soak in the words, the expressions, the phonetics and to be able to naturally imitate your interlocutor. 

    So, don’t hesitate to search for contact with people speaking the language you are learning.


    Simulate an experience 


    Games are an excellent way to learn language 

    The role-playing exercises allow students to simulate everyday life experiences

    and to acquire the vocabulary specific to each situation (making a phone appointment, simulating a negotiation…).

    But the more classic games also work very well, because while you are playing, in the language you are learning,

    you forget that you are working. The tension is released and allows for mistakes, which allows you to progress more quickly.

    Practice also allows you not to be afraid to jump in when the real moment comes.


    Retale an experience 

    During “Stroll and Learn” days, our absolutes experience the language directly “out there”.


    Telling a story, talking about oneself, about what one likes, allows one to use everyday language.

    This allows you to assimilate vocabulary by reusing what you have heard in your own sentences.

    You can prepare in writing what you want to tell if it seems too difficult at first.

    Go for it! You will see, the people who listen to you will be happy to help you progress.


    Get out of class : experience 

    A language is first and foremost spoken, so it is important to emphasize the spoken word

    and to integrate it into your daily life in order to assimilate it more quickly and efficiently.

    The ideal is to learn the new language in the country where it is spoken.

    Take advantage of vacations and trips abroad to put yourself in real-life situations.

    Being on the move, communicating, living the action, appeals to all the senses and

    and feelings and allows for long term memorization. 

    Do not hesitate to “do” in the language you are learning: shopping, cooking, going to the theater…

    You will see that these moments will be the ones that you will remember the most.

    Books, E-learning platforms,… are supports, complementary tools, indispensable,

    but nothing can replace the fact of living the language, of feeling your way around, of making mistakes.

    The action- oriented method is the fastest and easiest way to learn a new language, your lessons will be revolutionized by this method.

    In conclusion, enjoy learning, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and “take action!


    How to learn a new language as quickly as possible
    Our “Absolus”, after each course, they “mimic” a word that they have learned during the day to memorize it. Will you find what they are?


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated solely to expat spouses.

    Our main mission is to promote dual careers among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee a successful integration!

    Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?

    Contact us !

    E-mail :

    Tel : 01 83 73 98 49

    Address : 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris

  • Learning by doing – Action method

    Learning by doing – Action method

    Learning by doing – Action Method

    💃🏻Down with the Books, Long Live the Action!🕺🏻

    Why being active is essential for Language Learning

    “I hear and forget,
    I see and I remember,
    I do and I understand”, Confucius

    learn French through theatre

    What is “learning by doing” or the action method?

    Virtual classroom, e-learning platform, application of all kinds,
    methods of learning a foreign language are constantly developing.

    But do they really allow you to learn?

    To know how to speak a language, one must be imbued with it,
    being immersed in culture, working with people who speak it, living it.

    Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”*
    shows that active learning is much more effective:
    we only retain 10% of what we read and 75% of what we put into practice.


    Living the language, is the best way to assimilate it quickly and memorize it in the long term.
    Here are some keys that will allow you to be in active learning
    and to use what we call: the actuating method.


    What languages do your teachers speak?


    Participate in a discussion, exchange with people who speak the language

    play and learn methode actionnelle
    Our Absolus in «Play and Learn»: we play to learn better!


    Learning a foreign language is intuitive, being totally immersed in language, culture,
    and working with people allows you to hear the sounds of the language and familiarize yourself with it.

    You have to hear and “see” speak, to be able to absorb the words,
    expressions, phonetics and naturally imitate one’s interlocutor.

    So, do not hesitate to meet people who speak the language you are learning.

    Simulate an experiment

    The game is a great way to learn a language.

    Role-playing, situational situations allow to simulate experiences of daily life
    and acquire the vocabulary specific to each situation (take a telephone appointment, simulate a negotiation…).

    But the more classic games also work very well, indeed while you play, in the language you learn,
    you forget that you are working. The tension is released and allows the error, which allows you to progress faster.

    The practice also makes it possible not to be afraid to launch when the real moment arrives.


    Recount an experience

    learning by doing - méthode actionnelle
    Our Absolus in Stroll and Learn directly experience the “out” language.

    Telling a lived experience, talking about oneself, about what we love, allows us to use the language of everyday life.
    It allows you to assimilate vocabulary by reusing what you’ve heard, in your own sentences.

