Thursday 26th January 2023 in Paris, at Viaduc Café
It was a bet:
The first career fair dedicated only to expat spouses.
Because, expat partners develop precious soft skills during their expatriations, they are skillfull and they need to know it (most of them loose confidence).
It was also to show to companies that expatriate spouses are incredible talents, with 10 to 20 years experiences and that this status is a real plus for their team.
100 people came
180 job offers “expatriate spouse” = “talent”
The feedback from the companies present this day was from all of them: incredible talents!
One company told us they have won 6 months in their recruitment process.
First Part – 8.30 – 9.00: Welcome Breakfast Coffee – Tea
Second Part – 9.00 – 10.15: Round Table: Why are expat partners interest to recruiters
More about our round table speakers:
Gill Gordon
Chair of Permits Foundation an independent, non-profit which campaigns globally to make work permits accessible to the partners of international employees. Throughout her career she has been involved in career development, diversity and mobility and has spent over ten years on expatriate assignments in France, Germany, and the US.
Susanna Warner
VP of Global Mobility, Employee Engagement, and Continuous Learning at Schneider Electric. Having worked in Global Mobility at Lafarge Holcim, AXA and Schneider Electric, she will no doubt have plenty of wisdom to share with us!
Kerstin Martel
PhD Fellow at Copenhagen Business School conducting research focused on global mobilities, immigration, identity, and belonging. As an expert in global mobility and expatriation, former expat partner and expatriate herself, we look forward to hearing what she has to say!
Third Part – 10.15 – 12.00 : Workshops and Meetings with Recruiters
Next step : develop Absolutely talented
And what about expat spouses?
They told me, that they were happy to find someone who speak for them.
They were pleased to be part of this new community.
Most of them used the word: “family”.
And I’m so glad that they’ve feeled this, because for me,
we are a family and we need each other to grow up.
I will continue to promote the talents that you are!
To do so, we are looking for volunteers to join the team,
and make things happen together.
I need you to continue promoting expat partners.
To join us and be invited to our next volunteers meeting, come speak to us the 26th January!
Thank you
Thank you all for your presence during Absolutely Talented:
– speakers
– expatriate spouses
– sponsors
– companies
This event was a success because of you!
A big thanks to my dream team who did an amazing job promoting this event everywhere.
Why is Culture Shock in Expatriation More Difficult for Spouses?
culture shock in expatriation
Are you an expatriate spouse? Were you happy to move to a new country?
Did everything go as planned: are you settled into your new home, with your children in school,
surrounded by beautiful places and nice people, but something still doesn’t feel right? So far, are you finding the expatriation harder than your spouse?
What’s going on? It’s very likely this is culture shock.
This happens to most expatriates after arriving in their new country. To better understand this, here is a standard trajectory of your state of mind during an expatriation:
When you arrive in a new country, the attraction of novelty and discovery excites you; everything is beautiful, everything interests you because it’s different, and you see the good side of things. Then, all of a sudden, things change. You find that certain things were better at home, and you don’t understand the way things work here, like cultural differences and systems.
This realisation corresponds to culture shock. All expatriate spouses and expatriates are likely to experience this with varying degrees of intensity.
Culture shock can be very difficult to live through, especially during the first expatriation, and it leads to an uncomfortable feeling, which can resemble depression (or even turn into depression for some). It is important to know that this is a normal process.
Why is culture shock easier for the expatriate than their spouse?
The expatriate is in a work environment and is not alone. They have colleagues who are ‘locals’, and who can answer their questions about cultural attitudes and norms.
They often have training on cultural differences organised for them by work.
They have little or no connection to logistical issues which can be a real headache, especially when you don’t speak the language.
In short, their integration is easier because they are surrounded by people who can help and they are given much more help to understand their new location.
Most of the time, the expatriate spouse is alone at home, having to juggle the children’s school, any logistical issues (internet, electricity, furniture to buy etc.), and appointments (doctor, visa…).
The spouse is therefore alone, generally not speaking the language, not knowing the new culture and having few external interactions, especially at the beginning (nobody is there to explain to you why the baker is not speaking to you today). Therefore, they can feel the culture shock much more than their partner, and this is normal!
How can you alleviate the symptoms of culture shock as an expat spouse?
1 – Learn the Language
The first thing that helps the most and will open many doors for you: learning the language of the country. As Nelson Mandela said: “If you talk to a man, in a language he understands, you are talking to his head. If you speak to a man in his language, you speak to his heart. “
The language will give you a better understanding of the host country’s culture, and you can ask your questions! If possible, learn in a small group: it is good for your learning and you will get to know people who can help you.
2 – Form a Network
To get through the culture shock, it is important to be surrounded by people, it helps a lot. It is important to develop new friendships. Join a sports club, volunteer for a charity etc.
Go out to events with other people and then organise a meet-up with the people you want to get to know better.
If you don’t speak the language yet, you can usually find groups that speak your language.
3 – Create Habits
Creating habits is a good way for people to identify and create a bond with you; go and have your coffee after dropping off your children in the same café, regularly.
You will see that as time goes by, the staff and customers will recognise you (and you too) and will start to come and talk to you. Find habits to set up that correspond to you: take your dog out, in the same park, at the same time; you will see that it reassures people!
4 – Understand Cultural Differences
To understand what makes us different, you can find explanatory videos on Youtube.
Here is one from our Absolus, about the things that shocked them when they arrived in France. You will probably find some on your new country too. Although this might not be enough, it will point you in the right direction and allow you to get on better with the locals.
Finally, try to find ways to meet local people, and ask them questions so that you can better understand them.
5 – Give it Time
Culture shock is an integral part of expatriation, and should not worry you.
If you know about this moment before it happens, it will help you to prepare better. However if you weren’t aware, you now have all the keys to make this situation go well. If you’re an expatriate spouse and live in the Paris area you should know that we have been welcoming spouses of expatriates for over 10 years to help them to enjoy their time here and integrate more easily.
Happy expatriation to all, and don’t hesitate to share your culture shock experience with us in the comments!
Thursday 16th September 2021 in Paris, at Station F. ??♂️
It was a bet:
The first career fair dedicated only to expat spouses.
Because, expat partners are talented, they need to know it (most of them don’t know and loose confidence).
It was also to show to companies that expatriate spouses are talents and that this status is a real plus for their team.
100 people came
180 job offers
“expatriate spouse” = “talent”The feedback from the companies present this day was from all of them: incredible talents!
One company todl us they have won 6 months in their recruitment process.
I believe the bet is won! ?
