Where Can I Print Documents in Paris?

printing documents in Paris

If you have just arrived in Paris and don’t own a printer, you may be wondering where you can print your files and paperwork. In which case, you have several options:

1- Specialised Print Shops

Office DEPOT

print in France print in France

‘Office DEPOT’ is an office supply shop which also offers other services such as printing and laminating.

💶: 0,10€/page for black and white, 0,50€/sheet for colour

👍: Stores available in almost every arrondissement of Paris

👎: If you are new to the city and still getting set up, you can buy some essential stationary whilst you’re there.



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Copy Top

copy top printing paris

Copy Top is a printing shop with over 30 locations all over Paris where you can have any type of paper printed. To save time, you can print from home and pick your printing up at the store directly around 15 minutes later.

💶: 11,52€: 10 sheets colour or black and white in A4 format.

👍: a wide range of services available

👎: There are very few locations outside of central Paris


2- La Poste

In France you can find a post office in every town and village. Their ‘ImprimPoste’ service means that you can  do your printing at the same time as going to post any letters or parcels. By emailing your documents to print@imprimposte.fr, you will be sent a code with which you can retrieve your printed documents at your nearest post office.

💶: 0,34€ for a black and white sheet, 0,55€ for a coloured sheet.

👍: available all over France and convenient if you need to post the documents you’re printing

👎: more expensive than other services available


3- Larger Supermarkets Outside the City


Many of the large ‘hypermarkets’ in the retail parks outside of the city centre offer printing services. As soon as you arrive, you can print documents directly at the entrance. Many of them also offer digitalisation services for CDs, tapes and camera film etc.

💶: 0,21€ for a black and white sheet, 0,43€ for a coloured sheet.

👍: Convenient if you are shopping in the area already and sometimes less busy than the shops in the centre.

👎: Further from the city centre.


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