    You can prepare in writing what you want to tell if it seems too difficult to begin with.

    Go for it! You will see, the people listening to you will be happy to help you progress.

    Getting out of class: Experimenting

    A language is primarily spoken, so it is important to focus on oral
    and integrate it into his daily life to assimilate more quickly and efficiently.

    The ideal is to learn the new language, in the country where it is spoken.
    Take advantage of holidays and trips abroad to put yourself in a real situation.

    To be in movement, to communicate, to live the action, appeals to all the senses
    and feelings and allows long-term memorization.

    Do not hesitate to «do» in the language you are learning: buy, cook, go to the theatre…

    You will then see that these moments will be the ones you will remember the most.

    Books, E-learning platform, etc. are supports, complementary tools, indispensable,
    but nothing can replace the fact of living the language, groping, making mistakes.

    So don’t be afraid to be wrong and “action!”


    * Professor and Educational Researcher, American




    Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation :
    for the expat, and the expat partner,
    because expat spouses are also international talents.

    She trusts that we can change the vision of recruiters about spouses.



    We are the first French school dedicated to integrate expat spouses and expats.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration!


    You want to learn with us?

    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    Read too :

    Is speaking a language enough for integration in a new country?

  • 5 reasons to learn French!

    5 reasons to learn French!

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French!

    Why learn french? Why you should study the language of love and not another one?

    Here are 5 excellent reasons to learn French!

    Learn French, It’s a romantic language

    It’s THE language of love and I love you. Many sang it:

    L’hymne* à l’amour – Edith Piaf

    Quand on a que l’amour – Jacques Brel

    Aimer à perdre la raison – de Jean Ferrat

    So if you practice French, you will understand all these beautiful songs and could sing it properly!

    learn french and understand french culture

    Learn French, It’s a language of culture

    French culture is recognized worldwide Cuisine, fashion, theater, literature, architecture …

    French is the language of Molière, Victor Hugo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edith Piaf

    Understand this language is being able to read, listen to music, watch movies, all that, in original version!

    Discover French culture through the Art!

    Learn French, It’s a language to travel

    France is the most visited country in the world!

    With almost 80 million tourists each year.

    And French don’t speak good English, so it’s better that you study their language to communicate with them, and discover how they live, what they like…

    You will see, after breaking the glass, and show that you know a little bit of French,

    French are really fun and “sympas”!

    learn french and discover paris

    Learn French, It’s a working language

    In the professional field, speaking French is a real asset!

    French is spoken in Canada, in Belgium, in Switzerland, and in many Africancountries.

    France is the 5th largest economy in the world.

    So when you speak their language,

    you developp your professionnal opportunities in more companies and more countries.

    French, It’s a world language

    220 million people speak French in the world. French is in 6th place!

    77 states and governments have French as their official language.

    Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Canada, Switzerland …

    It is the official language of the major international organizations (European Union, NATO, UNESCO …)



    And very important : French is also a gastronomic country!

    We hope this article answer to the question : Why learn French?



    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris

    A lire aussi :

    Follow Absolutely French on :


  • “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    “In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”

    This question related to the way of teaching language has been asked many time, so I would like to respond to it more clearly here.

    It’s a real and wide subject, related to the way we teach and learn languages in France and that makes us not good at languages! 

    These are the lots of preconceived ideas I’m trying to fight : 


    1 – We learn a new language better with someone who speaks our language: No

    To learn French, we need a French trainer who speaks French, that’s all!

    Of course, if he has learnt at least one other language, it is an advantage: he has been in a learning situation and therefore, he will understand better the way of teaching language (although this is not enough, I will come back to this in another article). 

    Language courses must be taught only in the language to learn. 

    Why ?

    – First of all, because every student will take the easy way out (yes, even me). When they knows that the teacher speaks their language, they will systematically use words from this language when they don’t know, to go as simply as possible, instead of trying to find another way to explain themselves with a vocabulary they know : and then familiarize their brain with the language to learn.

    – Furthermore, the learner has to hear new sounds over and over again to be able to remember.

    – Finally, we have to keep in mind that our adult brains can only do one thing at a time. 


    way of teaching language
    Integration center – French training – expat partners

    2. I see you coming:
    “It’s not possible to set this up when students are beginners.”

    Well, how did we learn our mother language? No one was here to translate us. However, we all succeeded (ok, more or less quickly depending on each one). 

    People showed us pictures, made us repeat words, played with objects, explained that they matched this or that word….

    So we can do it, we just have to go step by step, and re-use a lot of the words we’ve already learnt.

    Naturally, the first few days are harder: you have to repeat, pronounce, listen a lot, but in a long term period, the efficiency is really better.

    Cooking women fun learn languages - way of teaching language


    There are many positive effects of speaking only the language of instruction to learn:

    – This increases the learning process 

    – The student finally understands through context

    – Learners’ pronunciation is better

    – They improve their oral and comprehension skills 

    – With the immersion way : The brain creates a new space for this language and then connects to it each time it is used

    Many studies of neurosciences have shown that a language that is only taught in this language can be retained better and the brain develops a new space for it, in the Broca area, which is the part of the mind that is dedicated to languages.

    And softwares such as Rosetta Stone, which use images and signs to explain and teach languages, also prove it.


    3 – We can still translate just some words into their language to help them: NO

    Contrary to what we might think, “translating” does not help learners,

    but facilitates the work of teachers: no need to explain again.

    If we explain the rules of the game at the beginning, that there will be no translation or explanation in their language, the learners fully understand and adapt. 

    – When we remove the translation from our learning system, we are learning to think in this language directly and this way of teaching language is much more efficient.

    That’s why, you can ban all applications to learn a language, which translate, all videos with the subtitle in your language…

    – Moreover,  translation has its limits, it never goes as fast as thinking directly in the desired language (even if it takes a little time, and patience to get there). 

    – It’s called immersion, and nothing better has been done to teach foreign languages. 

    You may have lived abroad and experienced this way of teaching language ? If so, you have surely seen the difference in your learning, haven’t you?


    apprendre une langue - way of teaching language

    4 – And to explain the grammar, can we still use another language? NO

    Well, there’s no point in learning grammar until you’ve practiced at least 100 hours of speaking, listening…

    Grammar can reassure (many) students, but it is mainly by talking that we memorize,

    by learning and using complete sentences.

    Once you’ve practiced 100 hours, you have all the vocabulary you need to explain grammar. 

    So let’s forget the grammar hours and practice!

    And to practice, let us never forget that there is one thing that is essential for learners to dare : kindness!




    Armelle Perben

    Founder, Expatriate’s Spouse and Executive Director of Absolutely French

    armelle perben-absolutely french- fondatrice


    Armelle defends the double career in expatriation,

    for the happiness of the expatriate,

    and the career of the expatriates’ partners,

    because they are also talents !


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    Read other articles :

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French!

    Why learning by doing ?

    10 key points to learn French and improve quickly


    Find us there :


  • Top 5 french grammar books

    Top 5 french grammar books

    5 grammar books we recommend to learn french


    Whether you are beginners, intermediate or experienced, here are 5 books of French grammar to learn or improve your grammar, recommended by our FLE teachers.

    livre grammaire orthographe français apprendre cours exercice

    Grammaire essentielle du FLE with Didier


    Various books of different levels  (A1, A2, B1, B2)

    To work with personalised content, adapted to your level,

    For teenagers and adults.

     I found this book very complete, with a large choice of written and oral exercises 


    We love : each theme relies on 3 different steps :

    observation, reflection and memorisation


     Key advantage : numerous distributors in France and abroad, ideal to prepare yourself well before your arrival!

    Digital resources are also available as well as a comparative grammar.


    You can consult the book on their website : Voir le livre

    Prix : 20.90€

    livre grammaire français recommandé exercice cours



    Progressive grammar of the FLE with Clé International

    For beginners : A1 book

    For intermediate learners: A2 to B2 books

    Progressive learning


    We love : being able to practice exercices while having the book in front of you to acknowledge all the grammar rules


    The avantage : adapted to take language certificates


    To have a look at the book : Click here

    Price : 23.90€

    grammaire progressive débutant A1 cours français apprendre livre- French grammar books



    Classic grammar learning with PUG

    2 books, 2 levels : beginner (A1,A2) and advanced (B1, B2)

    Work on your oral and written skills


    We love : the summary sheets to remember what you have learned

    The avantage : uses analytical skills and develops your perceptions to learn


    To have a look at the book : Click here

    Price : 20.50€

    La grammaire des premiers temps -French grammar books


    The exerciser with PUG

    600 exercices of grammar, 24 chapters.