Next step : develop Absolutely Talented
And what about expat spouses?
They told me, that they were happy to find someone who speak for them.
They were pleased to be part of this new community.
Most of them used the word: “family”.
And I’m so glad that they’ve feeled this, because for me,
we are a family and we need each other to grow up.
I will continue to promote the talents that you are!
To do so, we are looking for volunteers to join the team (we are 10 at the moment),
and make things happen together.
I need you to continue promoting expat partners.
To join us and be invited to our next meeting, please register here (it’s never too late). ?
Thank you
Thank you all for your presence during Absolutely Talented:
– speakers
– expatriate spouses
– sponsors
– companies
This event was a success because of you!
A big thanks to my dream team who did an amazing job promoting this event everywhere.
Expat partner, which step to integrate in France? What voice to choose to blossom? Which step to integrate easily?
Having an activity in the country is a real plus, and this can be done even if you do not completely master the language.
Here are some examples of possible options : part-time job, full-time job, teacher, volunteer in one or several associations, learn new competencies , become an auto-entrepreneur…
Being a homemaker is a way to thrive on a daily basis. It allows you to live at your own place, to devote more time to the education of your children or to other activities, without forgetting to think about yourself and learn new things!
First step to integrate : Learn the language
Language is the first tool to integrate. Because through language you will learn a lot about the culture, and this will help you understand people in your new country. Language is also a new comptencie that you could use, when you will go back in your country.
Try to find a school dedicated to expats so you could share tips with them, and help each others about job, kids, activities…
You don’t have same things to share with students which didn’t begin their professional life, or people who will stay all their life here. This is not the same situation.
You are going to stay in this country 2 or 3 years, so you need to integrate quickly to make this expatriation an opportunity.
Learn French with the learning by doing method with other expatriates
Second step to integrate : Be Volunteer
If you have the sense of contact and you want to commit yourself to a cause you can become a volunteer for one or more associations. The advantages of being a volunteer :
Meet a lot of people
Defend a cause that is important to you
Feel useful to society
Be more fulfilled personally
Developp new skills
Practice the language
Developp your network
Some websites where you could find offers as volunteers in Paris and in France,
and don’t worry, they have offers for people who don’t speak fluently ? :
Would you like to be part of a team and put your skills to good use?
You can become an employee of a company!
There are 2 types of contracts:
– Part-time: working less than 35 hours per week.
This allows you to have more time to devote to another activity (children, sports, studies, leisure…).
– Full time: work 35 hours per week.
Some examples of platforms to help you find a job: pôle emploi, indeed, apec, monster, job search site, job search, dual career, expat, expats, integration
Do you like to pass on your knowledge? Then you can become a teacher.
For example, by giving private lessons or by intervening in schools to teach students your native language. Many international schools in France are looking for teachers, contact us directly if you are interested.
If you have a taste for adventure and the soul of a leader, you can create your own business
or take over an existing business by becoming an auto-entrepreneur or entrepreneur.
Example: an expatriate that we follow has decided to open her own business to sell costume jewelry that she creates herself.An other one is a marketing manager and to get a job offer, she proposed to be an auto-entrepreneur (less risky for the company, and less taxes also), and she get the job!
A good idea is enough to get started! Make your expatriation an opportunity for your career.
To know more about this statut and to create your account as auto-entrepreneur : tips here
Expatriate Spouse : Working in a “passion job”
Writer, artist, painter, blogger… Our passions are what motivate us and make us happy.
and make us happy, so why not make it our profession?
It is nevertheless essential to be well informed before launching out, but doing what you love is essential if you want to blossom in your life.
As you can see, there are many choices available to you in France, the simple fact of having an activity allows a more fulfilled life, So don’t hesitate and do what you want to do!
Photo credit: Getty images
Developp new skills that will be useful in your country
Find a training to developp new skills, you have different options to make it : courses online, courses in training center, in a school.
We are writing an article about it, it will be online, very soon. Stay tuned!
You are expat partner, you’ve created your own job?
We will be happy to make an interview of you! Tell us here!
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated solely to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote dual careers among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee a successful integration!
Want to learn with us? Want to register an expatriate spouse?
How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?
Done with the books ! Long live action !
Why does “learning a language” must be done through action?
How to learn a new language as quickly as possible?
b“I hear and I forget,
jI see and I remember,
I do and I understand”, Confucius
What is the “learning by doing”, also known as the new action oriented method?
Have you ever wondered how you can learn a new language in the easiest and fastest way as possible ?
Virtual classes, e-learning platforms, applications in any kind, the approaches to learn a new language keep developing.
But are they actually helpful in the learning process ?
In order to learn how to speak a new language, you need to immerse yourself in it, in its culture, their is a necessity in keeping contact with the natives, you need to live the language.
The “experimental cone” of Edgar Dale* shows that learning thought action is more effective : we only remember 10% of what we read and 75% of what we practise.
Experiencing the language is the best way to rapidly assimilate and to retain everything in memory for the long term.
Here are some keys that will help you switch to an action oriented apprenticeship.
Participate in a discussion, exchange with the speakers.
Our absolute in “play and learn”: we make them play to learn better and quicker !
Studying a new language is very intuitive, being totally immersed in the culture and hanging out with native speakers allows you to become familiar with the way it sounds and it gives you the opportunity to familiarise yourself with it.
Moreover it is needed to hear and “see” in order to talk, in order to soak in the words, the expressions, the phonetics and to be able to naturally imitate your interlocutor.
So, don’t hesitate to search for contact with people speaking the language you are learning.
Simulate an experience
Games are an excellent way to learn language
The role-playing exercises allow students to simulate everyday life experiences
and to acquire the vocabulary specific to each situation (making a phone appointment, simulating a negotiation…).
But the more classic games also work very well, because while you are playing, in the language you are learning,
you forget that you are working. The tension is released and allows for mistakes, which allows you to progress more quickly.
Practice also allows you not to be afraid to jump in when the real moment comes.
Retale an experience
During “Stroll and Learn” days, our absolutes experience the language directly “out there”.
Telling a story, talking about oneself, about what one likes, allows one to use everyday language.
This allows you to assimilate vocabulary by reusing what you have heard in your own sentences.
You can prepare in writing what you want to tell if it seems too difficult at first.
Go for it! You will see, the people who listen to you will be happy to help you progress.
Get out of class : experience
A language is first and foremost spoken, so it is important to emphasize the spoken word
and to integrate it into your daily life in order to assimilate it more quickly and efficiently.
The ideal is to learn the new language in the country where it is spoken.
Take advantage of vacations and trips abroad to put yourself in real-life situations.
Being on the move, communicating, living the action, appeals to all the senses and
and feelings and allows for long term memorization.
Do not hesitate to “do” in the language you are learning: shopping, cooking, going to the theater…
You will see that these moments will be the ones that you will remember the most.
Books, E-learning platforms,… are supports, complementary tools, indispensable,
but nothing can replace the fact of living the language, of feeling your way around, of making mistakes.
The action- oriented method is the fastest and easiest way to learn a new language, your lessons will be revolutionized by this method.
In conclusion, enjoy learning, don’t be afraid to make mistakes and “take action!
Our “Absolus”, after each course, they “mimic” a word that they have learned during the day to memorize it. Will you find what they are?
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated solely to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote dual careers among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French training courses, we guarantee a successful integration!
Want to learn with us? Register an expatriate spouse?
Why being active is essential for Language Learning
“I hear and forget, I see and I remember, I do and I understand”, Confucius
What is “learning by doing” or the action method?
Virtual classroom, e-learning platform, application of all kinds, methods of learning a foreign language are constantly developing.
But do they really allow you to learn?
To know how to speak a language, one must be imbued with it, being immersed in culture, working with people who speak it, living it.
Edgar Dale’s “Cone of Experience”* shows that active learning is much more effective: we only retain 10% of what we read and 75% of what we put into practice.
Living the language, is the best way to assimilate it quickly and memorize it in the long term. Here are some keys that will allow you to be in active learning and to use what we call: the actuating method.
Participate in a discussion, exchange with people who speak the language
Our Absolus in «Play and Learn»: we play to learn better!
Learning a foreign language is intuitive, being totally immersed in language, culture, and working with people allows you to hear the sounds of the language and familiarize yourself with it.
You have to hear and “see” speak, to be able to absorb the words, expressions, phonetics and naturally imitate one’s interlocutor.
So, do not hesitate to meet people who speak the language you are learning.
Simulate an experiment
The game is a great way to learn a language.
Role-playing, situational situations allow to simulate experiences of daily life and acquire the vocabulary specific to each situation (take a telephone appointment, simulate a negotiation…).
But the more classic games also work very well, indeed while you play, in the language you learn, you forget that you are working.The tension is released and allows the error, which allows you to progress faster.
The practice also makes it possible not to be afraid to launch when the real moment arrives.
Recount an experience
Our Absolus in Stroll and Learn directly experience the “out” language.
Telling a lived experience, talking about oneself, about what we love, allows us to use the language of everyday life. It allows you to assimilate vocabulary by reusing what you’ve heard, in your own sentences.
You can prepare in writing what you want to tell if it seems too difficult to begin with.
Go for it! You will see, the people listening to you will be happy to help you progress.
Getting out of class: Experimenting
A language is primarily spoken, so it is important to focus on oral and integrate it into his daily life to assimilate more quickly and efficiently.
The ideal is to learn the new language, in the country where it is spoken. Take advantage of holidays and trips abroad to put yourself in a real situation.
To be in movement, to communicate, to live the action, appeals to all the senses and feelings and allows long-term memorization.
Do not hesitate to «do» in the language you are learning: buy, cook, go to the theatre…
You will then see that these moments will be the ones you will remember the most.
Books, E-learning platform, etc. are supports, complementary tools, indispensable, but nothing can replace the fact of living the language, groping, making mistakes.
So don’t be afraid to be wrong and “action!”
* Professor and Educational Researcher, American
Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation : for the expat, and the expat partner, because expat spouses are also international talents.
She trusts that we can change the vision of recruiters about spouses.
We are the first French school dedicated to integrate expat spouses and expats. Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples. With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration!
« And you, kid, what do you want to do when you grow up? »
Astronaut, singer, schoolteacher, instagramer… When they answer, children are never short of ideas.
Their imagination is limitless. Ok, maybe not entirely limitless.
Because they never answer: « My dream is to become an expat spouse. »
And for a good reason….
Expat spouse : A question of image
Expat partner, what an odd profession…
We usually don’t have a positive image of them, regardless of their gender[1].
They are often perceived as careerless persons, devoid of ambition.
After all, didn’t they quit their previous job to follow their partners?
Here she is now, in France, where she has no ties, no friends, and no project whatsoever.
She is probably spending her days idling in her apartment, going on shopping sprees,
baking cookies, or patiently waiting for her loved one to return home…
In the evening, she accompanies her husband to a cocktail party, a business dinner,
or a reception where she can finally embrace her role as a decorative vase.
Brr! What a scary portrait. Fortunately, it’s a fake. A load of rubbish. A complete fantasy.
Let’s tear up the veil to discover the reality behind it, shall we?
The expat partner, this exquisite being
At Absolutely French, we know expat partners well.
We have been working with them for the past five years.
We help them to get to know Paris better, build a network, improve their French,
and find a job that honors their diploma and experience.
Make no mistake: far from the commonly heard clichés, they are amazing people who have much to offer…
Here’s a brief summary of everything we have learned about expat partners:
— They have a higher than average CQ. CQ?
That’s right, the (Multi-)Cultural Quotient. The importance of IQ (logical intelligence), EQ (emotional intelligence) is well documented.
Still, everything suggests that the 21st century will give even greater value to CQ[2].
At least that is what Professors Christopher Earley and Soon Ang suggest in the book they wrote on the subject.
— They have a higher stress tolerance: uncertainty does not frighten them!
Though we are familiar with France, for them, it is an unknown world.
They left their comfort zone, their country, and their friends to explore new grounds… Rather brave, aren’t they?
— They are determined and very organized.
Everyone who has experienced expatriation knows that nothing is more complicated
than often moving, sometimes with a family, to countries you don’t know.
— They are multilingual! On average, our surveys show that they speak at least three languages.
— These same surveys indicate a high level of education: at least 4 years of higher education.
Beyond their personal qualities, expat partners bring a breath of fresh air to companies.
They bring new ideas and new ways of working stemming from their different experiences abroad.
A « kiss-cool effect » that recruiters are increasingly looking for…
Adopt an expat partner!
You’re well aware of it: when it comes to expats, the common pitfall is to fail to see the forest for the trees.
Expat partners or spouses constitute a forest of talents, who are ready to work, and are already on the spot!
Moreover, at a time when talent shortage is reaching record levels,
and when 30% of companies claim to have difficulty recruiting,
expat partners form a pool that all CEOs should consider more intently.
Come and meet them!
Absolutely French is organizing « Absolutely Talented » at Station F, in the plant-filled,
colorful space called « Mezzanine Amazonia ».
About forty companies will attend the event, with job offers.
Seize this opportunity to meet expat partners, and maybe, who knows, to adopt one?
International Talents recruitment-jobfair-paris-stationf
Are you recruiting?
Your appointment to adopt an expat partner is scheduled on November 17th, from 8:30 am to noon : register now to keep your free stand (only for companies that recruit) !
Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation :
for the expat, and the expat partner, because expat spouses are also international talents.
She trusts that we can change the vision of recruiters about spouses.
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️
You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?
So many follies committed in the name of Love! Let’s see…
Romeo and Juliet end up killing themselves; Bella becomes a vampire; the little mermaid abandons her fishtail.
But this is nothing, there is worse. There’s you!
Yes, you!
Haven’t you just abandoned your parents, your friends, your job, to start a new life in a distant country? All this to follow your partner or spouse, who has just taken up a new job abroad.
Ah! There you have it, the drama of your life: being an expat partner.
All right.
Let’s take a deep breath. Maybe it isn’t that bad.
Besides, if you’re ready to blend in your positive mindset with a few organizational skills, you could even turn your situation into a great opportunity or a new position.
Keen to try?
Don’t trust labels!
You may have heard of a very old, very powerful, and utterly invisible tribunal called the court of public opinion.
It judges quickly and carelessly.
Its favorite activity?Labeling people. Maybe you’ve experienced it yourself.
Here’s what they say : the expat partner is the one whose career was sacrificeable.
Never, for example, will they say that you were the more devoted of the two, or the most accommodating…
Your favorite activities? Nothing but cooking, shopping, cocooning…
They say you’re a shy, secluded, lost person, not interesting to find a job abroad. You’re just part of the decor in the evenings at dinner parties and yawning the rest of the time.
And yet…
You know that’s all nonsense!
Don’t listen to others : they could break your spirit, ruin your self-confidence, and they may even lead you to experience impostor’s syndrome.
Don’t listen and… prove them wrong!
Regaining your self-confidence and find your dreamed job abroad
You have every reason to be proud of yourself! Already, you have shown great flexibility towards your partner.
He or she should be grateful to have you…
But beyond your personal qualities, you possess the interpersonal skills
and competencies that companies look for.
Still in doubt?
Don’t forget that : — You are definitely multilingual ; according to our surveys, you even speak at least three languages…
In France, this is a rare skill! In the Western world, the French are among the worst in foreign languages
– the majority leave school without even understanding English.
— Your stress tolerance is high. After all, you left your previous life, your habits,
and plunged into the unknown – what could be more stressful?
— If you have been following your partner for a few years, you have accumulated experience in job
abroad in several companies and many different countries.
You are comfortable in all contexts, and your understanding of multicultural environments
makes you a much sought-after element in the eyes of recruiters. You’ve got multicultural intelligence.
— You are adaptable because of your experiences in different country, you could ajust easily in a new job, and bring new ideas from abroad! — You have a minimum of 4 years of higher education.
The situation is not that bleak, after all, is it? To make the most of it, nothing could be easier… Just write down a date in your diary : March 23rd 2021.
We work with them every day to help them integrate, learn or perfect their French, and build their careers here in the Paris region.
That’s why we are organizing « Absolutely Talented » at Station F, in the cozy, plant-filled space called « Amazonia Mezzanine ».
There, you will find about forty companies with job offers : they look forward to meeting you!
As soon as you register, we will also publish your profile on the website.
Finally, this event will be an opportunity to meet men and women who share your situation. And more than that we are here to defend the way society see expat partners, and change it!
Expat parters are International Talents ready to work and find a job abroad here in Paris!
Joining our forces makes us stronger.
Keen and ready to begin?
Join us on March 23rd 2021, from 8:30 am to noon, at Station F ! To register, it’s open now only 12 euros, to find your dreamed job!
Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation :
for the expat, and the expat partner, because expat spouses are also international talents.
She trusts that we can change the vision of recruiters about spouses.
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️
You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?
“In your French school: which languages do your teachers speak?”
This question related to the way of teaching language has been asked many time, so I would like to respond to it more clearly here.
It’s a real and wide subject, related to the way we teach and learn languages in France and that makes us not good at languages!
These are the lots of preconceived ideas I’m trying to fight :
1 – We learn a new language better with someone who speaks our language: No
To learn French, we need a French trainer who speaks French, that’s all!
Of course, if he has learnt at least one other language, it is an advantage: he has been in a learning situation and therefore, he will understand better the way of teaching language (although this is not enough, I will come back to this in another article).
Language courses must be taught only in the language to learn.
Why ?
– First of all, because every student will take the easy way out (yes, even me). When they knows that the teacher speaks their language, they will systematically use words from this language when they don’t know, to go as simply as possible, instead of trying to find another way to explain themselves with a vocabulary they know : and then familiarize their brain with the language to learn.
– Furthermore, the learner has to hear new sounds over and over again to be able to remember.
– Finally, we have to keep in mind that our adult brains can only do one thing at a time.
Integration center – French training – expat partners
2. I see you coming: “It’s not possible to set this up when students are beginners.”
Well, how did we learn our mother language? No one was here to translate us. However, we all succeeded (ok, more or less quickly depending on each one).
People showed us pictures, made us repeat words, played with objects, explained that they matched this or that word….
So we can do it, we just have to go step by step, and re-use a lot of the words we’ve already learnt.
Naturally, the first few days are harder: you have to repeat, pronounce, listen a lot, but in a long term period, the efficiency is really better.
There are many positive effects of speaking only the language of instruction to learn:
– This increases the learning process
– The student finally understands through context
– Learners’ pronunciation is better
– They improve their oral and comprehension skills
– With the immersion way : The brain creates a new space for this language and then connects to it each time it is used
Many studies of neurosciences have shown that a language that is only taught in this language can be retained better and the brain develops a new space for it, in the Broca area, which is the part of the mind that is dedicated to languages.
And softwares such as Rosetta Stone, which use images and signs to explain and teach languages, also prove it.
3 – We can still translate just some words into their language to help them: NO
Contrary to what we might think, “translating” does not help learners,
but facilitates the work of teachers: no need to explain again.
If we explain the rules of the game at the beginning, that there will be no translation or explanation in their language, the learners fully understand and adapt.
– When we remove the translation from our learning system, we are learning to think in this language directly and this way of teaching language is much more efficient.
That’s why, you can ban all applications to learn a language, which translate, all videos with the subtitle in your language…
– Moreover, translation has its limits, it never goes as fast as thinking directly in the desired language (even if it takes a little time, and patience to get there).
– It’s called immersion, and nothing better has been done to teach foreign languages.
You may have lived abroad and experienced this way of teaching language ? If so, you have surely seen the difference in your learning, haven’t you?
4 – And to explain the grammar, can we still use another language? NO
Well, there’s no point in learning grammar until you’ve practiced at least 100 hours of speaking, listening…
Grammar can reassure (many) students, but it is mainly by talking that we memorize,
by learning and using complete sentences.
Once you’ve practiced 100 hours, you have all the vocabulary you need to explain grammar.
So let’s forget the grammar hours and practice!
And to practice, let us never forget that there is one thing that is essential for learners to dare : kindness!
Armelle Perben
Founder, Expatriate’s Spouse and Executive Director of Absolutely French
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️
You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?
Is speaking the language sufficient to integrate yourself into a new country?
Settling in a foreign country is not always easy concerning language and integration for expatriates.
In addition to moving in and paperwork, one of the major problems is integration. Any immigrant or expatriate may face a cultural and social gap.
So how do you understand your new identity? We often think that language learning is associated with integration. However, it turns out that it is not always enough.
Understanding the culture
First, of course, the language of a country helps to understand and discover its culture. However, this is only the start. The culture of a country includes its inhabitants, its history, its historical works and monuments and of course its customs. Unfortunately, this is not transmitted through the language itself. An expatriate needs to learn traditions, habits, know-how… in order to integrate as well as possible.
Language is, of course, a vector of integration, but it must be associated with all these key elements to be even more useful.
Building up your network
Secondly, it is indeed good to learn the language of one’s host country, but what is the point of learning a language if one does not have the opportunity to use it with others? Integration in a new country also means creating a new network, opening up new relations. The wealth of a country is most often seen in what its inhabitants can bring to us. That’s why, thanks to others, we integrate better and faster, whether they are local or expatriates.
Understanding this new environnement
Finally, comes a more practical question: the discovery of its environment and existing services useful to everyday life (association, town hall, La Poste…).
An expatriate is faced with all kinds of administrative formalities, both when they arrive and during their life in their new country. It is therefore important to help him understand them. The language allows us to understand the content of the various documents. However, the functioning of systems can sometimes remain unclear. Whether we are talking about the various types of social assistance or medical assistance, we need to know what we can expect and how to access it.
At Absolutely French, we have made all these key elements the starting points of our trainings. In addition to training in the French language, expatriates have the opportunity to acquire, through games, fun courses, track games in their new city, all that there is to know about the French way of life.
Now you know more about language and integration for expatriates!
92% of accompanying partners are women. In other words, in only 8% of cases of expatriation, it is the man who follows his wife abroad.
When one has to choose between the career of one or the other, it is often the career of the man who prevails.
Between social codes and stereotypes, we will discuss a thought-provoking subject: male/female parity in expatriation.
Disparity for men/women : some key data
In most cases, during an expatriation where men are following their partner, the latter will find better positions when they follow their spouse, than the women following their husbands
Men find a full-time position in 83% of cases, , compared to 52% for women
The position found by men is consistent with their previous position, in 64% of cases, compared to 54% for women
To find a job, 11% of men receive help from the expatriate company, compared to 4.5% of women.
What are the causes of these inequalities ?
Although women account for half of the labour force, disparities in expatriation remain. Taboos still rooted in the minds of women, of their partners but also in the minds of recruiters, caused the latter .
Inequality of opportunity is the only consequence of these pre-established ideas.
The predominance of man’s career
As we have seen, more women are sacrificing themselves and their careers for the benefit of their partner and family life. But this is very often imposed by company codes :
Man’s career is seen as more important, especially because their pay is higher
Codes and habits want the man to work and support the household
It is socially more difficult for a man to be “house husband” and inactive, but much more logical and acceptable that this is the role of the woman
It is therefore difficult for a man to agree to push the traditional social norm of the family
Women put up barriers themselves
In the 40/45 age group, this is where the least number of male expatriate companions is found. This is the moment when a man’s career is at its peak. But this is not also the case for women. However, they self-censor:
Women refrain from applying to jobs and tend to think that it is not their role to go on an expatriation on the one hand and on the other to accept that their husband sets aside their own career
Compared to their male colleagues, they also feel that they will have no chance of being selected,
They feel pressure and fear that they will not be able to reconcile career, family life and expatriation
In many countries, they suffer from the weight of traditions and the impact of motherhood
Related to mobility, women are reluctant to be the cause of the change for their family,
They fear that they will have to be the sole financial support of the household.
Inequality rooted in international business mobility policies.
For the same position, businesses will tend to favour a man over a woman.
Businesses favour men because women are “perceived” as being less pro-active in terms of expatriation.
Because of how society is shaped, the mobility teams think that men will see fewer constraints to disrupt daily life and family life in order to leave for expatriation.
Recruiter’s stereotypes : men ready for expatriation
Recruiters feel that women will not want to leave because they are more reasonable and less ambitious than men.
Recruiters also consider female expatriation to be more risky, as women would could have “more difficulty” adapting to their new environment, to be accepted by collaborators in the host country.
Taking into account the customs and traditions of the host country, HRDs will be more reluctant to send a woman to Muslim countries in Africa or the Middle East.
Stimulated by some companies that show the example, expatriation for women certainly evolves. But it is still up to companies to put in place a favourable framework for expatriation allowing women to reconcile family life and international careers.
Since women are more concerned about their partners’ careers, businesses must take into account the problem of dual careers and support expat partners in the process of adaptation and job search.
It is also up to women themselves to become aware of their value and to all to remove clichés and presuppositions.
5 million women followed their partner in expatriation
8 million companies send expatriates abroad
Only 25% are expatriate women (overall figure, 8% of French expatriates!)
Still too few expatriate women
The majority of expatriate women living abroad are partners of expatriates, and only 20% of them will have the chance to find a job, knowing that it rarely matches their level of education.
To all these wonderful women who ensure the daily, make sure that their husband can work in the best conditions, that their children are well integrated in their new country and often think of themselves last, I say bravo!
And I ask myself: how is it that these women are not recognized by the company that sends them abroad?
How is it that no one asks them for their opinion on their departure in expatriation?
That no one welcomes them in their new country?
That they are not valued by the company for the determining role they have during the expatriation?
Because without them (and men partner too, of course), no expatriation can ever succeed !
Integrating expat partners :
Which companies today take into account the integration of expat partners ?
(No, not language classes … it is not enough)
Which offers them a real service so that they can also have a double career ? A real accompaniment just for them.
I know some companies but they can still be counted on the fingers of a hand.
The war of talents
So to move things forward, here are some numbers : Talent Wars are already underway:
36% of employers worldwide face recruitment difficulties and
54% of employers say this recruitment difficulty directly affects the quality of service of clients. *
And this talent war is already global.
Companies that have understood that the expatriate will no longer leave if his partner is not well accompanied,
will have the best foreign talents.
Not to mention that if they are smart (and they already are!), they will also be able to recruit the partner who is himself a talent!
* the expat partner is here voluntarily feminized,
sorry to all the wonderful men I know, who are or have been expat partners.
Without you, equality between men and women would not advance!
*Sources Expat Communication – HSBC – Bersin by Deloitte
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️
You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?
Women are 50% of the global population; there are only 8% of the expats
The root causes are deep into the cultural and historical views of the role of each partner within society.
Theses views are still very much engraved into women, their partners
but also recruiters with the consequences of inequality.
Women end up putting their career aside in order to support their partner and family and they do so to stay within acceptable social behaviours and codes.
Men’s professional careers are still seen as being more successful and with higher salaries.
The stereotypes of the men working and the women looking after household tasks are still very vivid and are rooted deep into a common image of society.
It is not yet widely accepted and well regarded that a man would be an « househusband », maybe less professional active. It is consequently difficult for them to become a leader in this alternative way of (re)thinking the family.
Women put up barriers
Women have their part of responsibility as well: they tend to put constrains to achieving their own objectives.
Let’s take an example: men or women between 40 and 45 are at the peak of their professional career, however in that age bracket very few women agree to an expatriation project. They also tend to self limit themselves, censuring themselves with ideas like:
“It is not my turn to leave and my husband should not put his career aside.”
“I have little chance to be picked versus my male colleagues.”
“Will I be able to manage both my professional career, support my family and manage the changes imposed by expatriation.”
“How will I be judged in the society I will be in and even back home?”
“Should I be the one that impose this major change on the whole family?”
“Can I really be the only breadwinner of the family?”
All of these questions stop women from daring to envisage themselves as a perfect candidate for expatriation.
As stated above 80% of expatriates are men
For the same job, companies will tend to “give it “ to a men they perceived as more-proactive in an expatriation project than women
Companies also “believe” that women will have more concerns about their family and changes implied by an expatriation and doubt maybe about their integration in their new environment, how they might be perceived by local management and staff. Taking into consideration local culture and religion drive HRD to “ban” certain countries for women.
However, some companies have decided to go beyond these ideas
and have contributed in changing the face of expatriation for women.
I think about Air Liquide, L’Oréal and also Total which settled a specific program to attract more women.
We need these examples to change and favorize the Dual Career in expatriation, too!
Companies are the ones with the key to change: they can decide to provide a positive framework, provide their employees with the right support so that the expatriation decision will be holistic: taking into consideration the wants and needs of the partner, helping them integrate into the new culture and language, helping them find a job if this is their objective.
It is also up to women to realize and believe in their own value.
Both put together will finally allow spouses to realize their double career path,
Today 92% of expat partners are women; the trend is however evolving slowing.
Let’s take a look at the profile of these expat partners and why are we referring to them as “lost talents”, is there possible solutions?
One point I’d like to make straight away: expat partners are talented individuals too!
And very often highly qualified themselves.
For example:
73% of them have a master degree or a PhD in their country of origin*
Science tells us that couples are somewhat alike in their education level:
an expat is a talent so more than likely his/her spouse is as well.
70% of expat partners speak at least 3 languages: what an asset!
Lost talents, why?
Moving and settling in a new country isn’t obvious or simple and anticipating all aspects of the expatriation is not an easy task either.
The expat partner very often is leaving “everything” behind, what happen to her or him?
Learning the language, the culture, the job market and conditions
No support network either professional or personal
These are challenges that very often are not anticipated.
80% of them had envisaged pursuing their professional career
but in reality after 1 year less than 1 out 2 expat partners has actually found a job.
A job that doesn’t match fully their level of competency or studies
and often a job that is part time and for which the salary isn’t in line with their qualification.
And these years are also “lost” for their retirement.
The end result is an expatriation project seen as a regression for the spouse.
Their main role becomes support and logistics to the family,
they become the “wife of” or the “husband of”.
Then frustration takes over and the next step is to give it up…
Partners end up staying at home, getting involved in charity work or artistic activities until they go home.
It can change – it should change!
Is there solution?
Yes, of course!
First step : Explain that expatriation could be an opportunity and not a constraint.
Second step : Help them value themselves and provide support that could do it (no only the logistic support, which is great of course and necessary!).
Is your role to welcome expats and their partners/family?
You have an important role to play, a role that will mean a lot to them.
It starts, and it is not a paradox, by speaking about their return before the expatriation.
Put the expat and expat partner at the same level when considering the needs and wants, when designing your expatriation policy.
The better integrated the spouse will be, the happier the whole family will be, the more successful the expat himself will be.
For the expatriate himself, knowing his/her partner is fulfilled will allow him to focus on his own challenges and delivering the value he was chosen for.
One less issue to deal with for everyone!
Supporting expat partners provides you, as an organisation, financial gains: you save time and have a fully engaged employee.
Along with it, it provides a positive and innovative image of your organisation and your team.
You will contribute to the loyalty of your talents who will reward your support to their spouse.
One gratifying note: no expatriation project is the same and not expat partner will want to do the same: learning a language, writing a book, volunteering, training, working, starting a business are all different projects.
Planning ahead of departing is ensuring success on the return to the home country.
First step?
Reach out to them before they arrive in their new country; encourage them to think about it.
New steps?
Meet them, have a coffee with them to discuss their projects.
Show them appreciation and attention, they will feel valued and you will meet extraordinary human being, you will love it!
I’ll share with you one final secret : why not recruiting them?
This cone explains that the best way to learn french is through what we do and not only through what we hear, read or observe. “Learning by doing”, i.e. when you are directly engaged, in action.
This is the reason why during your classes, we use a large panel of activities where you are the “doers”: games, cooking classes, visits…
However, learning a language requires personal work.
The hours spent in class are essential to progress on the following: speaking, interaction, reading, writing and listening.
They are the keys to your integration in France.
Then, the E-learning platform will provide you additional tools to go over what you have done in class and to complete additional work in writing and in reading French.
It is a long road and through 50 hours of training you will be able to understand and express yourself in French but you will not yet be bilingual!
It took me 10 years to reach a certain level of English and I have to admit that my teachers kept on telling me I wasn’t good and that didn’t help my progression*.
But back here and now, you are in the very fortunate scenario where you are learning the language in complete immersion: everything around you is in French …
take advantage of every opportunity you come across to speak, make the most of it!
I’m now going to share with you 10 tips learn french!
Our members, during a “Stroll and Learn”day in Paris, in full listening!
1 – Listening
The more you listen, the more you will integrate the language
and the language structure: sentence structure, vocabulary, and grammar.
So listen as much as you can!
What can you listen to?
– The radio even if you do not understand at first, but the sounds will register with you as well as the pronunciation and you will eventually recognize some words
– Songs on YouTube, with French subtitles, it’s even better
– French movies in French, subtitled in French, yes at the beginning it’s hard. The images will make the context a lot easier.
– Podcasts are a great way to listen to programs that correspond to your centers of interest, you can bring them everywhere with you and all radios have their programs available as podcast such as France Inter @
– Radio France Internationale (FRI) provides you with the news in “French made easy” (le journal en français facile) every day at 22h00,
Listen and repeat as many times as you need to feel comfortable.
The language is spoken – unlike ancient Latin or Greek-
so you need to feel at ease pronouncing the words.
Then when you practice outside your home, if people don’t understand you the first time,
that’s OK as well, keep on repeating and it will work!
I learned Spanish for 5 years and still today
when using it I find people who do not always understand me.
The more you repeat, the deeper the words,
phrases and expressions will be engraved in your memory.
Ready to repeat sentences learned in class, but before we choose!
3 – Make time to learn
You think you don’t have many time to learn, so much things to do.
How to overcome this?
Block it in your agenda.
But first you need to know when you learn the best?
The morning? The evening? At 11h?
For me, it’s early the morning, but it depends of you.
Then when you have chosen that best moment for you,
set yourself objectives you wish to achieve:
day(s) of the week,
time of the day,
duration and activity (ies) you will complete.
Exemple : 3 hours/week, during 2 months or more or less…
You have to fixe your own objectives.
The key to success is consistency.
When you have determined all of the above,
then split the time dedicated to learning into 4 :
Speaking (repeating)
Reading and
Don’t be to hard on yourself at the beginning but review your objectives on a monthly basis
4 – Be patient
Feeling like making no progress? And thus despite attending all the classes,
being very diligent with your homework.
Don’t panic!
You may not realize it yet but you are building this huge database of words, expressions, and knowledge that your brain is still currently processing and organizing.
Give it time, learning progress can be seen by level.
Next thing you will jump a level and you will be so proud of it.
5 – Be nice to yourself : No stress
Stress is bad for learning.
Be gentle with yourself, let’s face it,
we do not learn the same way and as quickly as our children do?
We also have so many other things to retain!
So give it time.
It is frustrating sometimes, we all would like to be going faster, however you need to accept it and keep on learning while having fun.
Creating memories helps retaining.
The more you stress, the less you will learn.
Anxiety manifests itself more in stressful situations: for example, moving …
It prevents cognitive functioning and interferes with memory process (Eysenck, 1979).
If you know it, it should help you,
so please has a break everytime you feel some stress and enjoy a cup of tea!
Above you can see the curve of a standard learning process with the progress
on the Y-axis and the timeline on the X-axis.
As you can see, there are plateau: progression is followed by regression.
The latter being necessary for your brain to process the information.
This is the reason why breaks of 1 or 2 weeks are beneficial.
6 – Be active in your learning
Engage as much as you can during class: doing is the best way of learning
Ask questions
Dare to speak and be wrong: you will have learned even more!
Our members in action, using games to learn, the best tool to speak a new language
Then back home, use the e-learning platform:
go over what you have done in class, read and write.
In terms of writing, you do not need big topics:
write your shopping list, your to-do list, your wish list, the places you want to go visit….
7 – Find out how you learn best
How does your brain work?
Do you have a visual, auditory or kinesthetic memory.
We all have some elements of the 3 however one is more predominant.
So, when you’ve done the test or if you already know what way it works for you, here are some advices
Visual : You remember better what you see: diagrams, photos, and keywords. You like to understand how things work. Images are tools that help you understand. You like details.-To memorize: link images with words, draw diagrams. Write the words; make cards with colors according to what you learn.Draw the words you want to learn and make the link between the word and the image.
Auditory : You remember better what you hear, you have an auditory memory.To remember you need explanations that go to the essential, rather short. Before memorizing, you like to sort the main ideas.– To improve your learning: bring most of your attention during class; this is where your memory works best. Read out loud in order to hear yourself will help you learn better. Listening to the radio or songs are great tools as well.
Kinesthetic : You are sensitive to emotions. Ambiance, positive environment will help you to learn. You like experiences and concrete things. Your motivation is class has often differed according to your teachers.– To better learn, make links between what you learn and what you have experienced. Your sense of touch is very developed. Touch objects as you learn (which you do naturally): pens, eraser…Put yourself in a pleasant environment, you will learn better with deemed light and silence.
8 – Learn through the context of a situation :
This is another important key point
In a text, if you have the context, you can guess a word.
For example: the action of your text happens at the seaside, if you do not understand: ” pêcheur”. You can guess the meaning of the word using the subject of your text.
It is very effective, as you will be processing the information without thinking about it: you will do it without thinking and without translating.
It will help you learning new words and also grammar.
To work, you need to understand the context: who, what, where and when.
Start by listening or reading “simple” things either on the radio, with books or movies.
Armelle is defending the dual career in expatriation : for the expat, and the expat partner,
because expat spouses (please don’t use “trailing spouses” anymore :-)) are also wonderful talents.
Absolutely French is the first French school ?? dedicated only to expat spouses.
Our main mission is to promote double career among expatriate couples.
With our fun, friendly and innovative French trainings, we guarantee you a better integration! ❤️
You want to learn with us?
You want to register an expat partner?
Quel est le profil de ces conjoints d’expatrié ? Pourquoi les conjoints d’expatrié : des talents perdus ? Quelles sont les solutions pour changer les choses ? Ces conjoints de talents, talents eux-mêmes ?
Dans 92%* des cas d’expatriation, c’est la femme qui suit son conjoint à l’étranger, même si la tendance évolue.
Les conjoints d’expatrié sont eux-mêmes souvent hautement qualifiés.
— En effet, 73%* des conjoints accompagnants poursuivent une carrière dans leur pays d’origine
et sont diplômés d’un niveau Master voire Doctorat.
— Il est scientifiquement prouvé que les couples ont souvent des caractéristiques communes.
Les conjoints d’expatrié sont mariés à des talents, et sont donc souvent eux-mêmes des talents.
— 70 % des conjoints d’expatrié parlent au minimum 3 langues : atout majeur souvent très recherché par les entreprises.
Conjoints d’expatrié : Des talents perdus, pourquoi ?
Arriver dans un nouveau pays n’est jamais évident, il y a de nombreux facteurs que les conjoints d’expatrié n’anticipent pas.
Qu’en est-il réellement lorsque le conjoint accompagnant abandonne tout pour suivre l’autre ?
Il rencontre des difficultés à s’adapter à son nouvel environnement : il se retrouve alors dans un pays
dont il ne connaît pas la langue, la culture, le monde du travail, il n’a ni réseau, ni cercle d’amis…
Ce sont souvent des problématiques qu’il n’a pas envisagé.
80%* des conjoints d’expatriés envisageaient de travailler et de progresser dans leur carrière.
Mais à l’arrivée, la situation est tout autre, dans la première année d’expatriation,
moins d’une personne sur deux, trouve un emploi et souvent à temps partiel.
Lorsqu’ils trouvent un emploi, il est bien inférieur à leurs attentes, en terme de rémunération
et ne correspond pas à leurs qualifications. L’expatriation est alors vécue
comme une rétrogradation pour les conjoints accompagnants.
Ils deviennent alors juste des soutiens logistiques et« la femme de » ou « le mari de ».
Cette situation est ressentie comme une perte de statut social entrainant la dévalorisation
et a des répercussions sur l’auto-estime des conjoints d’expatriés.
Sentiments de frustration, de sacrifice et d’incapacité s’en suivent menant jusqu’au renoncement.
Nombreux sont ceux qui restent à la maison par défaut, se tournent vers le bénévolat, ou des activités artistiques, en attendant le retour.
Ça doit changer !
Oui mais, quelles sont les solutions ?
L’expatriation peut être une réelle opportunité professionnelle pour le conjoint aussi ! Pour cela, il est important de les valoriser, de les accompagner et de leur donner la place importante
qu’ils ont dans la réussite de l’expatriation. En effet, ce sont eux la clé de cette réussite :
ils soutiennent souvent toute la famille.
Vous accueillez des conjoints d’expatrié ?
Vous avez un rôle important à jouer, rôle qui leur apportera beaucoup.
— Préparez les expatriés et leur conjoint, avant le départ en expatriation
pour mieux les préparer, expliquez-leur le cycle de vie de l’expatriation.
— Prenez en compte le conjoint dans votre politique d’expatriation.
Car on ne cessera de le dire, un conjoint intégré et heureux,
c’est aussi un expatrié heureux et donc une expatriation réussie.
Prévoyez-leur un soutien professionnel et adapté à leur arrivé :
des cours de langue adaptés, du coaching, un réseau…
Chez Absolutely French, nous le faisons depuis plus de 5 ans maintenant
et nous connaissons des services d’accompagnement un peu partout dans le monde !
— Un conjoint intégré, c’est aussi, une préoccupation en moins pour l’expatrié
qui sera donc plus concentré et productif, et une préoccupation en moins, à vous aussi !
Accompagner les conjoints, c’est donc un gain de temps
et un gain financier pour l’entreprise.
C’est aussi donner une image positive et innovante de l’entreprise, et de votre équipe.
Et c’est fidéliser les talents car ils apprécient que l’entreprise tienne compte de leurs conjoints.
Et pour vous aider : l’intégration est la clé pour que le conjoint aille vers un projet d’expatriation concret
et fasse lui aussi de cette expérience une opportunité professionnelle.
Trouvez des services comprenant vraiment leurs besoins !
Pour commencer
Envoyer-leur un mail avant leur arrivée dans leur nouveau pays, pour qu’ils prennent conscience des difficultés à venir :
connaître le cycle de vie de l’expatriation est un vrai plus.
C’est rassurant de savoir à l’avance qu’ils vont avoir une période de doute, mais que cela ne durera pas.
Et ensuite ?
Prenez un café avec eux, pour discuter de leurs projets (si c’est vous qui les accueillez,
un mois après leur arrivée, c’est bien), et pour savoir si tout va bien pour eux.
Cela valorise les conjoints, leur donne de l’importance,
et en plus, ça rend votre relation plus humaine, vous allez adorer !
Puis, bien sûr parce que vous ne pouvez pas tout faire : offrez-leur un service de qualité
qui va leur permettre de s’intégrer pour ensuite valoriser cette période sur le CV :
formation de langue, autre formation, coaching…
Encore plus de sorties, de rencontres… ? Voici le Club Absolutely !
En faisant partie du Club Absolutely, vous êtes invités aux soirées “Absolutely” !
1 fois par mois a lieu une soirée.
Votre conjoint(e) est le bienvenu(e).
Le but étant de rencontrer d’autres couples et de créer des liens avec les autres expatriés, pour développer votre réseau et les opportunités sur place.
C’est aussi l’occasion de pratiquer votre français, bien sur!
Nous convions notre réseau français à se joindre à nous.
En faisant partie du Club Absolutely, vous pouvez participer aux activités du Club Absolutely !
Les activités sont organisées en dehors des cours proposés. Les activités sont visibles sur l’application Absolutely French, avec la possibilité de s’inscrire en ligne, pour participer à une activité.
Une fois l’inscription faite, vous pouvez faire des activités sportives et culturelles.
En janvier, nous nous sommes retrouvés pour la soirée dans un bar caché à Paris derrière une pizzeria des années 30.
L’été, c’est pique-nique place des Vosges au soleil, au bord du Canal St-Martin, balade à vélo le soir pour découvrir Paris by night…
Certaines de nos activités se font aussi en famille.
En faisant partie du Club Absolutely, vous pouvez accéder à l’application Absolutely French et proposer des activités à faire avec tous les autres élèves.
Nous savons que vous avez de bonnes idées !
Restaurants à tester, quartiers de Paris que vous souhaitez découvrir, sports que vous aimez faire, musées ou expositions que vous souhaitez voir à plusieurs…
Vous avez la possibilité de proposer de nouvelles activités à faire tous ensemble, à deux, à trois.
A vous de choisir!
Si vous avez des questions, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter.