5 million expatriate women worldwide : expat partners

Expatriate women - Absolutely Talented

5 million women followed their partner in expatriation

8 million companies send expatriates abroad

 Only 25% are expatriate women (overall figure, 8% of French expatriates!)

Still too few expatriate women

The majority of expatriate women living abroad are partners of expatriates, and only 20% of them will have the chance to find a job, knowing that it rarely matches their level of education.

To all these wonderful women who ensure the daily, make sure that their husband can work in the best conditions, that their children are well integrated in their new country and often think of themselves last, I say bravo!

And I ask myself: how is it that these women are not recognized by the company that sends them abroad?

How is it that no one asks them for their opinion on their departure in expatriation?

That no one welcomes them in their new country?

That they are not valued by the company for the determining role they have during the expatriation?

Because without them (and men partner too, of course), no expatriation can ever succeed !


expatriate women partners

Integrating expat partners :

Which companies today take into account the integration of expat partners ?

(No, not language classes … it is not enough)

Which offers them a real service so that they can also have a double career ? A real accompaniment just for them.

I know some companies but they can still be counted on the fingers of a hand.

expatriate women partners

The war of talents

So to move things forward, here are some numbers : Talent Wars are already underway:

36% of employers worldwide face recruitment difficulties and

54% of employers say this recruitment difficulty directly affects the quality of service of clients. *

And this talent war is already global.

Companies that have understood that the expatriate will no longer leave if his partner is not well accompanied,

will have the best foreign talents.

Not to mention that if they are smart (and they already are!), they will also be able to recruit the partner who is himself a talent!

* the expat partner is here voluntarily feminized,

sorry to all the wonderful men I know, who are or have been expat partners.

Without you, equality between men and women would not advance!

Thank you !

Comment attirer des talents étrangers? Pensez à leur conjoint.


*Sources Expat Communication – HSBC – Bersin by Deloitte



Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.

With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️

You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?

Contact us!
E-mail: contact@absolutely-french.eu
Tel: 01 83 73 98 49
Address: 4, rue Faraday 75017 Paris


A lire aussi : https://absolutely-french.eu/les-conjoints-dexpatries-ces-talents-perdus/

Ou : L’expatriation encore une affaire d’hommes!