    For advanced learners.


    We love : the information is synthetic : we are not lost in loads of data


    The avantage : relies on numerous documents

    (articles, publicity, photographies, drawings, statistics)

     to become familiar with a wide variety of resources.


    An index for exercices which allows you to spot de difficulty of each grammar rule.


    To have a look at the books : click here

    Price : 21.60€

    Possibility to buy another chapter.

    exercisier grammaire français française cours exercice b1 b2 confirmé - French grammar books


    Bled grammar with hachette

    80 lessons, more than 350 exercices with correction.

    An easy format which is adapted for children and adults.

    Offers a great amount of grammar rules and verbs

    To be capable of speaking and writing in any situation.


    We love : The very detailed exercises and lessons


    The advantage : very useful book


    Price : 12.90€ (less expensive than other grammar books)

    To have a look at the book : click here

    bled grammaire livre recommandé français France apprendre - French grammar books


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


     Did you like this article? You can also read :

    Bien se tenir à table : 10 règles de savoir-vivre indispensables 

    10 points clés pour bien apprendre le français et progresser plus vite


    Follow Absolutely French on :


  • 5 free applications to learn french

    5 free applications to learn french

    5 applications to learn french

    We tested several applications to learn french, here is our top 5 !

    Quizlet :

    Games, games, games, we love it !


    applications learn french          applications learn french


    Application that allows you to train and helps you to memorize the language. Possibility to create your own lists according to your desires and needs among millions already created.

    Possibility to listen to texts with perfect pronunciation in 18 languages.

    – We like : listening to the pronunciation of words

    – We don’t like : lack of freedom to edit the cards

    To discover Quizlet, it’s there !


    Duolingo :

    Form sentences quickly

    applications learn french           applications learn french


    Short and fun lessons, adapted to a larger number. Fast progression. Basic vocabulary, instant correction. Several languages available. Good for children.

    – We like : the possibility to switch to an “intensive” mode

    – We don’t like : quite basic vocabulary, the use of two languages, only the language taught should be used.



    Flashcards avec CRAM:

    Being the main player in your learning process

    applications learn french           applications learn french

    Make your own vocabulary sheets according to your needs, illustrate your vocabulary as you wish.

    Possibility to take already done cards.

    Possibility to share your cards with other people.

    Learning via new cards but also revisions via old ones already learned so as not to forget what you are learning.


    22 languages available.

    – We like : visuals helping you to memorize, being able to listen to what you write in the language chooses!

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application

    Cram is a great tool  to develop your vocabulary, using what already exists, or

    by creating their own maps with their definition: in French, of course ?!



    Orthographe avec DigiSchool :

    Progress at your pace with 4 levels of difficulty

    applications learn french            applications learn french

    Spelling with DigiSchool offers fun and interactive exercises, adapted to the level of the learner. Reviews with intuitive and easy cards and the possibility to test your knowledge to evaluate yourself

    – We like : large amount of exercises

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application



    Memrise : 

    Work on your vocabulary according to your level and become autonomous quickly

    applications learn french        applications learn french        applications learn french

    Their mission? Make learning fun.

    A wide choice of interactive games available even without Internet connection.

    Works by setting goals to evolve at everyone’s pace. Focused on useful vocabulary on a daily basis.

    Their goal is to make you learn the language and to make students able to conduct a conversation quickly. International team for accompaniment.

    22 languages available.

    – We like : mots practical and useful words for your everyday life

    – We don’t like : the obligation to pay to access the entire application

    Try our application !

    Absolutely French : 

    Learn every single day with great visuals and interactive games ! 

    Learn a new French word every day.

    Play : watch, listen, contextualize, pronounce, use it in à sentence and write this new word to memorize better.

    Review all words at the end of the week, one week, one theme.

    Beginners level.

    Improve your vocabulary faster with Absolutely French !

    Our application allows you to test yourself and learn differently ! 

    The very positive aspect of our app : you have a free access to all the content we offer. 


    Absolutely French IOS

    Absolutely French Android

    You liked this article ? You can also read :

    Bien se tenir à table : 10 règles de savoir-vivre indispensables 

    10 points clés pour bien apprendre le français et progresser plus vite


    Find Absolutely French on :


  • 5 (excellent) reasons to learn French

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French

    5 (excellent) reasons to learn French!

    French, a romantic language

    Why learn french ?

    The first reason to learn French : It’s THE language of love and “Je t’aime”.

    Many sang it:

    L’hymne à l’amour – Edith Piaf

    Quand on a que l’amour – Jacques Brel

    Aimer à perdre la raison – de Jean Ferrat

    And if you learn the language, you will also discover the romantic culture of French people.

    kiss couple French learn love romantic view reasons

    Why learn French? Because French is the language of culture

    The second reason to learn French : French culture is recognized worldwide

    Cuisine, fashion, theater, literature, architecture …

    French is the language of Molière, Victor Hugo, Jean-Paul Sartre, Edith Piaf
    Speak French is being able to read, listen to music, watch movies, all that, in original version!

    15 French movies you must watch

    Learn French, a language to travel

    France is the most visited country in the world!
    With 89 millions tourists in 2017.
    Knowing French allows a better understanding of French culture

    and lifestyle and will really helps you in Paris and in the French countryside.

    To enjoy France, you will need to know how to ask for :

    “Une baguette bien blanche, s’il vous plait.” or “Un croissant, s’il vous plait”, of course!


    paris Eiffel tour view reasons

    French, a working language

    In the professional field, speaking French is a real asset!
    French is spoken in Canada, in Belgium, in Switzerland, and in many African countries.
    France is the 5th largest economy in the world.

    French is a real “Plus” if you want to work in a French firm as L’Oréal, Total, Renault…

    And if you want to work for European Union,

    it’s the language where 3 big headquarters are : Bruxelles, Strasbourg and Luxembourg.

    French, a world language

    Another reason to learn French : 220 million people speak French in the world. French is in 6th place!

    77 states and governments have French as their official language :
    Benin, Ivory Coast, Senegal, Canada, Switzerland …
    It is also an official language of the major international organizations (European Union, NATO, UNESCO …)

    meeting reasons people learn French

    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


    A lire aussi :

    Learning French by doing

    Parler une langue suffit-il à l’intégration dans un nouveau pays ?

    Gestion des Expatriés : 4 Points Clés

    Retrouvez Absolutely French sur :


  • 10 key points to learn French

    10 key points to learn French

    10 key points to learn French*

    and improve quickly

    *or any new language you want to learn

    Edgar Dale’s Cone of Experience

     Absolutely French’s program to learn french is based

    on the cone of learning or Cone of Dale .


    This cone explains that the best way to learn french is through what we do and not only through what we hear, read or observe. “Learning by doing”, i.e. when you are directly engaged, in action.

    This is the reason why during your classes, we use a large panel of activities where you are the “doers”: games, cooking classes, visits…

    Our method has been extensively thought through and is also based on the CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​- Learning, Teaching, Evaluating (CEFR)

    for continuity of linguistic objectives.

    learn french

    However, learning a language requires personal work.

    The hours spent in class are essential to progress on the following: speaking, interaction, reading, writing and listening.

    They are the keys to your integration in France.


    Then, the E-learning platform will provide you additional tools to go over what you have done in class and to complete additional work in writing and in reading French.

    It is a long road and through 50 hours of training you will be able to understand and express yourself in French but you will not yet be bilingual!

    It took me 10 years to reach a certain level of English and I have to admit that my teachers kept on telling me I wasn’t good and that didn’t help my progression*.

    But back here and now, you are in the very fortunate scenario where you are learning the language in complete immersion: everything around you is in French …

    take advantage of every opportunity you come across to speak, make the most of it!

    I’m now going to share with you 10 tips learn french!

    Our members, during a “Stroll and Learn”day in Paris, in full listening!

    1 – Listening


    The more you listen, the more you will integrate the language

    and the language structure: sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar.

    So listen as much as you can!


    What can you listen to?

    –  The radio even if you do not understand at first, but the sounds will register with you as well as the pronunciation and you will eventually recognize some words

    –  Songs on YouTube, with French subtitles, it’s even better

    –  French movies in French, subtitled in French, yes at the beginning it’s hard. The images will make the context a lot easier.

    –  TV, of course, if in French

    –  Specific online programs, such as TV5 Monde @

    –  Podcasts are a great way to listen to programs that correspond to your centers of interest, you can bring them everywhere with you and all radios have their programs available as podcast such as France Inter @

    –  Radio France Internationale (FRI) provides you with the news in “French made easy” (le journal en français facile) every day at 22h00,

    you can also podcast the program:


    Then listen over and over again to the same content.

    You have to hear a word 30 times to retain it.


    2 – Repeat


    Repeating words again and again.

                Use the links provided on the e-learning platform to ear the sounds of the words or

    there is also a very good tool to do your flashcards by yourself :

    It’s CRAM.

    Listen and repeat as many times as you need to feel comfortable.

    The language is spoken – unlike ancient Latin or Greek-

    so you need to feel at ease pronouncing the words.

    Then when you practice outside your home, if people don’t understand you the first time,

    that’s OK as well, keep on repeating and it will work!

    I learned Spanish for 5 years and still today

    when using it I find people who do not always understand me.


    The more you repeat, the deeper the words,

    phrases and expressions will be engraved in your memory.

    Ready to repeat sentences learned in class, but before we choose!

    3 – Make time to learn

    You think you don’t have many time to learn, so much things to do.

    How to overcome this?

    Block it in your agenda.

    But first you need to know when you learn the best?

    The morning? The evening? At 11h?

    For me, it’s early the morning, but it depends of you.

    Then when you have chosen that best moment for you,

    set yourself objectives you wish to achieve:

    day(s) of the week,

    time of the day,

    duration and activity (ies) you will complete.

    Exemple : 3 hours/week, during 2 months or more or less…

    You have to fixe your own objectives.

    The key to success is consistency.

    When you have determined all of the above,

    then split the time dedicated to learning into 4 :


    Speaking (repeating)

    Reading and


    Don’t be to hard on yourself at the beginning but review your objectives on a monthly basis



    4 – Be patient

    Feeling like making no progress? And thus despite attending all the classes,

    being very diligent with your homework.

    Don’t panic!

    You may not realize it yet but you are building this huge database of words, expressions, and knowledge that your brain is still currently processing and organizing.

    Give it time, learning progress can be seen by level.

    Next thing you will jump a level and you will be so proud of it.



    5 – Be nice to yourself : No stress

    Stress is bad for learning.

    Be gentle with yourself, let’s face it,

    we do not learn the same way and as quickly as our children do?

    We also have so many other things to retain!

    So give it time.

    It is frustrating sometimes, we all would like to be going faster, however you need to accept it and keep on learning while having fun.

    Creating memories helps retaining.

    The more you stress, the less you will learn.

    Anxiety manifests itself more in stressful situations: for example, moving …

    It prevents cognitive functioning and interferes with memory process (Eysenck, 1979).

    If you know it, it should help you,

    so please has a break everytime you feel some stress and enjoy a cup of tea!

    Above you can see the curve of a standard learning process with the progress

    on the Y-axis and the timeline on the X-axis.

    As you can see, there are plateau: progression is followed by regression.

    The latter being necessary for your brain to process the information.

    This is the reason why breaks of 1 or 2 weeks are beneficial.



    6 – Be active in your learning

    Engage as much as you can during class: doing is the best way of learning

    Ask questions

    Dare to speak and be wrong: you will have learned even more!

    learn french
    Our members in action, using games to learn, the best tool to speak a new language


    Then back home, use the e-learning platform:

    go over what you have done in class, read and write.


    In terms of writing, you do not need big topics:

    write your shopping list, your to-do list, your wish list, the places you want to go visit….



    7 – Find out how you learn best

    How does your brain work?

    Do you have a visual, auditory or kinesthetic memory.

    Never asked?

    Take the test.

    We all have some elements of the 3 however one is more predominant.


    So, when you’ve done the test or if you already know what way it works for you, here are some advices


    • Visual : You remember better what you see: diagrams, photos, and keywords. You like to understand how things work. Images are tools that help you understand. You like details.-To memorize: link images with words, draw diagrams. Write the words; make cards with colors according to what you learn.Draw the words you want to learn and make the link between the word and the image.


    • Auditory : You remember better what you hear, you have an auditory memory.To remember you need explanations that go to the essential, rather short. Before memorizing, you like to sort the main ideas. To improve your learning: bring most of your attention during class; this is where your memory works best. Read out loud in order to hear yourself will help you learn better. Listening to the radio or songs are great tools as well.

    learn french

    • Kinesthetic : You are sensitive to emotions. Ambiance, positive environment will help you to learn. You like experiences and concrete things. Your motivation is class has often differed according to your teachers.–  To better learn, make links between what you learn and what you have experienced. Your sense of touch is very developed. Touch objects as you learn (which you do naturally): pens, eraser…Put yourself in a pleasant environment, you will learn better with deemed light and silence.


    8 – Learn through the context of a situation :


    This is another important key point

    In a text, if you have the context, you can guess a word.

    For example: the action of your text happens at the seaside, if you do not understand: ” pêcheur”. You can guess the meaning of the word using the subject of your text.

    It is very effective, as you will be processing the information without thinking about it: you will do it without thinking and without translating.

    It will help you learning new words and also grammar.

    To work, you need to understand the context: who, what, where and when.

    Start by listening or reading “simple” things either on the radio, with books or movies.

    15 French movies you should watch to improve your French!

    films français-learn french
    “Le diner de cons” film de Francis Veber


    9 – Ban videos with foreign translations

    Watch movies in French with French sub-titles.

    Do not use language methods in your own language to learn French

    You need to learn French using French language exclusively with the goal to think in French!

    Yes you can: take one step at the time.

    And repeat some French sentences (not only words)

    again and again (Yes! I do repeat too ?).



    10 – De-install Google Translation


    Getting the translation of a word you do not understand will not help retaining long term.

    Try to understand the word first through the context or through the etymology of the word .

    If you still do not understand your next step is to look up the definition of the word in a French dictionary or on

    To conclude, I would like to say again that learning a foreign language takes time and effort (don’t listen to people saying otherwise).

    The very good news is that we are all capable of it.

    I look forward to teaching you French, at Absolutely French,

    in a pleasant atmosphere (for kinesthetic),

    where we use sounds (for auditory),

    visuals (for visuals),

    but above all where we prioritize action as it’s the best way to memorize.

    learn french
    Join us, You will love to learn French with Absolutely French!


    * A good trainer never tells its students that they are not good, especially to young learners.

    A teacher never tells them either that they are mathematics minded and consequently not good at learning languages.

    Any student is good at learning language if the teacher offers the best method for that student.

    Learning a language must be a game and a shared pleasure.

    And most importantly, it must be done exclusively through the language to learn.

    Want to know more about the topic

    Here are some interesting articles

    Learn as an adult: interests for the brain:

    On the cone of Dale 



    Follow these 10 key points to learn French and you will see your evolution!?



    Article writting by Armelle Perben

    Absolutely French’s CEO

    Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation : for the expat, and the expat partner,

    because expat spouses (please don’t use “trailing spouses” anymore :-)) are also wonderful talents.


    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us!
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris

    You can also read : 

    5 reasons to learn French!

    Top 5 french grammar books

    Follow Absolutely French on :



  • Why learning by doing is better ?

    Why learning by doing is better ?

    Why Learning by Doing is Better ?

    Presentation of the “Learning by Doing” method


    What is the cone of Edgar Dale ?

    During the 1960s, Edgar Dale (an american educator) theorized that learners retain more information by what they “do” as opposed to what is “heard”, “read” or “observed”. 

    We retain primarily what we discuss and what we do !

    Why using the « active » method ?

    While we are in action, different areas of our brain are activated, we focus on the activity and therefore it retains all our attention. Henceforth we do not have the impression to learn however we are more concentrated than usual.

    We learn more easily when we remember in different ways

    When you see the word, say it, hear it, do it… It makes more connections in our brain and it is the best way to keep elements in the long term memory.
    learning by doing, learn easily, how to learn better, memorize better, best way to learn french, communicate

    We learn better when we are in movement, when we communicate

    that create a physical or emotional reaction. So, when you discuss, do an activity or when you discover a new place, you have a reaction and you learn easier.
    learning by doing, how to learn better, movement, best way to learn, memorize, communicate, William Glasser, learning easily, quality school

    ​​​​​​We retain longer and faster when we play games

    Your brain retains what you said or you heard for longer periods of time because you have been active and you felt emotions.

    Therefore, playing games, or participating in an activity stimulate more you brain than a classic lesson. 

    Learning happens through actual hands-on experiences.

    The more senses and emotions that are used, the greater our ability to learn from and remember an event or experience.

    It is the first school of french where you learn by doing, in a friendly atmosphere (through games, cooking classes and treasure hunts in Paris). We want the best for our learners, thus we always meet in a real french apartment. And also that we buy the best local product at the food market for our cooking sessions.


    learning by doing, memorization, learn, how to learn better, levels of learning, learn better, study, best way to learn, william glasser, quality school




    To read :

    Top 5 french grammar books

    5 reasons to learn french?


  • 10 good reasons to learn French differently with Absolutely French!

    10 good reasons to learn French differently with Absolutely French!



  • Les couleurs du temps, révision des couleurs FLE

    Les couleurs du temps, révision des couleurs FLE

    Les couleurs du temps, révision des couleurs FLE

    Les Couleurs du Temps,

    Révisions des couleurs FLE

    Chanson de Guy Béart, chanteur et poète français.

    Vous avez un lien pour écouter la chanson, mais lisez-la en premier,

    vous avez trois questions ensuite, et leurs réponses.

    Les Couleurs Du Temps La mer est en bleu entre deux rochers bruns.
    Je l’aurais aimée en orange
    Ou même en arc-en-ciel comme les embruns

    Je voudrais changer les couleurs du temps
    Changer les couleurs du monde
    Le soleil levant la rose des vents
    Le sens où tournera ma ronde
    Et l’eau d’une larme et tout l’océan
    Qui gronde

    J’ai brossé les rues et les bancs
    Paré les villes de rubans
    Peint la Tour Eiffel rose chair
    Marié le métro à la mer
    Le ciel est de fer entre deux cheminées
    Je l’aurais aimé violine
    Ou même en arc-en-ciel comme les fumées
    De Chine

    {au Refrain}

    Je suis de toutes les couleurs
    Et surtout de celles qui pleurent
    La couleur que je porte c’est
    Surtout celle qu’on veut effacer
    Et tes cheveux noirs étouffés par la nuit
    Je les voudrais multicolores
    Comme un arc-en-ciel qui enflamme la pluie

    Je voudrais changer les couleurs du temps,
    Changer les couleurs du monde
    Les mots que j’entends seront éclatants
    Et nous danserons une ronde
    Une ronde brune, rouge et safran
    Et blonde

    1) Pouvez-vous me donner tous les termes liés aux couleurs, de cette chanson ?

    2) Pouvez-vous expliquer “marié le métro à la mer”?

    3) a- Essayez ensuite, de décrire en couleur ce que vous voyez dehors.
    b- Donnez tous les termes, liés aux couleurs, que vous connaissez.


    Réponses :

    les couleurs du temps
    les couleurs du monde
    océan (associé au bleu, comme l’eau)
    paré de rubans
    rose chair
    de fer (couleur fer)
    aurore (couleur du ciel au levé du soleil, XVII)
    éclatants (souvent associé à la couleur, une couleur éclatante)
    safran (qui est une couleur ici)

    2) Pour moi (chacun peut avoir une interprétation différente),
    c’est rendre le métro bleu (couleur de la mer).

    3) Je peux corriger vos écrits si vous me les envoyer :-)

    Les couleurs du temps, révision des couleurs FLE

    A lire aussi: 

    15 films français à voir absolument

    15 expressions françaises à connaître

    Retrouvez Absolutely French sur :


  • Play and Learn French Class with Absolutely French

    Play and Learn French Class with Absolutely French

    Play and Learn French Class with Absolutely French


    Do you know that you are amazing players?

    And that you could learn french through games and enjoy it a lot?


    Play and Learn days are part of our training with :

    • Cook and Learn days : you prepare your shopping list with the menu, we go on the market and then you will ask to buy everything we need to cook together. You will cook a full menu, and then eat it together.
    • Stroll and Learn days : treasure hunt in Paris, to discover the culture and history of Paris, and understand administrative tools.
    We use lots of different games to teach you French :
    theater games, roles games, dices, taboo, pictionary…
    and all our games were prepared to teach you a specific linguistic goal.
    Learning through games liberate you, and give you the impression that you are not learning!
    But you are learning!  Just in a different way, as when you were a child and use to play to learn.
    play and learn - theater games- learn french
    Our games (made with love ❤️) give you confidence in your oral, and give you self-confidence.
    You will speak quicker than with a normal method, so you will be autonomous and integrate quicker too.
    Discover some pictures of these amazing days! And join us to learn French with fun and meet expatriates as you!
    We are a B to B service, only.
    Play and Learn French Class with Absolutely French

    Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
    Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
    With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

    You want to learn with us?
    You want to register an expat partner?

    Contact us! We are a B to B service only ?
    Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
    Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris